
第76章 Marriage and Family 家庭两性(8)

However, all novice chat users are mesmerized to some degree by the extreme anonymity and fantasy potential the Internet provides。 Often, the user eventually realizes the sensitivity needed to interact with others—a transition is made from relating to the computer to relating to other people online。 Often, this transition is coupled with an event that brings about this reality—such as “falling in love” with a fantasy and dealing with the reality that follows, meeting a chat partner face to face, or realizing that careless actions have hurt another person。


Stage one: attraction(互相吸引)。 In stage one of dating; we experience our initial attraction to a potential partner。 The challenge in this first stage is to make sure you get the opportunity to express that attraction and get to know a potential partner。

Stage two: uncertainty(不确定性)。 In stage two, we experience a shift from feeling attraction to feeling uncertain that our partner is right for us。 The challenge in this stage is to recognize this uncertainty as normal and not be swayed by it。

Stage three: exclusivity(占有性,排他性)。 In stage three we feel a desire to date a person exclusively。 We want the opportunity to give and receive love in a special relationship without competition。

Stage four: intimacy(亲密阶段)。 In stage four we begin to experience real intimacy。 We feel relaxed to let down our guard and share ourselves more deeply than before。

Stage five: engagement(婚约)。 In stage five, with the certainty that we are with the person we want to marry, we become engaged。 In this stage we have the opportunity to celebrate our love。


Key words & Sentences


Some say the cyber love is as pretty as the fascinating dream in which we are unwilling to wake up; some say cyber love is so virtual that it is impossible to win the lover’s heart…有人说:网恋很美,美得如同绚丽多彩的梦让人不忍醒来;也有人说:网恋太虚,虚得让你永远也抓不住网线那端爱人的心……No matter young, old, single, married, talented or reckless, everyone may get involved in the cyber love。 We can obtain the love which is difficult to find by merely a mouth, without investment of money or bearing too much burden or responsibility, you may also please yourself and others。

无论是年轻的、年老的、未婚的、已婚的、才华横溢的、鲁莽愚笨的等等,任何人都可以网恋,大家单凭一张嘴,就可以得到那朵世间难寻的爱情小花,一不用金钱投资,二不会有太多的拖累与责任,三还能愉人愉己……What I want to say is why not? No matter in reality or on the Internet, they’re actually the same。 You may receive the true feelings only if you have given out your true heart。


Nowadays, we are living in a network age; most of us are busy working all day。 But we contact with network almost any time, therefore, if you will come across the one you want to pay your true heart one day, and then why not deduce a romantic cyber love?


On the contrary, one of my classmate got true love through chatting on QQ, furthermore they have married to each other and now they are very affectionate。 From this example, it is possible to get true love through cyber love。


In a word, true love may be found everywhere as long as Cupid has shot an arrow for you!


The answer is different for separate person。


In my opinion, everyone has the right to get involved in the cyber love, because it can please yourself and others after all。 But we must keep an eye on the other side of the network to prevent cheating。 Besides, we all shall enhance our moral。 If you have married, you had better not fool others。


Actually, the Internet is a kind of virtual world, we can do most of things through Internet。 For instance, shopping, chat, game, work, and so on, many field used by internet。 So, fall in love by the Internet is very normal。


I think the cyber love is very good for us, yes, I quite agree with that。 First of all, if you are very tired for love in real world, you can try the cyber love。 Yes, as we know, the love in real world that we need always consider lots of things, and the love is very complex。 So, let people feel so tired。 But for the cyber love, we always feel easy to find the feeling or something like that which what we want。 So most people prefer to choosing the cyber love when they are tired in the real world。


As a matter of fact, the Internet is virtual, so, that exist some distance between us。 So remember don’t take serious of that!


Recall my college ages, a classmate of mine ever devoted all his energies to the cyber love。 Even to must fly to Shanghai to see his love from Beijing。 It turned out that his love was never there。 My classmate couldn’t connect with his love from then on。 He became very lost later。 So his taking the cyber love for serious gave him only being deceived。


One of my cousins met her Mr。 Right on the Internet at her age of 24, the man is from Nanjing, but she was in Qingdao。 They fell in love gradually by communicating online。 We have to say they are too far from each other, but confronting their earnest love, the distance between them is nothing。 Along with all the relatives’ blessings, they held their wedding last year and now living a very happy life。


Yes, the cyber love can easy let people to feel without any pressure, let them always feel relaxed。 But this is virtual world, we can’t take that for serious, because we are in the real world, we should face and admit it。 So, you can take the cyber to be a part of your life, but don’t take serious。