
第28章 世间真情(10)



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

In 1921,Lewis Lawes became the warden at Sing Sing Prison.No prison was tougher than Sing Sing during that time.But when Warden Lawes retired some 20 years later,that prison had become a humanitarian institution.When he was asked about the transformation,here's what he said:"I owe it all to my wonderful wife,Catherine,who is buried outside the prison walls."

Catherine Lawes was a young mother with three small children when her husband became the warden.[A]Everybody warned her from the beginning that she should never set foot inside the prison walls,but that didn't stop Catherine!

Her attitude was:"My husband and I are going to take care of these men and I believe they will take care of me!I don't have to worry!"

Once she discovered one convicted murderer was blind so she paid him a visit.Holding his hand in hers,she said,"Do you read Braille?"

"What's Braille?"he asked.Then she taught him how to read.Years later he would weep in love for her.

Later,Catherine found a deaf-mute in prison.She went to school to learn how to use sign language.Many said that Catherine Lawes was the body of Jesus that came alive again in Sing Sing from 1921 to 1937.

Then,she was killed in a car accident.The next morning Lewis Lawes didn't come to work,so the acting warden took his place.It seemed almost instantIy that the prison knew something was wrong.

[B]The following day,her body was resting in a casket in her home,three-quarters of a mile from the prison.As the acting warden took his early morning walk,[C]he was shocked to see a large crowd of the toughest,hardest-looking criminals gathered like a herd of animals at the main gate.He came closer and noted tears of grief and sadness.He knew how much they loved Catherine.He turned and faced the men,"All right,men,you can go.Just be sure and check in tonight!"then he opened the gate and a parade of criminals walked,without a guard,the three-quarters of a mile to stand in line to pay their final respects to Catherine Lawes.

And every one of them checked back in.Every one!


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A Everybody warned her from the beginning that she shouId never set foot inside the prison walls,but that didn't stop Catherine!


set foot in涉足。例如:The rich never set foot in these districts before liberation.在新中国成立之前,有钱人是从不到这个地区来的。

B The following day,her body was resting in a casket in her home,three-quarters of a miIe from the prison.


three-quarters of a mile 四分之三英里。1英里=1609.344米。

C he was shocked to see a large crowd of the toughest,hardest-looking criminals gathered like a herd of animals at the main gate.


a herd of一群。例如:a herd of cattle/cows一群牛

You'll Never Regret It 永不后悔

Track 020.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

Time is running out for my friend.While we are sitting at lunch she casually mentions she and her husband are thinking of starting a family."We're taking a survey,'she says,half-joking."Do you think I should have a baby?"

"It will change your life,"I say,carefully keeping my tone neutral."I know,'she says,"no more sleeping in on weekends,no more spontaneous holidays……"

But that's not what I mean at all.I look at my friend,trying to decide what to tell her.[A]I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes.I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal,but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will be vuInerable forever.

I feel I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career,she will be professionally derailed by motherhood.She might arrange for child care,but one day she will be going into an important business meeting,and she will think her baby's sweet smell.She will have to use every ounce of discipIine to keep from running home,just to make sure her child is all right.

Looking at my attractive friend,I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the added weight of pregnancy,but she will never feel the same about herself.That her own life,now so important,will be of less value to her once she has a child.She would give it up in a moment to save her offspring,but will also begin to hope for more years-not to accomplish her own dreams-but to watch her children accomplish theirs.

I want to describe to my friend the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to hit a ball.[B]I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog for the first time.I want her to taste the joy that is so real it hurts.

My friend's look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes."You'll never regret it,"I say finally.[C]Then,squeezing my friend's hand,I offer a prayer for her and me and all of the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this holiest of callings.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal,but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will be vulnerable forever.


becoming a mother动名词做主语。

B I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog for the first time.



C Then,squeezing my friend's hand,I offer a prayer for her and me and all of the mere mortaI women who stumble their way into this holiest of callings.
