
第109章 Entertaining Divination 星座血型(2)

Escapist, Idealistic, Secretive, Vague, Weak-willed and Easily Led双鱼座 20/02-20/03



Let’s Talk!


Li Tao: It’s interesting that we have 12 Chinese zodiacs in China, and you have 12 signs in your culture。


Mike: It’s no coincidence, I think。 We do have many things in common, I mean culture。


Li Tao: You speak like a scholar today, forget about it。 Let’s say something more trivial。 What is your sign?


Mike: I’m Aries。 Why?


Li Tao: Lately I’m interested in horoscopes and Chinese zodiac。 I’m really curious about these interesting things。


Mike: Really? Do you believe in them?


Li Tao: I’m not sure。 Sometimes the descriptions and analysis sound reasonable。


Mike: I guess so。 What is your sign? And is the character description of it true?


Li Tao: I am Taurus。 It says I have a patient, steadfast and reliable personality。 I do!


Mike: I think so too。 You are such a nice person。


Li Tao: Thank you。 To be frank, I don’t believe those predictions day’s or month’s fortunes。


Mike: Me either。


How to Be a Better Friend



Realize Aries and Taurus



Aries is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, named for the constellation of Aries, called “The Ram” in Hellenistic tradition, after the golden ram that rescued Phrixos, taking him to the land of Colchis。 Aries is ruled by the planet Mars。 Being the first sign in the zodiac, Aries is associated with the astrological first house。 In Western astrology, Aries is often considered a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign。 It is also considered a fire sign, and is one of four cardinal signs。

Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are called Arians or Ariens。 Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Aries on the moment of vernal equinox by definition on March 21, leaving it on or about April 20。 Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly around April 15 and May 15。 In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes。

Taurus is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Taurus。 In astrology, Taurus is considered a negative (introvert) sign。 It is also considered an earth sign and one of the four fixed signs。 Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus (which also rules Libra)。 Being the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus has been associated with the astrological second house。

Individuals born within the period when the Sun was in this sign are considered Taurus individuals。 Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in Taurus roughly from April 20 to May 21。 In sidereal astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes。With Zeus, who assumed the form of a magnificent white bull in order to seduce Europa, a legendary Phoenician princess。 In illustrations, only the front portion of this constellation is depicted; in Greek mythology this was sometimes explained as Taurus being partly submerged as he carried Europa out to sea。 Greek mythographer Acusilaus marks the bull Taurus as the same that formed the myth of the Cretan Bull, one of The Twelve Labors of Hercules。


Aries’ key phrase: I Am!白羊:我是!

Taurus’ key phrase: I have!金牛:我有!

Gemini’s key phrase: I think!双子:我认为!

Cancer’s key phrase: I Feel!巨蟹:我感觉!

Leo’s key phrase: I Will!狮子:我愿意!

Virgo’s key phrase: I Analyze!处女:我分析!

Libra’s key phrase: I Balance!天秤:我权衡!

Scorpio’s key phrase: I Desire!天蝎:我要求!

Sagittarius’ keyphrase: I See!射手:我明白!

Capricorn’s key phrase: I Use!摩羯:我利用!

Aquarius’ key phrase: I Know!水瓶:我知道!

Pisces’ key phrase: I Believe!双鱼:我相信!


Key words & Sentences


Aries, a masculine sign, loves to lead and hates to follow。


So in a relationship, Aries, the child of the zodiac, is the motivator and wants to be the controller。


The Aries driving force compels those born under its influence to become the leading light in any co-operative venture。


This can be a particular problem for Aries women, who constantly seek to measure themselves against their man (or men), always trying to gain the upper hand。


Aries is straightforward in its need to dominate。


Women with Aries prominent often seem to work to overcome or defeat their partners, but in the event they succeed, have a tendency to lose respect for their formerly admired “opponents”。


The constant outflow of energy from egotistical Aries masks a sense of insecurity, which has its roots in a lack of self-esteem。


The externalising of demons enables them to be conquered, but Aries is usually unable to formulate the problem。


Like his mythic image, the Ram, Aries prefers to charge at full tilt, with little knowledge of, or care for, the consequences。


Taurus people are into status symbols, not only to impress others, but because they genuinely appreciate the best life has to offer。


Before arguing a point with your Taurus boss, decide whether it’s worth getting fired over。


Gemini is information-driven。
