2 ) Wha t you say makes no sense.
pass on.to.将.传递给另一人
[例句] He tr ied to pass the job on to me,but I soon got rid of it.
seek out 搜寻,找出
[例句] How can we seek out a really good person for the job ?
stand a chance of doing.有可能
[例句] He stands a good chance of passing the examination.
take a chance (on something) 冒险,投机,碰运气
[例句] A driver should never take a chance on driving too fast without getting a ticket.
Passage Ⅲ How The Gene Test Can
Affect Your Insurance
alert4 [....l....t ] adj.提防的,警惕的
[同义] watchful
[反义] dull ,slow,torpid
[考点] on the aler t for sth./ against sth./ to do sth.注意,提防,小心aler t to 警告
[例句] 1 ) You must keep ale rt in clas s.
2 ) The doctor aler ted me to the dangers of smoking.
carrier4 [..k .. ri..( r ) ] n.运送者,邮递员,带菌者,( 自行车等) 行李架,搬运器,航空母舰,载波(信号)
[考点] carrier bag ( 商场中购物使用的) 购物袋
carrier pigeon 信鸽
[例句] Mosquitoes ar e carriers of mala ria.
commentary6 [..k..m..nt..ri] n .①注释,解说词②评论,批评,评注
[同义] remark
[考点] commentary on/ of sth.对.报道、评论
[例句] The conclusion of the commentary really hit the bull’s eye (十分中肯) ;it was exactly right.
developmental * [di..vel..p..ment..l ] ad j.发展的,发育的
diagnosis [..dai......n..usis ] n.诊断,诊断结果,诊断书
[考点] 复数为diagnoses
disclose6 [dis..kl..uz] v t.揭露,透露
[同义] reveal ,expose ,uncover
[反义] conceal ,hide
[考点] disclose sth.( to sb .) ( 向某人) 揭露某事
[辨析] disclose ;r eveal ;expose
disclose 指公开一直被视为秘密或被掩盖的事实、名单等,如The victims identity was disclosed by police in a statement last night.reveal 指告诉别人以前是秘密或不为人知的事,如The company has just revealed its plans for the coming yea r ,including the opening of new offices in Paris.expose 指将某人或某组织违背良心和道德的秘密活动公诸于众,如They threatened to expose him to the media unles s he changed his ways.
[例句] 1 ) She wouldn’t disclose her friend’s wher eabouts to the police.
2 ) He opened the box ,disclosing the contents to the audience.
downside [..daunsaid] n.消极面,负面,底侧,下降趋势
enact [i..n .. kt ] vt.制定法律,颁布,扮演
[同义] legisla te,act
[例句] A st range ritual was enacted before our eyes.
gauge [..eid..] n.(亦作: gage ) 标准尺,规格,量规,量表,估计,判断
[例句] A pet rol gauge shows the amount of pet rol lef t in a car.
geneticist [d..i..netisist ] n.遗传学者
healthcare [..hel..k....( r ) ] n.保健,保健业
hereditary [hi..redit..r i] ad j.世袭的,遗传的,可世袭的
[同义] inher ited
[考点] a her editary disease 遗传的疾病
high risk [..hai..risk] adj.高风险的
Huntington [..h..nti..t..n] n.亨廷顿( 遗传性慢性舞蹈病)
insurer [in....u..r..( r) ] n.保险业者,保险公司
lawmaker [..l......meik..( r ) ] n.立法者
leery [..li..ri ] ad j.机敏的,狡猾的
[同义] suspicious
[考点] leery of sb./ sth.机敏的.
[例句] I tend to be a bit leery of cut price“ba rgains”.
lung4 [l....] n.肺,呼吸器,肺脏
malady [..m .. l..di ] n.疾病,缺点,弊病
[同义] ailment ,disease ,illnes s ,sicknes s
[例句] Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.
mutation [mju....tei....n] n.变化,转变,元音变化,(生物物种的) 突变
[同义] change ,alternation
[例句] Are mutations in plants caused by cosmic rays ?
offspring6 [....fs pr i..] n.儿女,子孙,后代,产物
[同义] child ,descendant
[考点] 单复数同形
[例句] She is the offspring of a scientist and a musician.
penalize [..pi..n..laiz ] v.处罚,置. 于不利地位,( 运动中) 犯规处罚
[同义] punish
[例句] Their team was penalized for intentionally wasting ime.
pre-existing [..pr i..i....zisti..] adj.先存在的,先发生的
retardation [..ri..t......dei....n] n.延迟,迟缓,障碍
[考点] mental r etardation 智力障碍scour [..skau..( r) ] vt.冲洗,擦亮,( 搜索或追捕时) 急速走遍vi.擦,洗,冲刷,腹泻,急速穿行,冲刷成,侵蚀成n.擦,洗,洗涤剂,腹泻
[考点] scour away/ off 冲掉,刷掉
scour the rust off 刷掉锈迹
[辨析] scour ;comb scour 指为查找重要而又难找的东西而仔细、全面搜查某地或文件等,如A team of detectives is scouring the ar ea for the murder weapon.comb 指为找到难以找到的人或物而全面搜寻某一地方,强调移动式搜索,如We’ve combed the whole a rea but there’s no sign of the wallet.
stark [st....k] adv.完全地
[同义] completely ,entir ely
[考点] sta rk naked ****地
sta rk staring mad 完全疯狂地
Tay Sachs [..tei..s .. ks] n.家族性白痴症
unprecedented [....n..presid..ntid] ad j.空前的,没有前例的
[同义] ext raordinary
[反义] precedented
[例句] The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedent - ed dea th and dest ruction in the country.
worthless4 [..w......lis ] ad j.无价值的,无益的,没用的
alert someone to something 使.警觉,使.警惕
[例句] We must ale rt the people to the dange rs facing our count ry.
at risk 有危险的,危机四伏的
[例句] The whole future of the company is a t risk.
bar someone from (doing) something 阻止.做. ,排斥
[例句] The doctor was ba rred from practicing after he was proved guilty of improper behavior.
deprive someone of something 剥夺某人某物
[例句] Many children a re deprived of a good education ,simply because they live in the wrong place.
live with 接受,容忍
[例句] I don’t like the winte r ,but we all have to live with it ,don’t we ?
outside of 除.之外
[例句] Outside of his brothe rs and sisters she has no real friends.
scare someone off 将.吓跑
[例句] Higher coffee prices a re scaring off the customers ;many a re drinking tea instead.
take steps to do something 采取行动以达到某目的
[例句] The government is taking steps to control the rising cr ime rate.