
第108章 Entertaining Divination 星座血型(1)

The Traits of Twelve Constellations



Realize The Traits of Twelve Constellations十二星座的性格


In colloquial usage, a constellation is a group of celestial bodies, usually stars, which appear to form a pattern or picture in the sky。 Astronomers today still utilize the term, though the current system focuses primarily on constellations as grid-like segments of the celestial sphere rather than as patterns。 A star-pattern that is not officially classed as a constellation is referred to as an asterism。 One famous example is the asterism known as the Big Dipper, a term unused by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as the stars are considered part of the larger constellation of Ursa Major。

In 1922, Henry Norris Russell aided the IAU in dividing the celestial sphere into 88 official constellations。 Where possible, these modern constellations usually share the names of their Graeco-Roman predecessors, such as Orion, Leo and Scorpius。 While such celestial formations were originally linked to a mythical event, creature or person, the categorization of the night sky into recognizable patterns was important in early land and naval navigation prior to the invention of the compass during the Age of Discovery。 With the technical advancement of astronomy, it became important to move from a pattern-based system of constellations to one based on area-mapping, which led to several historic formations becoming obsolete。 Out of the modern constellations, 37 lie predominantly in the northern sky, and the other 51 predominantly in the southern。 Since much of the southern sky was not visible to classical astronomers based around the Mediterranean Sea, many of the constellations of the far south were named only in the last 300 years, and have no ancient counterparts。



Artistic personalities are creative by nature, with imaginations that stretch further than others can conceive。 These people like to express themselves through their work versus completing structured tasks。


Enterprising people are leaders。 They like to see projects through from start to finish, business ventures in particular。 They are doers more than thinkers and are more interested in the “big picture” than the small pieces that make it up。


Investigative people prefer to work alone。 They like using logic over imagination, solving problems and mysteries, putting together pieces of a puzzle, precision and science, and they pay extreme attention to detail。


Key words & Sentences


ARIES——Ruled by the Mars (Mar。21st- Apr。20th)Adventurous, Energetic, Pioneering, Courageous, Enthusiastic, Confident, Dynamic and Quick-witted。

白羊座 21/03-20/04


Selfish, Quick-tempered, Impulsive, Impatient, Foolhardy and Daredevil。


TAURUS——Rules by the Venus (Apr。21st- May 20th)Patient, Reliable ,Warmhearted, Loving, Persistent, Determined ,Placid and Security-loving。

Jealous, Possessive, Resentful, Inflexible, Self-indulgent and Greedy。

金牛座 21/04-21/05



GEMINI——Rules by the Mercury (May 21st- Jun。21st)Adaptable, Versatile, Communicative, Witty, Intellectual, Eloquent, Youthful and Lively。

Nervous, Tense, Superficial, Inconsistent, Cunning and Inquisitive。

双子座 22/05-21/06



CANCER——Rules by the Moon (Jun。22nd- Jul。22nd)Emotional, Loving, Intuitive, Imaginative, Shrewd, Cautious, Protective and Sympathetic。

Changeable, Moody, Overemotional, Touchy, Clinging and Unable to let go。

巨蟹座 22/06-22/07



LEO——Rules by the Sun (Jul。23rd- Aug。22nd)Generous, Warmhearted, Creative, Enthusiastic, Broad-minded, Expansive and Loving。

Pompous, Patronizing, Bossy, Interfering, Dogmatic and Intolerant。

狮子座 23/07-22/08



VIRGO——Rules by the Mercury (Aug。23rd-Sep。22nd)Modest, Shy, Meticulous, Reliable, Practical, Diligent, Intelligent and Analytical。

Fussy, A Worrier, Overcritical, Harsh, Perfectionist and Conservative。

处女座 23/08-23/09



LIBRA——Rules by the Venus (Sep。23rd-Oct。23rd)Diplomatic, Urbane, Romantic, Charming, Easygoing, Sociable, Idealistic and Peaceable。

Indecisive, Changeable, Gullible, Easily Influenced, Flirtatious and Self-indulgent。

天秤座 24/09-23/10



SCORPIO——Rules by the Pluto (Oct。24th-Nov。22nd)Determined, Forceful, Emotional, Intuitive, Powerful, Passionate, Exciting and Magnetic。

Jealous, Resentful, Compulsive, Obsessive, Secretive and Obstinate。

天蝎座 24/10-22/11



SAGITTARIUS——Rules by the Jupiter (Nov。23rd-Dec。21st)Optimistic, Freedom-loving, Jovial, Good-humored, Honest, Straightforward, Intellectual and Philosophical。

Blindly, Optimistic, Careless, Irresponsible, Superficial, Tactless and Restless。

射手座 23/11-21/12



CAPRICORN——Rules by the Saturn (Dec。22nd-Jan。20th)Practical, Prudent, Ambitious, disciplined, Patient, Careful, Humorous and Reserved。

Pessimistic, Fatalistic, Miserly and Grudging。

摩羯座 22/12-20/01



AQUARIUS——Rules by the Uranus (Jan。21st-Feb。18th)Friendly, Humanitarian, Honest, Loyal, Original, Inventive, Independent and Intellectual。

Intractable, Contrary, Perverse ,Unpredictable, Unemotional and Detached。

水瓶座 21/01-19/02



PISCES——Rules by the Neptune (Feb。19th-Mar。20th)Imaginative, Sensitive, Compassionate, Kind, Selfless, Unworldly, Intuitive Sympathetic。