A:Could you recommend some interesting place of Shanghai for me to visit?
B:I think visiting the Duolun cultural called Duolun Road is a good choice.
A:Why is this street so well-known?
B:That is because this special street witnesses the modernization of Shanghai and there were many writers and social elites living in that area.
B:Do not you think walking along such street is very romantic?
A:You know what I am always fond of places like the Toronto Cultural Street.
A:I always dream of living in south China where there is soft rain and breeze.
B:Um, you are so sentimental that seem like a lady in the old days.
除了多伦多文化街,这个展现摩登上海的街道,还有一条向世人展现传统上海生活的街道,那就是上海老街,又称“小东门”,地处上海市黄浦区(Huangpu District)老城厢,也就是小东门城门所在地。上海老街所在的小东门地区,原是上海对外贸易(foreign trade)、小商品交易的重要场地,见证了上海的经济发展。上海老街重现了童涵春、老同盛、吴良材、万有全、裘天宝、老上海茶馆、德顺酒菜馆、春风得意楼、西施豆腐房、丁娘子布庄、荣顺馆、博印堂等百年老店,同时开设丹凤茶楼、名医堂等富有传统特色(traditional features)的商铺。它和北侧的“明星街”一起向您呈现出老上海商旅百业、市井百态的一幅“清明上河图”。
Ancient Cultural Relics
St. Ignatius Cathedral, Shanghai (圣依纳爵主教座堂), also referred to as Xujiahui Cathedral (徐家汇天主教堂), is a Gothic Roman Catholic cathedral, located on Puxi Road, in Xujiahui,The cathedral is attended by over 2000 people every Sunday. Designed by English architect William Dowdall, and built by French Jesuits from 1905 to 1910, the Cathedral was known as “the grandest cathedral in the Far East”. It can accommodate 2,500 worshippers at the same time.
In 1966, at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Red Guards vandalized the cathedral, tore down its spires and ceiling, and smashed its roughly 300 square metres of stained glass. For the next ten years the building served as a state-owned grain warehouse.
In 1978 the cathedral was reopened, and the spires were restored in the early 1980s.
The building/s restoration is continuing. In 2002, Wo Ye, a Beijing-born artist, and Father Thomas Lucas, a Jesuit from the University of San Francisco, began a five year project to replace the cathedral/s stained glass windows. The new windows incorporate Chinese characters and iconography, and they were finished in time for the 2010 World/s Fair in Shanghai.
教堂的修复工作继续进行。2002年一个北京出生的艺术家Wo Ye和来自旧金山大学的耶稣会士、神父卢卡斯,用五年的时间重新替换了大教堂彩色玻璃窗户。新的窗户融合了中国文字和于图腾,并且在上海2010年世界博览会前修复完成。