书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第43章 Unit Twelve Reflections on life (5)

23.I t is essential tha t these applica tion forms back as early as possible.

A.must be sent B.will be sent

C.a re sent D.be sent

24.He took a t rip at the of the company.

A.cost B.charge

C.expense D.sum

25.He disliked wandering about and expected to find a position in the civil service of government.

A.perpetual B.eternal

C.lasting D.pe rmanent

26.I’d had enough,so I the job.

A.stop B.block

C.leave D.quit

27.It me of how I once caught a thief.

A.recollected B.r ecalled

C.reminded D.r emembered

28.He is two yea rs senior her.

A.to B.than

C.of D.with

29.Although he had looked through all the refer ence materials on the subject,he still found it hard to unde rstand this point and her explanation only to his confusion.

A.extended B.amounted

C.added D.turned

30.The criminal was told he would be punishment if he said what he knew about the murder.

A.obedient to B.likely to

C.guilty of D.immune from

31.She never seems at ease.

A.with my pr esence B.in my presence

C.with presence of mine D.at my pr esence

32.He flies into a every time I mention money.

A.temper B.dis pleas ur e

C.rage D.fear

33.The thieves the papers all over the room while they wer e sea rching for money.

A.spread B.put

C.separ ated D.scatter ed

34.Many kinds of animals have from the ea rth.

A.vanished B.faded

C.died D.escaped

35.When Mr.Jones gets old,he will ove r his business to his son.

A.take B.think

C.hand D.get

36.I think he is right but I am not completely sure.

A.somehow B.somewhat

C.sometime D.somewher e

37.You see the lightning it happens,but you hear the thunde r later.

A.the instant B.for an instant

C.on the instant D.in an instant

38.The doctor’s was highe r than we expected.

A.fa re B.fee

C.cost D.payment

39.The belief tha t he is wicked (邪恶的) is.

A.widespread B.wide

C.broad D.extensive

40.The student did resea rch before writing the term paper.

A.exhausted B.exhaustive

C.exhausting D.exhaustless


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A

9.B 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B

16.C 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.D 22.A

23.D 24.C 25.D 26.D 27.C 28.A 29.C

30.D 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.A 35.C 36.A

37.A 38.B 39.A 40.B

Test Three

1.Medical evidence suggests that these tonics (补药) ar e useful to more powerful drugs.

A.alternatives B.choices

C.options D.selections

2.Many Europeans the continent of Afr ica in the 19th century.

A.exploded B.expanded

C.exposed D.explored

3.Her fluency in English gives her an advantage other gir ls for the job.

A.above B.ove r

C.than D.with

4.You have parhaps seen homeles s men asleep in a pile of newspapers.They are themselves from the cold.

A.insulating B.isola ting

C.separ ating D.expecting

5.The coming of the railways in the 1830s our society and economic life.

A.t ransformed B.t rans ported

C.t ransferred D.t ransmitted

6.In only 20 yea rs,the count ry has been into an ad-vanced industr ial power.

A.t ranslated B.degraded

C.declined D.t ransformed

7.I was deeply impr essed by the hostes s’s and enjoy the dinner par ty very much.

A.hostility B.indignation

C.hospitality D.humanity

8.This t ravel agency runs a programme of one day to Blackpool.

A.resea rch B.excursion

C.aviation D.inspection

9.have a risen which have made it impossible for the president to be here today.

A.Scenes B.Environments

C.Surroundings D.Circumstances

10.The st rong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villa-ges;sever al fishing boats we re and many houses collapsed.

A.spoiled B.torn

C.wrecked D.injured

11.The present difficulties our failure to deal with the problem when it fi rst arose.

A.bring about B.stem from

C.lead to D.de rive from

12.With all the alternatives resulting in failure,they had to the original one

A.turn up B.turn to

C.tum out D.turn off