
第32章 Unit Ten Medical Ethics (2)

have no option but to 别无他法,只能

[例句] He had no option but to leave.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Required Course: Beside Manner 101


bedside* [..bedsaid] n.床旁

ad j.床旁的,枕边的

[考点] bedside manne r 医生的机智,知道如何获得病人的信任

[例句] Doctor Green has a good bedside manner.

caregiver * [..k......iv..( r ) ] n.照顾者

CEO ( abbreviation of Chief Executive Officer) n.执行总裁

doctoring [..d..kt..ri..] n.医治,治疗,焊补,修补

mock6 [m..k] v.嘲笑,骗,挫败,嘲弄

ad j.假的,模拟的


[同义] ridicule

[考点] mock at s b./ sth.嘲弄

make ( a ) mock of sb./ sth.讥笑,嘲弄

a mock trial 模拟裁判

[例句] He made the boys laugh by mocking the way the teache r spoke.

prostitute [..pr..stitju..t ] n.妓女,娼妓

v i.沦为娼妓,为钱出卖(名誉等)

[例句] She prostituted he rself in order to s uppor t her childr en.

ravage [..r .. vid..] n.破坏,蹂躏,劫掠后的痕迹,创伤


[同义] damage ,dest roy ,devasta te,ruin ,wr eck

[反义] preserve

[考点] the ravages of wa r 战争的创伤

[例句] The ravages of time had spoilt her looks.

all but 几乎,差不多

[例句] The par ty was all but ove r when we a rrived.

back away from (由于恐惧或厌恶等) 后退,躲开

[例句] The child backed away from the fier ce dog.

break in 插嘴,打断

[例句]“But I was there !”Jane broke in.

bring up 谈到,提出

[例句] Your s uggestion will be brought up at the next meeting.

cover for 代替,代.工作

[例句] Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a let ter ?

intimidate someone into (doing) something 恐吓某人做. ,威胁某人做.

[例句] The salesman intimida ted the old lady into signing

the paper by threatening to take away the goods.keep someone apart/ away from 使某人不靠近

[例句] The climbe r used his feet to keep his body away from the cliff face.

side effect 副作用

[例句] This medicine may cause some side effects.

speak up 明确而坦率地说出想法

[例句] If you thought that wasn ’t fair ,why didn’t you speak up ?

take up 填满,占据( 空间或时间)

[例句] I t can take up the whole afternoon to pr epar e a meal.

thanks to 由于,因为

[例句] Thanks to the bad weather ,the match had been cancelled.

usher in 迎接,宣告,开创

[例句] The fir st snowfall ushers in the winter.

Passage Ⅱ Human Cloning,Don’t Just Say No !


adoption* [....d..p....n] n.采用,收养

[例句] This textbook has had adoptions in many count ries.

atrocity [....t r..siti ] n.残暴,暴行,凶恶

[考点] the at rocities of which the enemy forces we re guilty 敌军犯下的暴行

breeding* [..bri..di..] n.饲养,教养,繁殖,生育,孵化

[考点] breeding ground 繁殖地

a person of good br eeding 有良好教养的人

the breeding season for bi rds 鸟类的繁殖季节

clone6 [kl..un] n.无性系,无性繁殖,克隆


cloning* [..kl..uni..] n.无性繁殖,克隆

disgust4 [dis......st ] n.厌恶,嫌恶



[反义] delight ,please

[考点] disgust ( a t sth .) / (for/ with sb .) 厌恶

his disgust at the sight of the rotting food 他厌恶看到腐烂的食物

[例句] The bad fish had a disgusting smell.

eradicate [i..r .. dikeit ] v.根除,扑灭

[同义] uproot

[例句] Smallpox has almost been eradicated.

ethicist [..e..isist ] n.伦理学家,道德学家

eugenics [ju....d..enik s] n.优生学

[考点] 与单数动词连用

extended* [ik..stendid ] a dj.伸出的,延长的,广大的,扩大范围的,长期的

fertilization* [..f....tilai..zei....n] n.肥沃,施肥,受精

immeasurably * [i..me....r..bli] adv.不能测量地,无限制地

impregnate [..impr e..neit ] vt.使怀孕,使受精,使充满,注入,灌输ad j.怀孕的,充满的

[同义] fill,sa turate

[考点] impregnate sth.(with sth .) 使.充满.

[例句] The drawing is impr egnated with the ar tist ’ s personality.

infertile [in..f....tail] ad j.不孕的,不肥沃的,贫瘠的,不毛的,不结果实的

[同义] barr en

[反义] fer tile

[考点] infer tile land 贫瘠的土地

an infe rtile couple 不育的夫妇

layer4 [..lei..( r) ] n.层,阶层

v t.& vi.使成层,把头发剪成层,〈植〉压条繁殖

[考点] good/ bad layer s 生蛋多/ 少的母鸡

layer cake 夹心蛋糕

a layer of clay 黏土层

[例句] This cake has a layer of chocola te in the middle.

moratorium [..m..r....t....r i..m] n.暂停,延期偿付,延期偿付期间

[考点] mor atorium on sth.暂停.

outlaw [..autl....] n.歹徒,逃犯,丧失公权者


[同义] convict ,criminal

[例句] Bands of outlaws lived in the forest.

oversight [....uv..sait ] n.① 监督,看管,小心照顾② 勘漏,失察,疏忽,失败

[同义] e rror ,negligence ,omission ,slip

[考点] by ( an ) oversight 不当心,不小心;出于疏忽

have the oversight of ( children) 看管( 小孩)

reproduce4 [..ri..pr....dju..s ] v.① 繁殖,再生② 复制,使. 在脑海中重现

[考点] to reproduce a picture 复制一张画片

[例句] Birds r eproduce by laying eggs.

repulsive [ri..p..lsiv] ad j.推斥的,排斥的,严拒的,令人厌恶的

[同义] disgusting

[例句] Picking your nose is a repulsive habit.

scenario [si..n....ri..u ] n.游戏的关,或是某一特定情节,电影脚本,剧情说明书,计划说明书

scrut iny6 [..skru..tini ] n.详细审查,仔细研究

[反义] neglect

[考点] a close scrutiny of the election res ults 选举结果的核查

theologian [....i......l..ud..i..n] n.神学者,空头理论家

twisted* [..twistid] ad j.扭曲的,螺旋状的

unnerve* [....n..n....v] vt.使失去勇气,使身心疲惫,使失常

vitro [..vit r..] n.体外,试管内

warp [w....p] n.弯曲,歪曲,乖僻,偏差,乖戾,偏见



[同义] bend ,contor t ,distort ,twist

[例句] The hot sun had warped the cove r of the book.

dispose of ①去除,舍弃②处理,处置

[例句] 1 ) We have too much furniture ;let’s dis pose of these old chairs.

2 ) We shall have to dispose of all Mother’s property to pay the death duties.

make sense ①合情合理,有道理,很明显②有意义,讲得通

[例句] 1 ) It doesn’t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.