书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第42章 Unit Twelve Reflections on life (4)

9.The teache r the words off the blackboa rd.

A.scr aped B.cleared

C.rubbed D.robbed

10.The dog the door because it wanted to go in.

A.scr atched B.wa tched

C.rubbed D.gr asped

11.The old couple felt quite disappointed when they knew their son had been addicted drugs.

A.in B.of

C.at D.to

12.Cancer’s ability to spread to other par ts of the body makes the disease ext remely difficult to unles s it is detected ear ly.

A.restor e B.develop

C.recover D.diagnose

13.When people deposit money in a account in a bank,the bank may invest by lending the funds to var ious busines s companies.

A.savings B.checking

C.cr edit D.closed

14.It is believed that a good breakfast is a big suppe r.

A.more pr eferable than B.pr eferable for

C.preferable to D.more preferable to

15.Pove rty depr ess most people,but my father it was othe rwise.

A.in case B.in case of

C.in the case of D.in any case

16.You should that she has been ill recently,she could do better if she we re well.

A.account for B.count on

C.take into account D.turn to account

17.If you take this medicine twice a day,it should your cold.

A.heal B.cure

C.t reat D.recove r

18.Her peculiar pe rsonality her unfor tunate childhood.

A.results in B.descends from

C.stems from D.persists in

19.One suggestion is to have a picnic in the park,the other is to go to the Museum pe rsonally,I pr efe r the.

A.last B.latest

C.later D.latter

20.She t ried to her visa so as to stay one mor e year in the United States.

A.expand B.expend

C.extend D.extent

21.To his delight,his nephew was so apt understanding such a long fairy tale.

A.to B.at

C.in D.of

22.Chocolate and ice cr eam have diffe rent.

A.favor B.favorites

C.feve r D.flavors

23.As a writer,he is ve ry and his science fictions ar e all good sellers.

A.imagina ry B.imaginable

C.imaging D.imaginative

24.She wasn’t used to having Paula talk to her in s uch an intimate since they had lea rned that they we re both in

line for a promotion.

A.tone B.tune

C.tongue D.rhythm

25.The ca r halfway for no reason.

A.broke off B.broke down

C.broke up D.broke out

26.You must be me with someone else.

A.confronting B.mixing

C.confusing D.confining

27.Tony is very disappointed the results of the exam.

A.with B.for

C.towa rd D.on

28.Bad eggs have an odour.

A.offensive B.aggres sive

C.extensive D.compulsive

29.It was proposed that the matte r discussed at the next meeting.

A.will be B.was

C.would be D.be

30.He felt by his lack of money when his friend asked him for help.

A.embraced B.worr ied

C.embarrassed D.enforced

31.He’s watching TV?He’s to be cleaning his room.

A.known B.supposed

C.rega rded D.considered

32.In some cases,different approaches the same scientific

problem lead to conflicting theories.

A.to B.in

C.of D.for

33.It is not easy to oneself of a bad habit.

A.purify B.dismiss

C.release D.rid

34.With the int roduction of technology,information flows faster than it ever did.

A.involved B.complicated

C.sophistica ted D.complex

35.He took a negative toward the suggestion made at the meeting.

A.attitude B.at tempt

C.reaction D.concept

36.He made s uch a cont ribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings af ter him.

A.genuine B.minimum

C.modest D.generous

37.All the str eets were with flags to welcome the Chinese delegation.

A.furnished B.decorated

C.supplied D.ornamented

38.He his old ca r for a new model as soon as he had won the money.

A.exchanged B.replaced

C.conver ted D.inte rchanged

39.These seats are for s pecial guests.

A.pr eserved B.reserved

C.rever sed D.occupied

40.Tourism has also been gr eatly the r apid development of some developing nations.

A.lain in B.consisted in

C.responsible for D.accounted for


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B

9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.C

16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.C 21.A 22.D

23.D 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.A 29.D

30.C 31.B 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.D

37.B 38.A 39.B 40.C

Test Two

1.Afte r they got ma rried,the couple in that country.

A.set tled down B.torn down

C.slowed down D.voted down

2.David longed to go to university he dreamed about it.

A.so much so that B.too much tha t

C.so much that D.too much so tha t

3.We wer e unable to the students the need for wider r eading.

A.pr event.from B.convince.of

C.reduce.to D.att ribute.to

4.When the teacher asked what capital of California was,only

one student could the right city

A.come up with B.come across

C.come of D.come up

5.I’m not really ill,but I have a headache.

A.faint B.slight

C.delicate D.tempor ary

6.The politician’s actions do not the promises in his speech.

A.consist of B.consist with

C.consist in D.r esult from

7.Visitors to this country have the sever e punishment

for relatively minor offenses,such as begging.

A.conve rsed with B.voted against

C.commented on D.communica ted with

8.A good tr anslator should always the original,not t ry to leave something out or add something of his own.

A.stick to B.inform of

C.link with D.sepa rate from

9.To our great surprise,the original method to be very successful.

A.turned up B.turned out

C.turned in D.turned off

10.On weekends my grandma usually a glas s of wine.

A.subscribes to B.engages in

C.indulges in D.hangs on

11.He refused to tell us the of the news although we insisted that he should.

A.source B.origin

C.beginning D.root

12.The sales depa r tment had made a cont ribution to the company’s performance this yea r,which was pr aised highly by pr esident.

A.normal B.significant

C.rational D.matur e

13.I changed my pounds for the amount of dollar s.

A.equivalent B.identical

C.balanced D.equal

14.I with he r for an hour before I bought the painting.

A.disputed B.debated

C.qua rrelled D.ba rgained

15.He made to your remarks at the last meeting.

A.t rouble B.r eference

C.progres s D.money

16.As he had keen ill in bed for sever al months,he was of the new development in this field.

A.awar e B.conscious

C.ignorant D.ignor ance

17.The have covered the pr esidential election thoroughly.

A.television B.broadcasting

C.media D.r ecr eation

18.The red rug has over the years.

A.faded B.vanished

C.paled D.disappeared

19.He was of the cr ime.

A.innocence B.harmles s

C.innocent D.guilty

20.How refreshing to see a student who is for knowledge.

A.anxious B.greedy

C.grea t D.grave

21.The old couple decided to a boy and a gir l though they had three children of thei r own.

A.adapt B.bring

C.receive D.adopt

22.A completely new situation will when the examination system comes into existence.

A.arise B.r ise

C.raise D.arouse