
第34章 Unit Eleven Criminal Punishment (1)

and Crime Prevention


1) I t was a weird old house ,full of c reaks and groans.

A.cozy B.beautiful

C.str ange D.big

2) He led the way to the tor ture chamber.

A.equipment B.tools

C.piece D.room

3) The objection that he had no experience was ignor ed.

A.statement B.disapproval

C.complaint D.advice

4) Your father opposed your wish to become a writer.

A.disagr eed upon B.dismis sed

C.disappeared D.discussed

5) They should be tied together with a rope.

A.thread B.str ip

C.lace D.str ing

6) Some months late r our proposal was given official sanction.

A.appear B.approval

C.agreement D.adjustment

7) The proposal should be debated on the basis of fact and logic.

A.affect B.effect

C.cause D.r eason

8) Children should be str apped into a special car sea t.

A.combined B.fastened

C.connected D.r elated

9) The advisory panel includes some of the top names from pr evious administ ration.

A.group B.pe rson

C.pe rsonal D.member

10) Lack of time limited the scope of the course.

A.limit B.field

C.range D.achievement

11) He will face the stiff competition from other candidates in the south.

A.rigid B.fixed

C.easy D.sever e

12) The name Richa rd Branson provokes a curious mixtur e of feelings in the minds of the British public

A.makes B.causes

C.reacts D.r esponses

13) They tr ied to enforce agr eement with their plans.

A.pe rsuade B.advise

C.make D.impose

14) The building has been insured for fire and theft.

A.stealing B.missing

C.watching D.damage.

15) The city does not yet have a spor ts stadium tha t could accommodate the Games.

A.team B.inn

C.hotel D.ground


1) C 2) D 3) B 4) A 5 ) D 6 ) B 7) D 8) B

9) A 10) C 11 ) D 12) B 13) D 14) A 15 ) D

Part One In Class Reading

Death and Justice


accuser * [....kju..z..( r) ] n.控告者,指责者

[同义] prosecutor

[例句] I’m not afr aid of meeting my accuser and I am pr epa red to prove my innocence.

[辨析] accuser ;prosecutor accuser 指责、指控某人做了坏事或违法事情的人;prosecutor 在法庭上正式起诉某人违法、犯罪,并证明他有罪的律师。

admittedly [..d..mitidli ] adv.不可否认地,诚然

[例句] I have studied Japanese—though not for long admit tedly.

agony6 [........ni ] n.(精神或肉体的) 极大痛苦,创伤

[同义] suffer ing ,torment

[考点] be in agony of sth.受.的痛苦

[例句] I was in an agony of doubt.

[辨析] suffer ing;agony ;torment suffer ing 饱受痛苦、艰难、虐待的经历;agony 一个非常悲惨、艰难、不幸的处境,让人受了很多苦,尤其是持续的时间很长;torment 严重的精神折磨,通常持续的时间很长,由自己做的事引起。

assault6 [....s....lt ] v.猛烈地攻击,袭击


[同义] v.attack ,mug

n.attack ,mugging

[考点] assault on sth.攻击,袭击.

[辨析] a ttack;as sault ;mug

a ttack 蓄意对某人实施肉体暴力;assault 法律或官方用法,袭击某人;muy 在公共场合袭击某人,其目的是抢劫。

[例句] 1 ) Can you identify any of the men who assaulted you ?

2 ) As saul ts on public t rans porta tion worker s have been doubted in the last 10 yea rs.barbaric [b......b .. rik ] ad j.野蛮( 人) 的,极其粗野、粗鲁、残忍的

[同义] c ruel ,inhuman

[反义] civilized ,gracious

[辨析] c ruel ;barba ric ;inhuman c ruel 蓄意引起痛苦,不在乎他人是否受苦;ba rbaric 完全没有对他人经受的折磨的一般关注;inhuman 非常残酷,根本没有普通人看到他人受苦时所显示的关心或怜惜。

[例句] A spokesman condemned the bombing which killed twelve people as a ba rbaric act of terrorism.bullet4 [..bulit ] n.子弹

[同义] ball ,shot

[例句] Soldiers sta rted firing bullets above the crowd.burglarize [..b......l..r aiz ] v.入室盗窃

[例句] We had never been burgla rized in broad daylight before.

chamber4 [..t..eimb..( r) ] n.作特殊用途的房间;房间,( 尤指)


[例句] Meeting of the council ar e held in the council hamber.

cheapen [..t..i..p..n] v.贬低,降低( 某人某物的) 身价;降价

[同义] belittle ,degrade ,lower

[反义] enhance ,improve

[例句] 1 ) The film cheapened the story by turning it into a tear jerking romance.

2 ) Ame rican steel has been cheapened due to the fall in dolla r.

columnist [..k..l..mnist ] n.专栏作家

[同义] corres pondent ,c ritic ,reviewe r

[例句] She’s a columnist for U. S. A today.

con [k..n] n.( 用在短语“the pros and cons” 中) 反对的理由,论点或立场

cowardice [..kau..dis ] n.胆小,懦弱

[同义] fea r

[反义] cour age

[例句] This at tack on an elde rly person is an act of pur e cowa rdice.

electorate [i..lekt..r..t ] n.全体选民

[同义] vote r

[辨析] vote r ;electora te

vote r 在政治选举中投票的人;electora te 一个国家或地区所有投票的人。

[例句] The President claimed that he was carrying the wishes of the electorate.

eventual [i..ventju..l] adj.最后的,最终的

[例句] He continued to se rve as the president’s economic adviser until his eventual retirement in 1960.

extortion [ik..st........n] n.敲诈,勒索

[同义] blackmail

[例句] The confes sion was obtained by extor tion.

hygienic [hai..d..i..nik] adj.卫生的,清洁的

[同义] clean ,pure

[反义] unhygienic

[辨析] clean ;pure ;hygienic clean 没有灰尘、细菌、感染;pure ( 水、空气) 完全清洁,没有任何如灰尘、细菌之类有害物质;hygienic 清洁,可能防止细菌、感染、疾病的传播。

[例句] You should use cotton wool to clean the wound ,it is much more hygienic.

imprisonment [im..pr iz..nm..nt ] n.关押,监禁,坐牢

[同义] detention

[反义] fr eedom,liber ty

[辨析] imprisonment ;detention imprisonment 被作为囚犯的状态,尤其是作为罪行的惩罚;detention 被警方限制在某个地方,通常是因为他们认为你做了非法的事情,他们想询问你。

[例句] The offense is punished by eithe r a fine or imprisonment.

justly [..d....stli] adv.公正地,正当地

[例句] She has justly been called one called one of the grea test singer s of her times.

kidnap [..kidn .. p] v.绑架,劫持

[同义] abduct

[例句] The gang made millions of dollars by kidnapping the childr en of rich families.

[辨析] kidnap;abduct

kidnap 用武力将某人从某地带走,囚禁他,在释放他们之前,向其家人、政府索要金钱或其他条件;abduct 非法或用武力将某人带离某地,目的就是伤害他,或和他呆在一起。

lawfully [..l....fuli ] adv.依法地,合法地

[例句] The tenant cannot be lawfully evicted.

Messrs.[..mes..z] 法语词Messieurs ( 先生们) 的复数缩写

objection4 [..b..d..ek....n] n.不赞同,反对;反对的理由

[同义] opposition

[反义] agr eement ,approval

[考点] objection to/ against sth.不赞同,反对.

voice an objection 提出不赞同,反对意见

[辨析] objection ;opposition objection 因为反对一个计划或行动中某一点而陈述的意见;opposition 一群有组织的人为反对计划或观点而在长时间内采取的行动。

[例句] He r objection to the plan is based on incorrect facts.

oppose4 [....p..uz] v.反对某事,抵抗,反抗

[同义] resist ,hinder

[反义] favor ,suppor t

[考点] oppose doing sth.反对做某事

[例句] The president opposed giving military aid to this count ry.

painlessly [..peinlisli ] adv.无痛苦地

[例句] The laser beam heals the eye painlessly.

recurrence [ri..k..r..ns] n.反复出现

[例句] Ther e has been a 40 per cent fall in r ecurrence of breast cancer among women taking the drug.

rope4 [r..up] n.绳子

[同义] cable ,cord

[例句] Coils of ropes lay untidily all over the ship’s deck.

sanction4 [..s ....k....n ] v.同意(谋事) ,批准,认可


[同义] v.allow,permit ,authorize

[反义] v.disapprove ,forbid

[辨析] allow;pe rmit ;sanction ;authorizeallow 官方允许某人做某事;pe rmit ( 法律、规则) 允许某人做某事;sanction 政府或其它官方组织允许某事,他们认为此事是正确的,可以发生;authorize 官方或法律允许某人做某事,尤其是通过签署一份官方文件。

[例句] The government was r eluctant to sanction intervention in the c risis.

[同义] n.ban ,embargo

[考点] sanction against sb.制裁某人

put/ impose sanction on 对.施行制裁;

lift sanction 取消制裁

[辨析] ban ;emba rgo;sanction ban 官方命令或声明,禁止某人做某事,embargo 出于政治、经济原因,禁止与某国进行某种贸易的官方命令;sanction 禁止与某国进行贸易的官方命令,作为对该国的惩罚或阻止该国做某事的手段。

[例句] The UN would impose economic sanctions against the offending nation.

soften [..s..f..n] v.缓和,减轻;变软,软化