
第54章 皮具(7)

10.(意大利)皮尔袋鼠 Pierre Kangaroo




创始人:皮尔 (Pierre)





Founded in the late 1950s by Mr. PIERRE, Italian PIERRE KANGAROO showed itself in front of the world as a stylish leather products designer facing high end customers. Mr. PIERRE, the father of PIERRE KANGAROO brand, was an art lover since his childhood. When he grew up, he joined the army and became an excellent pilot. Not long after he took off his uniform, he became a successful fashion designer until one day he was captivated by leather design. In 1952, he resigned from his fashion designer job, created the PIERRE brand (named after his own name), and started a leather company in Turin, Italy.

PIERRE once said, his military life taught him a lot: seriously treat life, carefully treat every detail, follow the classical tradition, and honor every promise……all that Mr. PIERRE tried to implant into his design concepts and his expectation and requirements for young generations. From the very beginning, he focused on young men as his major customer group and centerd his design on military style. In 1960s, the PIERRE leather quickly gained favor of Italian customers. Soon, over a dozen of PIERRE franchises were established in Italian. In 1970s, PIERREs son took over his fathers business. Inspired by his trip in Australia, he redesigned PIERREs operation strategies, trying to add energetic and lively elements into the original calm and classical style, just like the Kangaroo. Later on, he changed the brand name to PIERRE KANGAROO.

Brand in Europe&;America

Entering the 21st century, PIERRE KANGAROO began implementing global brand strategy. After a few years, it has successfully opened PIERRE KANGAROO franchises in many large and middle cities in Netherland, Finland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, German and the U.S.A., and laid a good foundation for his globalization efforts. Now, there are over 180 PIERRE KANGAROO franchises operating in the world market.

Brand in Asia

Asia market has always been an important component in PIERRE KANGAROOs global brand strategy. PIERRE KANGAROO has already started its franchises in Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Manila, New Deli and many other major Asian cities. In 2009 Hong Kong Fashion Week, the full spectrum debut of PIERRE KANGAROO stormed the entire global leather industry. This is just PIERRE KANGAROOs first handshake with Asia market.

Brand in China

In January 2010, Italian PIERRE KANGAROO (Hong Kong) was incorporated and began to lead its operation and development in China. According to its market development plan, by the end of 2015, there is going to be 80~100 PIERRE KANGAROO Franchises operating in mainland China.

In December 2010, in view of the quick development of emerging markets in Asia, especially, In Chinese market, Italian PIERRE KANGAROO sponsored Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition at the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games as the only sponsor representing leather industry. Italian PIERRE KANGAROO has the greatest confidence in China, the largest emerging market in the world, and is preparing to bring into China the latest Italian.

Brands Target Customer

Urban men that respect traditional culture have stylish tastes and attach importance to high quality. They are serious toward their life and details, honor every promise being made. They pay attention to the world and courageously face every challenge. Usually, they are the elites in different professions who are keen on everything new that embodying the latest trend in the world and urban lives. They see PIERRE KANGAROO as brand that is actively changing its long-existing conservative and traditional image.

implant into植入

debut [‘deibju:] n. 初次登台

courageously [kreidsli] adv. 勇敢地

意大利PIERRE KANGAROO皮具品牌公司创办于20世纪50年代末,是一家专业从事都市高品位皮具经营的设计公司,由PIERRE先生创立。作为该品牌的创始人,PIERRE先生从小喜爱美术。其早年是位优秀的飞行员,退役后成为一位成功的服装设计师,在工作期间又对皮具设计深深着迷。1952年,他辞去了服装设计师的工作,在意大利都灵市创办了以自己名字命名的皮具品牌PIERRE皮具公司。

PIERRE说:军旅生活对他的影响很深,对生活态度的严谨,对细节的认真,对经典的沿承,对承诺的恪守,这些都被PIERRE植入他的设计理念和对年轻一代的期许中。所以PIERRE一开始锁定青年男士作为设计目标,产品以军旅文化为题材。20世纪60年代迅速受到意大利消费者的青睐,并陆续在意大利环境内开出10多家店铺。20世纪70年代,PIERRE的儿子继承了父业,一次澳洲旅行让他转变了PIERRE品牌的经营策略,他希望PIERRE皮具在沉稳、经典的同时,应该像澳洲的袋鼠一样更加活跃富有朝气,随后公司也随之更名为PIERRE KANGAROO皮具品牌公司。


进入21世纪后,PIERRE KANGAROO开始实施品牌全球化战略,近几年先后在意大利以外的荷兰、芬兰、捷克、保加利亚、德国、美国等国家、地区的大中型城市设品牌专卖店,为其品牌的全球化做了良好的铺垫工作。目前全球共设有180余家品牌专卖店。


亚洲市场是PIERRE KANGAROO品牌全球化的重要部分,在东京、大阪、首尔、新加坡、马尼拉、新德里等地均开设有PIERRE KANGAROO品牌皮具专营店。在2009年的香港时装周上,PIERRE KANGAROO的亚洲完整闪亮登场引起皮具界的轰动,这是PIERRE KANGAROO首次和亚洲市场的亲密接触。


2010年1月,意大利皮尔袋鼠国际集团(香港)有限公司成立,具体负责中国市场的经营与拓展,公司计划到2015年在中国大陆发展80~100家PIERRE KANGAROO品牌皮具专营店。



尊重传统文化并向往和拥有高品质生活的中青年。他们对于生活的态度是严谨的,对待细节是认真的,对待承诺是恪守的。他们关注世界动向,勇于接受挑战,是各个专业领域的精英,热衷于尝试新事物,体验世界和城市生活中的最新潮流。他们视PIERRE KANGAROO品牌为存在已久的传统及保守的形象的积极转变。