
第30章 世间真情(12)

障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


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A man came home from work late,tired and irritated,to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.

"Daddy,may I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure,what is it?"replied the man.

"Daddy,how much do you make an hour?"

[A]"That's none of your business.Why do you ask such a thing?'the man said angrily."I just want to know.Please tellme,how much do you make an hour?"pIeaded the little boy.

"If you must know,I make$20 an hour."

"Oh,'the little boy replied,with his head down.Looking up,he said,"Daddy,may I please borrow$10?"

The father was furious,[B]"If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense,then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.Think about why you are being so selflsh.I work hard everyday for such chiIdish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions.How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?After about an hour or so,the man had calmed down and started to think:Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that$10 and he really didn't ask for money very often.

The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

"Are you asleep,son?"He asked.

"No daddy,I'm awake,"replied the boy.

"I've been thinking,maybe I was too hard on you earlier,"said the man,"It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you.Here's the$10 you asked for."

The little boy sat straight up,smiling."Oh,thank you daddy!"He yelled.Then,reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpIed-up bills.[C]The man,seeing that the boy already had money,started to get angry again.The little boy slowly counted out his money,then looked up at his father.

"Why do you want more money if you already have some?"the father grumbIed.

"Because I didn't have enough,but now I do,'the little boy replied."Daddy,I have$20 now.Can I buy an hour of your time?Please come home early tomorrow.I would like to have dinner with you."


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A That's none of your business.


none of your business与你无关。例如:It's none of your business,so please don't butt in.这事与你无关,请别来干涉。

B If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense,then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.



C The man,seeing that the boy already had money,started to get angry again.


seeing that the boy already had money现在分词作伴随状语,表示与谓语动词一起发生的动作。

Four Generations 四代人

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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


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My mother called last week to tellme that my grandmother is dying.She has refused an operation that would postpone,but not prevent her death from cancer.My mother,telling me this news,began to cry.So I became the mother for a moment,reminding her that my grandmother is 87 years old,she has had a fulllife.

When I was young,my grandmother couldn't understand any desire for privacy.She couldn't bear it if my mother left the house without her.[A]This desire to possess and controlothers made my mother and I very furious.So I ceased to visit her.

But when I heard that she was dying,I realized I wanted to go to see her one more time.Grandma was lying flat with an IV tube in her arm and her eyes shut,but she opened them when I leaned over to kiss her."You came,"she said."You brought the baby."

We were flying back home that night,and I had dreaded telling her,remembering allthose tearfulpartings.But in the end,I was the one who cried.She had said she was ready to die.But as I leaned over to stroke her forehead,what she said was,"I wish I had your hair"and"I wish I was well."

[B]On the plane flying home,with Laurie in my arms,I thought about mothers and daughters,and the four generations of the family that I know most intimateIy.Every one of those mothers loves and needs her daughter more than her daughter willever love or need her mother some day.We are,each of us,the only person on earth who is quite so consumingly interested in our child.

On flying to my mother's home,sometimes I kiss and hug Laurie so much she starts crying-which is,in fact,what my grandmother was doing to my mother in her life.And I think what makes my mother grieve right now is not simply that her mother willdie in a day or two but that,once her mother dies,there willnever again be someone to love her in quite such an unreserved,unquestioning way.[C]No one else believes that she willonly be a mother,then,not a daughter anymore.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A This desire to possess and control others made my mother and I very furious.


the desire to do sth.做……的欲望,念头。例如:He was fired with the desire to visit China.他激起了到中国旅游的念头。

B On the plane flying home,with Laurie in my arms,I thought about mothers and daughters,and the four generations of the family that I know most intimately.


with sb/sth in the arms怀里抱着。例如:Do you know the woman with a baby in her arms?你认识手里抱着小孩的那个妇女吗?

C No one else believes that she willonly be a mother,then,not a daughter anymore.


该句为省略句,(she will)not(be)a daughter anymore.

My Forever Valentine 我永远的情人

Track 025.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


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