
第80章 Marriage and Family 家庭两性(12)

Today, cohabitation is a common pattern among people in the Western world。 People may live together for a number of reasons。 These may include wanting to test compatibility or to establish financial security before marrying。 It may also be because they are unable to legally marry, due to reasons such as same-sex; some interracial or inter-religious marriages are not legal or permitted。 Other reasons include living as a way for polygamists to avoid breaking the law, or as a way to avoid the higher income taxes paid by some two-income married couples (in the United States), negative effects on pension payments (among older people), or philosophical opposition to the institution of marriage (that is, seeing little difference between the commitment to live together and the commitment to marriage)。 Some individuals also may choose cohabitation because they see their relationships as being private and personal matters, and not to be controlled by political, religious or patriarchal institutions。

Some couples prefer cohabitation because it does not legally commit them for an extended period, and because it is easier to establish and dissolve without the legal costs often associated with a divorce。 In some jurisdictions cohabitation can be viewed legally as common-law marriages, either after the duration of a specified period, or the birth of the couple’s child, or if the couple consider and behave accordingly as husband and wife。 (This helps provide the surviving partner a legal basis for inheriting the deceased’s belongings in the event of the death of their cohabiting partner。) In Saskatchewan, Canada, a married person may cohabit with other married or single persons and become the spouses of all of them under the Saskatchewan Family Property Act。 Consent of the “subsequent spouse” is not required。 Although Canada has a federal criminal code law prohibiting polygamy, which includes anyone who authorizes more than one conjugal union at a time, Saskatchewan judicial authorities that unilaterally authorize multiple conjugal unions have not yet been charged under this federal law。


Negative effects to cohabiting before marriageHigher risk of divorce(更高离婚率)。 Cohabiters who do marry are more at risk for subsequent divorce than those who did not cohabit before marriage。 In the United Sates the risk of divorce is 50 percent higher for cohabiters than for non-cohabiters。 The divorce rate is even higher with previously married cohabiters and serial cohabiters。

Less satisfactory adjustments in marriage(婚姻低满意度)。 In a study, cohabiters generally report lower satisfaction with marriage after they marry than do non-cohabiters。 There are indications that some living-together couples have more problematic, lower-quality relationships with more individual and couple problems those non-cohabiters。

Harmful effect upon children(对孩子有不好影响)。 Research in both England and the US details the negative impact upon children, including a much higher incidence of child abuse。


Key words & Sentences


Only two decades ago in China, cohabitation was regarded as a corrupt and decadent Western lifestyle, and the adjective “illegal” accompanied any mention of it。


The college students inclined to agree with “cohabitation”, “premarital sexual behavior”, the male agreed with them more than female。


The study revealed that 69 percent of college students thought that premarital cohabitation or premarital sex was acceptable。


But those who live together before marriage are more likely to divorce。


They’re only probationary cohabits。


The two of them don’t intend to get married, but they’ve been shacking up together for a year now。


Many believe living together before getting hitched allows couples to get used to each other’s idiosyncrasies, paving the way for a smooth married life。 But a relate survey suggested those who live together but don’t marry are up to 40 per cent more likely to be unfaithful than those who tie the knot。


Couples who live together before marriage and those who don’t both have about the same chances of a successful union, according to a federal report out Tuesday that turns earlier cohabitation research on its head。


Of those married 10 or more years, 60% of women and 62% of men had ever cohabited; 61% of women and 63% of men had cohabited only with the one they married。


Meanwhile, 66% of women and 69% of men married 10 years had never cohabited。


Paul Amato, a sociologist at Pennsylvania State University, says the new data suggest that “maybe the effect of premarital cohabitation is becoming less of a problem than it was in the past。 ”


If it becomes normative now, maybe it’s not such a big deal。


Here’s a real difference in the types of cohabitations out there。


Those who live together after making plans to marry or getting engaged have about the same chances of divorcing as couples who never cohabited before marriage。


But those who move in together before making any clear decision to marry appear to have an increased risk of divorce。
