书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第6章 Passage Ⅱ The Monkey King (1)


accord4 [....k....d] n.一致,符合,调和,协定



[ 同义] corres pond

[ 反义] discord ,disagree

[ 考点] in accord with

out of accord with

of one’s own accord

[ 例句] 1 ) His words do not accord with his actions.

2 ) The children we re all ti red and went to bed of their own accord.

alchemist [.... lkimist ] n.炼金术士,炼丹术士

altar [......lt..] n.祭坛,(基督教教堂内的) 圣坛,祈祷祭拜的地方,神台

[ 考点] perform a t the altar 行祭礼

swear by the altar 对着神坛起誓

lead a (woman ) to the alta r 与某女子结婚

offe r one’s life on the altar of one’s country 为国捐躯

ashore [..........] adv.向岸地,在岸上地

[ 例句] The captain has been ashore for 2 hours.

authentic6 [........entik] adj.真的,正宗的

[ 同义] genuine ,ve ritable

[ 反义] spurious

[ 辨析] genuine;ve ritable;authentic genuine 表示与原物或原样完全相符,没有任何伪造或掺假;veritable 指确实是名副其实的;authentic 表示权威性的、可靠性的,符合实际和事实。

bound4 [ baund] n.跃进,跳,范围,限度

ad j.正要启程的,开往.去的,被束缚的,装订的


[ 同义] ①leap ,jump②bounda ry ,confines

[ 考点] be bound in 忙于

be bound to do 必定会

be bound up with 与.密切相关

by leaps and bounds 突飞猛进

beyond the bounds 超出范围

know no bounds 无边际

[ 例句] With one bound ,I reached the other side of the ditch.

certainty6 [..s....t..nti ] n.确定,确实的事情,肯定,肯定性

[ 考点] for a cer tainty 确定地

It can be said with cer tainty that 可以断言.

with the highest (utmost ) cer tainty 非常肯定地

a mor al cer tainty 靠得住的事

[ 例句] I can’t say with ce rtainty tha t what my plans are.

claw4 [ kl....] n.(动物的) 爪;(蟹等的) 钳,螯v.抓

[ 考点] draw in one’s claws 收敛锋芒

get one’s claw into sb.恶意中伤某人

put the claw on sb.逮住某人,向某人借钱

cut (clip ,pa re) sb .’s claws 斩断魔爪

[ 例句] We a re (with) in his claws.

cleanser [..klenz.. (r) ] n.清洁剂,使清洁的东西,擦亮粉,清洁工

[ 考点] a dry cleanser 干洗商

a st reet cleanse r 清道夫

a vacuum cleanser 吸尘器

take sb.to the cleanser (在赌博中) 赢去某人所有的钱

[ 例句] Use a cleanse r containing benzene to r emove stains.

committee4 [k....miti] n.委员会

[ 考点] a Pa rty commit tee 党委

a thr ee-man commit tee 三人委员会

a consultative committee 顾问委员会

a disciplinary committee 纪律委员会

a committee for (on/ of) .委员会

[ 例句] The Bill has pas sed through the committee.

condemn4 [ k..n..dem] vt.判刑,处刑,声讨,谴责

[ 同义] sentence

[ 考点] condemn sb.to death for murder 因谋杀罪判处某人死刑

be publicly condemnd 受到公开谴责

condemn most st rongly 最强烈地谴责

me rcilessly condemn 无情地谴责

[ 例句] The thief was condemned to a yea r of hard labor.

confines [ k..n..fains ] n.边界,界线,范围


[ 同义] bounda ry ,borde r ,bounds ,frontier

[ 辨析] bounda ry;borde r;bounds;frontier;confines bounda ry 主要与领土有关,意味着一个确定的界限,诸如可以准确地在地图上标画出来的一条界线或记号;borde r 强调两个区域间的分界;bounds 常用于比喻人的行为限度;frontie r 指本国领土与另一国家交界的部分,常指一个国家的边境地区;confines 指一个区域的范围,而不涉及其外的东西。

[ 考点] confine sth.to sth.把.限制在

[ 例句] 1 ) He came he re between the confines of night and day.

2 ) He confined himself to 5 cigaret tes a day.

delete4 [ di..li..t ] v t.删除

[ 同义] cancel ,r emove

[ 反义] inser t

[ 考点] delete sth.from sth.把.从.中删除

[ 例句] She deleted the man’s name from the list.

despair4 [ dis..p....] n.绝望,失望,令人失望的人(事物) vi.绝望

[ 考点] in despai r 绝望地

in the depth(s ) of despair 在极度绝望中

to do sth.out of despair 出于绝望而作某事

drive sb.to despair 逼得某人走投无路

[ 例句] But failure had not driven him to despair.

disciple [di..saipl] n.信徒,弟子,门徒,追随者

[ 考点] a favorite disciple of.的得意门生

a direct disciple of.的嫡系信徒

the twelve disciple 耶稣十二门徒

[ 例句] He was a favorite disciple of Freud.

distil(l)6 [ di..stil ] v.精炼,蒸馏

divine [di..vain] adj.神的,神圣的,非凡的,超人的,非常可爱的n.牧师

dragon4 [..dr ......n] n.龙;凶猛的人,严厉而警惕的守护人(尤指女人)

[ 考点] a real dragon 看管很严的人

[ 例句] He r mother is a r eal dragon.

enlightened* [ in..laitnd] ad j.开明的,有知识的

fulfill4 [ ful..fil ] vt.履行(诺言、责任等) ,实现,完成(计划等)

[ 同义] achieve ,finish ,carry out ,realize

[ 反义] break ,fail ,frust ra te

[ 考点] fulfill one’s promise

[ 例句] The doctor’s instructions must be fulfilled exactly.

furnace4 [..f....nis] n.炉子,熔炉

goddess [......dis ] n.女神

grant4 [..r....nt ] vt.同意,准予,承认(某事为真)

[ 同义] assign ,awa rd ,donate

[ 考点] granted (granting) tha t 尽管,即使

take.for granted 认为.理所当然

[ 例句] She was finally granted an exit visa.

guardian6 [........di..n] n.护卫者,保护人,监护人ad j.守护的

heavenly * [..hevnli ] ad j.如天堂的,神圣的,天空的,极优美的,天上的,天国的

helmet [..helmit ] n.头盔,钢盔,盔状物

[ 考点] a gas helmet 防毒面具

a steel helmet 钢盔

a safety helmet 安全帽

immortal * [ i..m....tl ] adj.不死的,不朽的

immortality * [ im......t .. l..ti ] n.不朽,不朽的声名,不死

infernal [ in..f....nl ] ad j.阴间的,恶魔的,地狱的

infuriate [ in..fju..rieit ] adj.狂怒的


invulnerable* [ in..v..ln..r..bl ] adj.不会受伤害的,无懈可击的

irresponsible* [ iri..sp..ns..bl] adj.不负责任的,不可靠的

[ 考点] It is very irres ponsible of sb.to do sth.某人做. 事太不负责任了

jade [ d..eid] n.碧玉,翡翠,老马

a dj.绿色的,玉制的

v.(使) 疲倦

kingdom4 [..ki..d..m] n.王国,[ 宗] 天国,上帝的统治,领域,管辖范围

[ 考点] come (in) to one’s kingdom 飞黄腾达

establish/ over throw a kingdom 建立/ 推翻一个王国

[ 例句] Mr Smith has come into his kingdom.

li [ li] n.里(中国的长度单位)

lid4 [ lid] n.盖子,< 美口> 限制,眼睑


[ 考点] blow the lid 大发脾气

blow the lid off sth.揭内幕,把丑事公开出来

[ 例句] Yeste rday CNN blew the lid off of the wide-spr ead graft- taking of gove rnment officials.

lord4 [ l....d] n.首领,君主,主人,统治者,[ 宗] 上帝



[ 考点] a cot ton lord 棉花大王

war lords 军阀

live like a lord 过舒适豪华的生活

t rea t sb.like a lord 隆重款待某人

misbehave* [..misbi..heiv] v.(使) 行为无礼貌,(使) 行为不端

obtain4 [..b..tein] v t.获得,得到

[ 同义] achieve ,acquire ,a ttain

[ 例句] He obtained his degree in 1985.

peach4 [ pi..t..] n.桃子,桃树,桃色,< 美俚> 受人喜欢的人(或物)

v t.告发

v i.告密

[ 考点] a flat peach 蟠桃

a honey peach 水蜜桃

a peach of a cook 一位出色的厨师

a peach of a ca r 一辆漂亮的汽车

peak4 [ pi..k] n.山顶,顶点,最高峰



[ 考点] a t the peak of one’s career 在事业的顶点

the peak of production 最高产量

the expor t peak 出口最高额