
第29章 世间真情(11)

squeezing my friend's hand现在分词作状语。

My Name Is Rose 我叫罗丝

Track 021.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

The flrst day of schoolour professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know.I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.

[A]I turned around to find a wrinkled,little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.

She said,"Hi,handsome.My name is Rose.I'm eighty-seven years old.Can I give you a hug?"

I laughed and enthusiastically responded,"Of course you may!"and she gave me a giant squeeze.

"Why are you in college at such a young,innocent age?"I asked.

She jokingly replied,"I'm here to meet a rich husband,get married,and have a couple of kids……"

"No,seriously,"I asked.[B]I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.

"I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!"she told me.

After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.

We became instant friends.Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop.I was always mesmerized listening to this"time machine"as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.

Over the course of the year,Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went.She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students.She was living it up.

Anybody can grow older.That doesn't take any talent or ability.The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change.Have no regrets.

The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did,but rather for things we did not do.The only people who fear death are those with regrets.

Remember:Growing older is mandatory,growing up is optional.We make a living by what we get.We make a life by what we give.

God promises a safe landing,not a calm passage.[C]If God brings you to it,He willbring you through it.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A I turned around to find a wrinkled,little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.


light up照亮,点亮。例如:Those new lamps light up that room much better.那些新电灯把那房间照得亮多了。

B I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.


?take on接受(工作等),承担(责任等)。例如:I'm worried about him,he's taking on too much work.我很担心他,他承担的工作太多了。

C If God brings you to it,he will bring you through it.



Write It on Sand or Write It on the Stone 写在沙上还是刻在石上

Track 022.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

Once upon a time there lived two great friends in a hamlet near Jaipur.Jay and Vijay had been friends since their childhood.Now they were studying in a college,which was at far distance from their place.In the way they had to cross a river,pass hills and sandy area,too.They used to go to college together.Their friendship was famous in college.

One rainy day the two friends set out for college as usual.They were chatting while walking.[A]Perhaps they were discussing some point of atomic theory which was taught on previous day.The two had different opinions.There began heated arguments.This was followed by abusive language by both sides.Things got so bad that in at of anger Jay slapped Vijay.Shocked Vijay stared at his friend and wrote on sand that"today my best friend slapped me."Both resumed their walk but now they were silent.Meanwhile they reached the river which was overflowing today.Vijay was not a good swimmer.He stepped into the river but……began to drown and flow with force of water in the direction of the flood.Jay saw this and without thinking for a second jumped into the river.With dif flculty he could drag Vijay out of the river.He helped Vijay restore his normaI breath.When Vijay became normal,he wrote on a hillthat"today my best friend saved my life."

Jay who was observing allthis could not help asking"why did you write it on sand when I slapped you and why are you writing on the hillwhen I've saved your life?"Vijay replied that[B]"We should soon forget wrong done by our friends and dear ones as writing on sand gets erased in no time,but if they do something good for us we should always remember their kindness just as writing on stones is for ever."[C]Saying this Vijay hugged his friends and two wend to college as if nothing had happened.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A Perhaps they were discussing some point of atomic theory which was taught on previous day.



B We should soon forget wrong done by our friends and dear ones as writing on sand gets erased in no time,but if they do something good for us we should always remember their kindness just as writing on stones is for ever.


get/be erased被抹掉。例如:What he did for the Chinese people can never be erased.他为中国人民做的事情是不能抹杀的。

C Saying this Vijay hugged his friends and two wend to college as if nothing had happened.


as if nothing had happened运用了虚拟语气,表示虚假的、与事实相反的情况。

Buy an Hour of Your Time 买你一小时

Track 023.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points

