书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第41章 Unit Twelve Reflections on life (3)

[ 辨析] par t;portion;piece;section par t 一般用词,指整体而言,是整体中一部分;por tion 指从整体中所分配到的部分或用作其他用途的部分,有一定的独立性;piece 指整体中的一些个体特别是从整体中分出来的一小部分;section 指总体中的分开部分,部分与部分之间有明确界限。

prelude* [..prelju..d] n.①前奏曲,序曲②前兆,预兆v.①演奏. 的前奏曲,成为. 的前奏曲② 成为. 的前兆;做为.的开场白

[ 考点] prelude to .的前奏曲;.的预兆

reborn [..ri....b....n] a dj.再生的,新生的;复活的,复兴的

rediscovery [..ri..dis..k..v..ri ] n.重新发现

rehearse [ ri..h....s ] v.排演,排练,适演

[ 考点] rehea rse a par t in a play 排演戏中的角色

remedy* [..r emidi] n.治愈措施;初救办法;药品


[ 同义] n.t reatment

[ 考点] be past (beyond) r emedy 不可救药

a remedy for 救治(补救) 方法

[ 例句] The doctor soon found a remedy for the boy’s illness .

retirement* [ r i..tai..m..nt ] n.退休;引退;退却

[ 同义] ret reatment

sometime* [..s..mtaim] adv.将来某个时候,过去某个时间

[ 辨析] sometime;some time;sometimes sometime 指过去或未来某一时候;some time 指若干时候,一段时期;而sometimes 为“有时”,“不时”。

spider* [..spaid..] n.蜘蛛

sunlight * [..s..nlait ] n.日光,阳光

[ 同义] sunshine

talent* [..t .. l..nt ] n.天资,才能;有才能的人

[ 同义] gift,genius,ability

[ 考点] have a talent for sth.具有.的才能

[ 例句] He has a talent for dr awing.

[ 辨析] genius;gif t;talent 均有“天才、天赋”的意义,但genius 表示全面的才能,在程度上最高,常指有天生自发的才能,或具有创造发明的才能;而talent 指某特定领域内的才能,需要培养和发展的才能,也指有较高的精神方面才能;gift 指某一方面有突出的天赋才能。

tobacco* [ t....b .. k..u] n.烟草,烟叶

variable* [..v....ri..bl ] ad j.易变的;可变的,变量的

[ 同义] changeable,varying view* [ vju..] n.①看法,观点②景色,风景③眼界,视野v.看待;考虑;观察

[ 同义] n.①opinion ② scene sight v.think,observe

[ 考点] come into view 出现在眼前

in view 可以看到,在望,临近

in view of 考虑到,由于

on view 展出

out of view 看不见

with a view to 为了,企图

with.in view 怀着.目的,想到(某事)

within view 在视野内

in one’s view 据某人看来

view.as 把.视为

[ 例句] 1 ) He wants to find work,but he has nothing par ticula r in view.

2 ) He bought the land with a view to building a summer home her e.

[ 辨析] view;scene;scenery view,scene 均可反映“景色,景象”,view 指从某特定处所能看到的景物;scene 强调构成某一景色的内容,而不强调从何处所能见到,如We

have a fine view of the mountain scene;sight 指某地值得观光游览的风景名胜,特别是人造景物;scene ry 指某一地方的整体自然风景,为集合名词。

vitality* [ vai..t .. l..ti] n.生气,活力;持续力,延续力

web* [web] n.网

worthwhile* [..w......hwail] adj.值得的,有价值的

[ 同义] wor thy

[ 辨析] wor th;worthy;worthwhile wor th 表示“有价值,有意义”,多作表语,后接表示钱数、时间、精力等名词或动名词,不用被动形式,以主动形式表示被动意义;wor thy 表示“值得的”,多作表语或后置定语,后接of 或不定式,可用被动形式;而wor thwhile 表示“ 值得的,有价值的”,一般作前置定语。

youthfulness [..ju....fulnis ] n.年轻;朝气蓬勃;少壮

zest [ zest ] n.热情,兴趣

be composed of 由.组成,由.构成

[ 例句] The substance was composed of thr ee ingr edients.

due to 由于,因为

[ 例句] His success is entirely due to hard work.

lie in 在于

[ 例句] The difficulty lies in our lack of money.

in view of 鉴于,考虑到;在.视野范围内

[ 例句] In view of the facts,it seems useless to continue.

on behalf of 代表.,以.名义;为了.利益

[ 例句] I’m collecting on behalf of the homeles s.

take.seriously 认真对待.

[ 例句] If you had taken it seriously,all of that would have not happened.

Passage Ⅱ Let the Questions In


awaken* [....weik..n] v.唤醒,觉察;觉悟,醒悟

[ 同义] wake

[ 考点] awaken s b.to sth.使某人觉醒,在某事上唤醒某人

[ 辨析] wake;waken;awake;awaken 均有“醒”的意思。wake 是一般用词,指睡觉中自己醒来,或被人唤醒;waken 为正式用词,多用于被动语态,指受外界因素的影响而被吵醒,相当于wake up;在比喻场合,多用awake 和a - waken,awake 可当形容词,作表语用,表示“醒着的,觉醒的”;awake 与awaken 作“觉悟到,认识到”时,后接to。

backward* [..b .. kw..d] adv.向后

bay * [ bei ] n.①海湾②绝境,走投无路的处境

[ 考点] be (stand) at bay 走投无路

[ 辨析] bay;gulf;cove

bay 作“海湾”,比gulf 小,比cove 大。

continual * [ k..n..tinju..l ] ad j.不停的,频频的cornstalk [..k....nst....k ] n.玉米秆creep* [kr i..p] vi.①缓行,潜行②沿着.生长

[ 考点] c reep away 偷偷离开c reep up on 偷偷地走近

[ 例句] He was awa re of something dangerous c reeping up on them.

crunch [ kr..nt..] v.(使某物) 发出刺耳的碎裂声

define* [ di..fain] vt.① 画出轮廓,勾勒② 给. 下定义③ 规定,限定

[ 考点] define.as 把.定义为

[ 例句] The Oxford Dictiona ry defines the“spor tsman”as:

a good fellow,a person who is fair to opponents.

distraction* [ di..st r .. k....n ] n.①分心,(注意力) 分散②散心,娱乐③狂乱;精神错乱

[ 考点] in one’s distr action 心烦意乱with dist raction 心不在焉to dist raction 到发狂的程度,到无法忍受的程度

[ 例句] You will drive him to dist raction with your silly question.

drift* [ drift ] v.漂流,漂移

[ 同义] float

[ 辨析] drift;float

drift 指随风或水流动的方向漂动;floa t 多指停留在空中或水面上漂浮而不下沉.

drum* [dr..m] v.击鼓;敲击


[ 考点] drum sb.out of 开除某人,清退某人

drum sth.into sb. ’s head 向某人灌输某事物

[ 例句] She drummed it into the children tha t they must not cross the road alone.

dusk * [ d..sk] n.黄昏,傍晚

[ 考点] a t dusk 黄昏

through the dusk 透过幕色

[ 例句] Outside,one could see through the dusk that it has begun to snow.

era* [..i..r..] n.时代,纪元

[ 同义] age,period

fleeting [..fli..ti..] ad j.疾逝的,短暂的

fragility* [ fr....d..il..ti ] n.脆弱

frostbitten [..fr..st..bit..n] ad j.被冻伤的,冻硬的

harsh* [ h......] ad j.①极严厉的,无情的②粗糙的③刺耳的

[ 同义] ②rough

liberty * [..lib..ti ] n.权利;自由,解放

[ 同义] fr eedom

[ 考点] a t libe rty 自由的;空闲的;有权的

take the liber ty of doing 冒昧地做.

[ 例句] May I take the liber ty of calling on you?

motel * [ m..u..tel] n.汽车旅馆

nothingness [..n....i..nis] n.虚无,不存在

obstinate [....bstin..t ] ad j.顽固的,固执的;难医的,难治的

outward* [..autw..d] ad j.外面的

overhead* [....uv....hed] a dv.在头顶上

perpetually * [ p....petju..li] adv.持久地,没完没了地

plot* [ pl..t ] vt.计划;划分;标绘


[ 同义] v.scheme

[ 考点] plot out 划分

precede* [ pri..si..d] v.领先,位于.之前;优先,置于. 之前

[ 考点] be pr eceded by 由.作先导

president ial [..prezi..den....l ] ad j.总统的

pressing [..presi..] ad j.紧急的,紧迫的

priest* [pri..st ] n.教士,牧师

reflection* [ ri..flek....n] n.①深思,考虑②映象,倒影

[ 考点] in r eflection 在沉思中

[ 例句] I noticed that the man sat in sofa,lost in r eflection.

rural * [..ru..r..l ] adj.农村的,田园的

satisfactory * [..s .. tis..f .. kt..ri] a dj.令人满意的

[ 同义] satisfying

shudder [......d..] v.发抖,战栗

span* [ sp .. n] n.一段时间,持续时间;跨度

superficial * [..sju..p....fi....l ] ad j.肤浅的,浅薄的;表面的,外部的

[ 考点] a superficial r eading 粗读

superficial knowledge 肤浅的知识

[ 例句] He had no more than a s upe rficial knowledge of drawing.

thankfulness [........kfulnis ] n.感谢,感激

thinker [....i..k..] n.思考者;思想家

tide* [ taid] n.潮水

unexamined [....ni....z .. mind] ad j.未经考虑的,未经权衡的

windowpane [..wind..upein] n.窗玻璃

wither [..wi....] v.干枯,枯萎;衰老

consist of 包括,包含,由.组成

[ 例句] The committee consists mostly of the young.

creep up on 不知不觉地来临或消逝

[ 例句] A sense of unr eality was beginning to creep up on me.

in any case 无论如何

[ 例句] In any case,you should pr epare for the worst.

keep/hold/have.at bay 牵制,不使.前进

[ 例句] Hunter s used to light a fir e to keep dangerous animals at bay.

keep out 不让入内

[ 例句] He closed all the windows to keep out the wind.

take charge of 负责照料,掌管

[ 例句] I was assigned to take cha rge of all arrangements.

Test Yourself

Test One

1.These desks and sea ts can be to the height of any child.

A.adapted B.adopted

C.adjusted D.accustomed

2.the advances of science,the discomfor ts of old age will always be with us.

A.As for B.Besides

C.Except D.Despite

3.She was when I asked he r age.

A.embraced B.worr ied

C.embarrassed D.embodied

4.The doctor an x ray test,and then,he could make a conclusion.

A.urged me to have B.urged me having

C.urged against D.urged me

5.Parades can be held r atification (批准) of the government.

A.object to B.subject to

C.rega rd to D.ready to

6.Facing the situation the sales manager looked.

A.puzzling,puzzled B.puzzling,puzzling

C.puzzled,puzzled D.puzzled,puzzling

7.Hearing the sad news,the glas s from his hand and

fell into pieces.

A.slid B.slipped

C.glided D.slided

8.He drove fast and arrived an hour of schedule.

A.in advance B.ahead

C.abr east D.in front