[同义] relent ,mellow ,melt
[辨析] relent ;soften;mellow relent 改变想法,决定对某事的要求松一些;soften 对某人没有以前要求严格,但更有同情心;mellow 尤其在很长一段时间,改变态度,没有以前要求严格。
[例句] Choose a good moisturizer to soften and protect your skin.
taxation [t .. k..sei....n ] n.征税
[例句] The government r aised indi rect taxation so that they could reduce direct taxation.
unjust [....n..d....st ] adj.非正义的,不公平的,不公正的
[同义] unfair
[反义] just ,fair
[辨析] unfair ;unjust
unfair 按照大多数人关于对错的观点来判断是不
合理或难以接受的;unjust 按某一社会的原则、
[例句] They didn’t mind breaking the law because they believed the law was unjust.
vigor [..vi....( r) ] n.活力,力量
[同义] energy ,vitality
[辨析] energy;vigor ;vitality
energy 使身体充满活力的肉体、精神力量;vigor 肉体、精神力量,决心、力气;vitality 身体健康、精神活泼。
[例句] He set about his task with renewed vigor.
yeah [je..] a dv .“yes”的俗音
[例句]“Will you drive ?”“Yeah ,sure .”
do away with 摆脱,废除
[例句] Computer ization has enabled us to do away with a lot of pape rwork.
in somebody’s/ something’s name 以. 的名义,凭. 的权威
[考点] 也可以为in the name of
[例句] In old movies,the police shouted“Open up in the name of law ,”before they broke the door down.
shrink back from 退缩,畏缩
[例句] She always s hr ank back from the quarr el.
speak out (against ) 大胆明确地说出( 反对某事物) 的意见
[例句] Will no one speak out against the tyranny of this gove rnment ?
the pros and cons 赞成或反对的意见
[例句] You’d bet ter consider all the pros and cons befor e reaching a decision.
Part Two After Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ The Death Penalty
accomplice [....k..mplis] n.从犯,帮凶,同谋
[同义] par tner ,par ticipator
[考点] accomplice in / to 做.的同谋
[例句] She was accused of being an accomplice in the kidnapping ,but nothing was ever proven.
administer6 [..d..minist..] v.施行,实施;掌管,料理.的事务;给予,派给
[同义] conduct ,govern ,run ,apply ,supply
[例句] The company ’ s finances have been badly administered.
alibi [.... libai] n.不在犯罪现场的证人或证据
[例句] Jim’s gir lfriend gave him a st rong alibi by saying that he was with her on the night of robbery.
Anglo-American [........l..u....merik..n] adj.英美的,英国和美国的arbitrary4 [......bitr..ri ] ad j.任意的,主观的;希望的,武断的
[同义] random,autocr atic ,tyrannical
[反义] reasoned ,rational
[辨析] random;a rbit ra ry random 在做、选择某事时,没有使用任何计划或体系;arbit rary 安排、决定某事时没有任何理由、计划或体系,尤其其方式看起来不公平。
[例句] Sometimes he was quite a rbit ra ry when ****** a decision.
attacker* [....t .. k..] 攻击者,进攻者,抨击者
[同义] aggressor ,invader ,raider ,cr itic
[反义] defender ,suppor ter
[例句] He has been one of the strongest attacke rs of the government’s policies.
backlog [..b .. kl....] v.积累,堆积
brutality * [bru....t .. l..ti ] n.残忍,野蛮(的行为)
[同义] violence ,savage ry
[辨析] brutality;savagery;violence brutality 刻意残酷、凶暴的行为,根本没有对被伤害、被杀者的一点怜惜;savage ry 极端凶暴、难以控制的行为;violence 凶暴的行为。
[例句] His wife left him because of his brutality.casually * [..k .. ..ju..li] adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地,不负责任地
[例句] “ How could you kill someone,doctor ?” the woman asked casually.
cold blooded [..k..uld..bl..did] ad j.( 指人或行为) 无情的,残酷的
[同义] c ruel ,barba ric ,inhuman
[例句] The whole community was horr ified by the cold blooded murder of the young girl.
confinement* [k..n..fainm..nt ] n.限制,监禁
[例句] He’s in poor health af ter a long confinement in the Western province of Qinghai.
demoralizing [di..m..r..laizi..] adj.削弱( 某人的) 自信或精神的,使士气低落的
[例句] I find my failure to stick to a diet ve ry demor alizing.
electrocute [i..lektr..kju..t ] v.电死( 人或动物) ,以电刑处死
[例句] He was elect rocuted when he touched the bar e wir es.
electrocution [i..lekt r....kju......n] n.电死( 人或动物) ,以电刑处死
impale [im..peil ] v.用尖物刺某人、某物
[例句] He cut off a piece of the meat and impaled it on his fork.
jury4 [..d..u..ri ] n.陪审团
[例句] The jury decided that he was guilty of murder.
lit igation [..liti....ei....n] n.诉讼
[例句] It was not unusual for the bank to be involved in
litigation over failed companies.
logic4 [..l..d..ik] n.推理方法;逻辑学
[同义] reasoning
[考点] logic in sth.在.的逻辑
[辨析] logic ;reas suring logic 清晰、明智的思维方式,它来自于正确联系的一系列事实、观念;reas suring 合逻辑的思维方式,尤其用于做决定或解释为何某事会发生。
[例句] Ther e is no logic in the decision.
lottery [..l..t..ri ] n.碰巧( 冒险) 之事,碰运气;彩票
[例句] He won one and half million pounds in Britain’s football lotte ry.ordeal [......di..l ] n.苦难经历,( 尤指对品格、耐力的) 严峻考验
[例句] Despite unde rgoing a te rrifying ordeal ,she was a - ble to give the police a detailed description of her a ttacker.
polygraph [..p..li..r....f] n.测谎器
[例句] He was interviewed by the police and asked to take a polygraph test.
premeditated [..pri....mediteitid] adj.有预谋的,预先计划好的
[同义] deliber ate ,intentional
[辨析] deliber ate ;intentional ;premeditated
deliber ate (尤其是坏事) 有目的去做,或经过仔细规划;intentional 是蓄意的,而不是偶然的;premedita ted 法律用语,有预谋的。
[例句] The jury must decide whether the attack was pr emedita
ted or simply an argument that got out of hand.
preservation* [..prez....vei....n] n.保护,保留,维护,保存,保持
[例句] Ther e is a great public concern about some of the chemicals used in food preservation.
rapist [..reipist ] n.强奸者,强奸犯
retribution [..ret ri..bju......n] n.( 由于伤害等) 应得的惩罚或补偿
[同义] punishment ,penalty.
[考点] ret ribution for sth.对.的补偿
[辨析] punishment ;penalty ;ret ribution
punishment 为惩罚某人而对他做的事;penalty 对违背法律、规则、合法协议者进行的官方惩罚;ret ribution 正式用语,从上帝、命运或你冒犯的人那里得到的应得的、会有的严厉惩罚。
[例句] She fear ed r etr ibution for having told the police the gangs leader’s name.
reverent [..r ev..r..nt ] ad j.恭敬的,虔诚的
[例句] The Bishop ’ s se rmon was received in rever ent silence.
sanctity [..s ....kt..ti ] n.神圣,庄严
[例句] You should r espect the sanctity of marr iage.
spawn [sp....n] v.大批涌现,大量生产( 某物)
[例句] The new economic ******* has spawned hundreds of new small business.
strap4 [st r .. p] v.用带扣住,捆住,用绷带包扎
[例句] 1 ) Are the kids st rapped into their car seats ?
2 ) Could you help me fasten the st rap around my s uitcase ?
symbolic * [sim..b..lik] adj.象征(性) 的
[例句] The skull at the bottom of the pictur e is symbolic of death.
trivialize* [..t rivi..laiz ] v.使( 某事情等) 显得不重要
[同义] belittle ,unde rstate
[辨析] t rivialize;belit tle;understate t rivialize 通过用不够严肃的方式谈论、写作重要、严肃的事情,看起来没有它应有的重要;belittle 表明你认为他人所做、想做的事情不重要,或不值得你的赞同、尊重;understate 描叙某物的尺寸、价值、重要性,使它看起来比实际情况少。
[例句] I t could be difficult to discus s this emba rras sing illnes s on television without tr ivializing its importance.
unintelligible [....nin..telid....bl] adj.难懂的,不可能理解的
[例句] He answe red in words unintelligible to he r.
weird6 [wi..d ] adj.不寻常的,古怪的;怪诞的,神秘的
[同义] st range ,odd ,queer
[辨析] st range ;odd;queer ;weird st range 不寻常,出乎意料;odd 奇怪的,通常是有趣、逗人的,而不是让人害怕的;queer 奇怪的,尤其是让人担心或紧张;weird 很奇怪,和你看过的、听说过的不同。
[例句] I t was a weird old house ,full of c reaks and groans.
back and forth 来回地
[例句] She winged gently back and for th to the music.
close one’s eyes to sth.不理会某事物,视而不见
[例句] you shouldn’t close your eyes to the helpless inflict sth.on sb.使某人遭受( 打击、惩罚)
[例句] The suffering inflicted on these children is terrible to see.
keep.in mind 记住