a flood peak 洪峰
persecute [..p....sikju..t ] v.迫害
pilgrim6 [..pil..rim] n.圣地朝拜者,香客;朝圣
pilgrimage* [..pil..rimid..] n.朝圣,朝圣之行
piss [ pis ] v i.小便,撒尿
[ 考点] pis s about (around) 游手好闲,无所事事
pis s and wind 夸大之言
pis s oneself 笑得不能自制
take the pis s out of 取笑,嘲弄
presidency * [..pr ezid..nsi] n.(总统、议长、主席等的) 任期
prodigiously [ pr....did....sli ] adv.巨大地,大得令人惊叹地
rank4 [ r ....k] n.(职务、身份、社会地位等的) 等级,横列,阶级
n.[ 数] 秩
[ 同义] range ,line ,column
[ 考点] of the first rank 第一流的
rank among 属于.之列
rank as 把.看作
[ 例句] All r anked his as am excellent teacher.
refrain6 [ ri..frein] n.重复,叠句,[ 乐] 副歌
[ 考点] refrain from 忍住.;戒绝.;不让自己.
[ 例句] Please refrain from smoking during the performance.
region4 [..ri..d....n] n.区域,地方,(世界上某个特定的) 地区,(艺术、科学等的) 领域
[ 同义] a rea ,dist rict ,range,zone ,belt
[ 辨析] a rea;dist rict;region;zone;belt a rea 指面积颇大的地区、地域,或被划分为特定的服务、生产区域,但不是行政上的地理单位。例如:a fe rtile a rea;district 指一个国家或城市内的一个行政地区或管辖地区。例如:Washington D.C .;region 指一个较大的行政区域,也指地理上有某种天然界限或具有某种特色的自然地域单位。例如:Nor thwest regions;zone 指地理上的特定地方或某件东西上的特定部位。例如:Nor th Temper ate Zone;belt 指具有某些明显自然特点的地区、地带,面积比zone 小。例如:green belt;a coal belt。
[ 考点] a polar region 极地
in the region of 在.左右,接近
[ 例句] The area surrounding the Nor th pole is called the Ar ctic r egion.
register4 [..r ed..ist..] n.记录,登记簿,登记,注册,寄存器
[ 考点] a cash registe r 现金出纳机
a registered let ter 挂号信
a register office (户籍) 登记处
keep a register of 登记
register as 以.登记
register for 使登记
register with 向.登记
[ 例句] I am a foreigne r here ,must I registe r with the police?
scripture* [ skript....] n.手稿,文件,基督教(圣经) ,经文,经典
siege6 [ s..i d..] n.包围,围城,围攻
[ 考点] unde r a siege 被围攻
stand (endure ) a long siege 顶住长久的围攻
[ 例句] Before the siege ended ,the citizens were almost sta rving.
strife [ st raif] n.斗争,冲突,竞争
[ 考点] family st rife 家庭不和
internal strife 内讧
secta rian str ife 宗派斗争
smolder ing st rife 暗斗
be at st rife 不和
[ 例句] A civil strife is universally condemned as a c rime.
Taoist [..tauist ] n.道士,道教信徒adj.道教的
temptation4 [ temp..tei....n] n.诱惑,诱惑物
[ 考点] fall into temptation 受诱惑
unde r the temptation of 在.引诱下
withstand temptation 顶住诱惑
resist temptation 抵制诱惑
[ 例句] No temptation could make him false to a friend.
title4 [..taitl ] n.头衔,名称,标题,冠军,资格,字幕,权利,扉页
[ 同义] subject ,topic ,theme
[ 辨析] subject;topic;theme
subject 是上述词中使用范围最广而意义最不确定的词,它仅仅指人们选择范围的某种限制,以及决定选取材料和需要专心处理该材料的指导原则。如:What is the subject of his painting?topic 指(通常是引起普遍兴趣的) 话题,这个话题的选取是由于它可以单独地或有创造性地加以评述,或者由于它可供持有不同意见者进行讨论。如:The students we re asked to write an es say on one of the assigned topics.theme 指人们为进行文学或艺术方面的论述而选取的主体。如:Waterfalls a re from ve ry ea rly times a favorite title for the painter s.
[ 考点] acquir e title to proper ty (land ) 获得财产(土地)所有权
deserve the title of 配得上.的称号
have title to do sth.有权做某事
a man without title 平民百姓
an official title 官衔
[ 例句] He said he would give a good title to his new book.
turtle [..t..tl ] n.海龟
victorious* [ vik..t....ri..s] a dj.获胜的,胜利的
vow [ vau] n.誓约
[ 考点] be faithful to one’s vow 信守自己的誓言
unde r a vow 发誓
take (make ) a vow 立誓,起誓
keep a vow 信守誓约
carry one’s vow into execution 履行誓言
fulfill a vow 履行誓约
vow to s b.向.起誓
wickedness* [..wikidnis ] n.邪恶,不道德
at will 随心所欲
[ 例句] The animals ar e allowed to wander at will in the pa rk.
be greeted with/ by 受到的对待、接待
[ 例句] The proposal was greeted with bursts of laughter.
behave oneself 检点自己的行为,守规矩
[ 例句] Did Peter behave himself while I was away?
condemn one to death 判死刑
[ 例句] The pr isone r was condemned to death.
conform to 遵守
[ 例句] You must conform to the rules or leave the school.
of one’s own accord 出于自愿地,主动地
[ 例句] It’s better that she comes of he r own accord.take revenge 报复
[ 例句] He took his revenge on the firm for laying him off.
with certainty 确定无疑地
[ 例句] I can’t say with ce rtainty wha t my plans ar e.
Passage Ⅲ The First Beginning
arrow4 [.... r..u] n.箭,箭头记号
[ 考点] a rrows of sunlight 一道道阳光
like an arrow in a bow 如弦上之箭
befoul [ bi..faul] vt.弄脏,诽谤
[ 同义] foul,di rty
[ 考点] befoul one’s reputa tion 诬蔑某人
crouch [ kraut..] vi.蜷缩,蹲伏,低头弯腰
[ 考点] c rouch to sb.向.低头,弯腰
c rouch under a bush 蹲伏在灌木从中
[ 例句] The dog crouched to his master.
daylight4 [..deilait ] n.日光,白昼,白天
[ 考点] let daylight into sth.使问题明朗起来
throw daylight (up) on sth.阐明(披露) 某事
in broad (full/ open) daylight 大白天
(as ) clea r as daylight 一清二楚
[ 例句] The truth has been brought into daylight.
horn4 [ h....n] n.(牛、羊、鹿等动物的) 角,喇叭
[ 考点] blow one’s own horn 自吹自擂
lift up one’s own horn 趾高气扬
show one’s horn 露出真相
draw (pull/ haul ) in one’s horn 退缩,有所收敛
[ 例句] He is an agr eeable fellow,but likes to blow his own horn.
ouch [ aut..] int.哎唷!哎哟
rainbow4 [..reinb..u] n.彩虹,五彩缤纷的排列,幻想,幻觉,虚无缥缈的东西adj.五彩缤纷的
[ 考点] a perfect r ainbow 一条完整的彩虹
a prima ry r ainbow 彩虹
a seconda ry r ainbow 霓
[ 例句] A rainbow rose against the dark sky.
ritualize* [..ritju..laiz ] vt.使仪式化,奉行仪式主义
slimy [..slaimi] a dj.粘糊糊的,(分泌) 粘液的,黏滑的,泥泞的
spit4 [ spit ] n.唾液
v.吐(唾沫) ,吐痰,吐出
[ 考点] spit at (on/ upon) 向.吐唾液,对.表示蔑视spit in sb .’s eye 藐视.
[ 例句] Don’t spit in public places.
tradi tional * [ tr....di....nl ] ad j.传统的,惯例的,传说的
urinate [..ju..r ineit ] v i.小便,撒尿
womb [wu..m] n.子宫,发源地
come up (太阳,月亮) 升起
[ 例句] The sun has come up.
pass.down to 把.往下传
[ 例句] Did you pas s my words down to Mary?
put out 把.熄灭
[ 例句] They put out the fire with water.
rest with 取决于
[ 例句] The next move rests with you.