
第31章 Unit Ten Medical Ethics (1)


1) When he was wrongly accused of stealing ,he got the best in town to defend him.

A.protector B.advocate

C.challenger D.suppor ter

2 ) His involvement in the r ecent gove rnment scandal has any hopes he might have enter tained regarding his futur e political life.

A.faded B.vanished

C.disappea red D.evaporated

3) You can speak quite in front of me.I promise you to keep secret what you say to me.

A.fr eely B.absolutely

C.ext remely D.fairly

4) He was able to both color and humor into his rather formidable subject.

A.furnitur e B.load

C.inject D.merge

5) Scientists ar e conducting an into the causes of the accident.

A.purs ual B.investigation

C.hunt D.explor ation

6) Why give these people to enter the place at will ?

A.facility B.insurance

C.license D.as surance

7) Among English playwrights ,few would deny that Shakespeare holds.

A.swing B.slay

C.spr ay D.sway

8) Although he failed in the math s test ,it was wrong to his effor ts.

A.laugh B.mock

C.mimic D.imitate

9) We’re all at the way her husband has t reated he r.A.tired B.dislike

C.disgusted D.unlike

10) If the re had not been a hard of rock beneath the soil ,they would have completed the job in a few hours.

A.thick B.deposit

C.layer D.field

11) Her stereo system every note pe rfectly.

A.imitates B.speculates

C.reproduces D.evaluate

12) The pr esident the fact that he was put into pr ison wrongly twenty years before.

A.exhibited B.demonstr ated

C.displayed D.disclosed

13 ) Is a person’s behavior under st res s a reliable of his character ?

A.volume B.measurement

C.gauge D.judgment

14) People who dr ive when they a re drunk should be heavily.

A.penalized B.penetr ated

C.sentenced D.executed

15) The ear ly 90 ’s finds an tide of rur al worke rs flooding into big cities in China.

A.unpr ejudiced B.unpractical

C.unprepa red D.unpr ecedented


1) B 2 ) D 3 ) A 4) C 5 ) B 6 ) C 7 ) D 8 ) B

9) C 10 ) C 11) C 12) D 13) C 14 ) A 15) D

Part One In Class Reading

A License to Kill


advocate4 [.... dv..k..t ] n.拥护者,提倡者,辩护律师

v t.拥护,提倡,主张

[同义] defend ,support

[考点] advocate of.的拥护者

[例句] 1 ) He advocates building more schools.

2 ) He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer wa rships.

caring* [k....ri..] adj.人的,人道的,有同情心的,关怀的

[例句] Children need a ca ring environment.

chemotherapy [..kem..u....er..pi ] n.化学疗法

complicate [..k..mplikeit ] v.① 使变复杂,使费解,使难以处理② ( 病情) 恶化,并发

[同义] confuse

[反义] simplify

[例句] The mat ter was complicated by his sudden illnes s.

dedicate6 [..dedikeit ] v t.献( 身) ,致力,题献( 一部著作给某人)

[同义] devote

[考点] dedicate oneself/ sth.to sth./ doing sth.献身.

[辨析] devote ;dedicate

devote 强调认真专心从事某一单一目的,而不顾其他任何事物,如He devoted his time to study.dedicate 强调热切或庄重奉献或指定作为某一严肃或神圣的用途,如He dedicated his life to science.

[例句] 1 ) This s hr ine is dedicated to the memory of soldie

rs killed in the defence of the count ry.

2 ) She dedicated her life to helping the poor.

euthanasia [..ju........neizi..] n.安乐死

[例句] It is against the law for doctors to practice euthana -sia in many countries.

euthanize [..ju......naiz ] vt.使安乐死,对.施无痛致死术

evaporate6 [i..v .. p..r eit ] v.① ( 使) 蒸发②消失

[同义] vanish ,disappea r

[例句] The pool of wate r on the playground evapora ted in

the sun.

freely* [..fri..li ] adv.自由地,直率地,欣然地,无阻地,通畅地,慷慨地,大方地,大量地

[例句] 1 ) I freely admit tha t what I said at the meeting was wrong.

2) The lad gives his spare time fr eely to help the weak and sick old people.

handicapped* [..h .. ndik .. pt ] n.残疾人,身体有缺陷的人

ad j.残废的

[同义] disabled

[例句] Though handicapped by poor health ,he persisted in working at the r esear ch project.

hospice [..h..spis] n.护理所,旅客住宿处,收容所,济贫院

humane [hju....mein] ad j.仁慈的,人道的,慈爱的

[同义] kind

[反义] inhumane

[考点] humane kille r 无痛屠宰机

[辨析] human;humane human 指属于人类,有别于野兽及上帝的,不论良好或恶劣的性质,尤指人类的感情或缺点,如He is a very human person ,wa rm an understand- ing and not too perfect.humane 主要指人类对动物及孤苦伶仃之人的怜悯或同情之情绪或行为,如We believe in humane tr eatment of prisoners.

imprison* [im..priz..n ] vt.监禁,关押,坐牢

[同义] jail

[反义] fr ee ,liber ate

[例句] He was imprisoned for two yea rs.

inject6 [in..d..ekt ] vt.注射,注入

[考点] inject one’s arm with penicillin 向胳膊注入青霉素

inject a drug into the body 向体内注射药物

[例句] We hope to inject new life into our business.

invest igation* [in..vesti....ei....n] n.调查,研究

[考点] No investigation ,no right to speak.没有调查就没有发言权。

[例句] Their investigation r epor t was full of ambiguities.

involuntary* [in..v..l..nt..ri ] ad j.① 不是出于自愿的② 无意的,不知不觉的,偶然的,不随意的

[同义] s pontaneous,unintentional,unthinking ,unwilling

[反义] volunta ry

[考点] involunta ry bankruptcy 强制性破产

an involuntary movement of fear 由于恐惧而产生的不经意间的动作

license4 [..lais..ns ] n.①理由,借口②许可( 证) ,执照

v t.许可,特许

[同义] approval,authoriza tion ,consent ,permit ,sanction,warr ant

[考点] 注意在美语中名词和动词均为license ,而在英语

中license 是动词,而名词则为licence

license plate 汽车牌照

[例句] 1 ) The policeman asked to see his driving license.

2 ) We ar e sure that these purchases will soon be licensed.

nonviable [..n..n..vai..bl ] ad j.无法生活的,不能生长发育的

ovarian [..u..v....ri..n] a dj.卵巢的,(植物) 子房的

overlap6 [....uv....l .. p] vt.& vi.部分重叠


[例句] The t reatment in these two books largely over laps.

overseas4 [....uv....si..z ] adv.在海外

ad j.外国的,海外的

[考点] overseas t rade 对外贸易

overseas Chinese 海外华侨

overseas edition 海外版

visitors from ove rseas 海外游客

overseas news 海外消息

[辨析] overseas ;foreign

overseas 指从他国来,尤其是路途遥远,如overseas students/ customers ;foreign 指不属于某国或来自于他国,如There a re sever al methods of teaching for eign languages.

[例句] My brother lives overseas.

palliative [..p .. li..tiv] adj.减轻的,缓和的

[例句] Security checks a re only a palliative measur e in the fight against terrorism.

parliament4 [..p....l..m..nt ] n.国会,议会

[考点] the Houses of Par liament 议会,尤指英国上院( the House of Lords ) 和下院( the House of Commons ) 所构成者

[例句] Pa rliament makes laws.

pinprick [..pinprik] n.针刺的孔,小孔,小烦恼

prosecutor * [..pr..sikju..t..( r) ] n.检察官,公诉人,检举人

scant [sk .. nt ] ad j.缺乏的,不足的,将近的,欠缺的


[考点] pay scant a ttention to one’s advice 忽略某人的忠告

[例句] Don’t scant the butter when you make a cake.

suspended* [s....spendid ] adj.被暂时搁置的,悬挂的,悬浮的,缓期的

sway4 [swei] v.摇摆,挥动,影响,支配,控制

[同义] swing ,affect ,influence

[例句] Your a rguments won’t sway her : she’s determined to leave.

terminally * [..t....min..li] adv.晚期地,致命地

unavailable* [....n....veil..bl] adj.难以获得的

[反义] available

unresponsive* [....nri..sp..nsiv] ad j.无答复的,反应迟钝的,感受性迟钝的,无同情心的add to 增加

[例句] The bad weather added to the helpless nes s of the

shipwr ecked sailors.

appeal to 吸引

[例句] Does this piece of music appeal to you ?

as a result of 由于

[例句] The flight was delayed as a result of fog.

attend to 照料,护理,处理

[例句] Will you at tend to the shop for a few minutes while I go to the bank ?

be meant to 应该是,希望是

[例句] They a re meant to be honest men.

charge someone with 指控某人做某事

[例句] The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels.

dedicate.to 献身于

[例句] The doctor dedicated himself to the se rvice of mankind.