书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第4章 Unit One Love (2)

memorable [..mem..r..bl ] ad j.值得纪念的,值得记住的

nasty * [ n....sti ] ad j.①令人不愉快的,极脏的② 下流的,道


[ 同义] ①dir ty②foul

navy * [ neivi ] n.海军

occasion* [....kei....n] n.① 场合,时刻② 机会;时机③ 重大活动

[ 考点] on occasion(s )有时;间或

by occasion of 由于;因为

on the occasion of 在.之际

rise to the occasion 能够应付紧急局面

[ 例句] The debate had to be postponed,by occasion of the illnes s of one of the principal speakers.

pace* [ peis ] n.①步;一步的距离②步速

[ 同义] step

[ 考点] keep pace with 与.齐步前进

put through one’s paces 考察其性能或能力

t ry one’s paces 试试某人的能力

go through one’s paces 显身手(本领)

[ 例句] Many differ ent problems put the new mayor through his paces in the first month of his term.

participate* [ p......tisipeit ] v.参加;参与

[ 同义] take par t in,join in

[ 考点] par ticipate in 参加

par ticipate with 分享;分担

par ticipate of 含有;带有

[ 例句] Those who can’t pa rticipate with you in your suffe rings ar e not your t rue friends.

[ 辨析] par ticipate in;take pa rt in

par ticipate in 语气正式,常用于较正式和庄重的场合,在日常用语中应尽量避免使用;take pa rt in 语气较随便,常用于一般日常的各种场合。

precisely * [ pri..saisli ] adv.精确地;严谨地

punch* [ p..nt..] v.用拳猛击

[ 考点] punch in (out ) 打卡上(下) 班

[ 例句] Everyone is r equir ed to punch out and go home.

reluctance [ ri..l..kt..ns] n.情愿

severely [ si..vi..li] adv.严肃地;严厉地

[ 考点] leave (let ) seve rely alone 避免沾.的边;严格不介入(麻烦或困难工作)

[ 例句] He always leaves wha t he doesn’t know severely a - lone.

shove* [....v] v.猛推;乱塞

[ 考点] shove around 推来推去;差来遣去

[ 例句] How could you let him shove you a round?

sleigh [ slei] n.雪橇

[ 同义] sled

stress [ st res] n.压力;紧张

[ 同义] st rain,tension

[ 考点] lay (place/put ) str es s on/upon 把重点放在.上;在.上用力

[ 例句] Str es s should be put on the prevention of diseases.

[ 辨析] st rain;str ess;tension st rain 用于人时,指影响身心健康的紧张状态。

用于物时,指任何力或合力作用于一个物体上而造成的“应变”;str ess 指作用于物体上使其形状、大小发生变化的任何力,还指由于生活上的困难引起的心理上、生活上及情绪上的紧张;tension 指向某一方向拉或过度伸展某物的延伸应力。

subway* [..s..bwei ] n.地铁

trifle* [..t raif l] n.①小事,琐事②少许,少量


[ 考点] t rifle with 玩弄,戏弄

t rifle away 把(时间) 浪费掉,挥霍掉

[ 例句] I t is wrong of you to trifle with the gir l’s affections,making her think that you love her when

you don’t.

tunnel [..t..n..l ] n.隧道

unaided [..n..eidid] adj.没有帮助的

unworthy [..n..w......i] adj.无价值的,不值得的

[ 反义] wor thy

[ 考点] be unworthy of 不配的;与.不相称的

[ 例句] He has shown that he is unwor thy of the consider ation that has been extended to him.

urge* [....d..] v.①驱策,推进②催促,力劝

[ 同义] ②persuade

[ 考点] urge on (up on) 向.强调

urge sb.to do sth.告诫(恳求) 某人做某事

[ 例句] He continually urges upon the students the importance of having a good command of Englis h.

vicariously [ vi..k....ri..sli] adv.间接感受到地

break out 爆发

[ 例句] A bad fire broke out af ter the ea rthquake.

engage in 从事,忙于,参与

[ 例句] It was considered inappropriate for a former president

to engage in commer ce.

let on 泄露(秘密)

[ 例句] The man was punished for he let on about the


make it to 及时抵达,赶上

[ 例句] We’ll make it to the station with a minute or two to spare

now that 既然

[ 例句] Now that you have grown up,you should know what l’ve meant by saying these words.

on leave 休假

[ 例句] He always put his mind on work even during the time when he was home on leave.

see to (it that) 确保

[ 例句] He saw to it that the same mistake didn’t happen again.

set the pace 定步速,起带头作用

[ 例句] The pace he set was too fast for others.

subject.to 使承受,使遭受

[ 例句] What he did subjected himself to c riticism.

Part Two After class Reading

Passage Ⅰ A Kiss for Kate


awai t* [....weit ] v.等待;等候

[ 同义] wait

[ 辨析] await;wait

await 是及物动词,后接动名词(或名词),不接不定式;wait 是不及物动词,后接for 或不定式。wait 是普通用词,而await 是书面用语,着重指等待一定会来的人或发生的事,并含有作好准备来等待的意味。

blond [ bl..nd] a dj.白肤金发碧眼的

bygone [..bai....n] ad j.过去的,逝去的

chat* [ t.... t ] n./v.闲聊;聊天

[ 同义] conversation,discus sion

[ 考点] chat sb.up (为获得友谊或取乐) 与某人聊天

chat with sb.与某人闲谈

[ 例句] We cha tted with him about the Rus sian ballet which was to give its first night performance next week.

chin* [ t..in] n.下巴

[ 考点] keep one’s chin up 不气馁,有决心

up to the chin 直到下巴;深陷

take it to the chin 遭到痛击;惨败

[ 例句] He r husband was up to the chin in debt.

commodity [ k....m..diti] n.商品,有价值的东西

[ 同义] goods,mer chandise,wa re

confidentially * [ k..nfi..den....li ] adv.秘密地;机密地

conversation* [ k..nv....sei....n] n.(友好,随便的) 谈话

[ 同义] chat,discussion

[ 考点] make conve rsation 说话应酬

have/hold a conver sation with 与.谈话

[ 例句] She had yea rs of having to make conver sation with her husband’s colleagues.

dependent* [di..pend..nt ] ad j.依靠的,依赖的

[ 反义] independent

deprive* [ di..praiv] v.剥夺;使丧失

[ 考点] deprive s b.of sth.使某人丧失某物

[ 例句] These misfor tunes almost deprived him of his rea - son.

devotion* [ di..v..u....n] n.①献身;奉献②热爱;忠诚

[ 考点] in devotion to 在献身于.时;为.献身

with devotion 专心地;虔诚地

[ 例句] She nursed her sick child with devotion.

dining* [ daini..] n.就餐

floodgate [..fl..d..eit ] n.泄水闸(门);防洪闸(门)

frail [freil ] ad j.虚弱的;脆弱的

[ 同义] weak,feeble

[ 反义] st rong,flexible

function* [..f....k....n] v.活动;起作用;正常生活

gaze* [..eiz] v.注视;凝视

[ 同义] sta re

[ 考点] gaze at 凝视,凝望

[ 例句] He stood gazing at the beautiful scene ry.

[ 辨析] gaze;star e

gaze 表示惊异、欣喜或兴趣盎然地注视;stare 通常指出于好奇、恐惧或惊异而目不转睛地盯着,略带贬意,暗示无礼或愚蠢。

grip* [..rip] v./n.紧握,抓紧

[ 考点] be at grips with 在与.搏斗;在(认真) 对付

get (keep/take) a grip on oneself 有自控能力

[ 例句] She sta r ted to panic but managed to get a grip on herself.

impulsively [ im..p..lsivli] adv.冲动地

insecure* [ insi..kju..] ad j.不安全的;不牢靠的

[ 同义] uncer tain

[ 反义] secure

lap* [ l .. p] n.大腿部分;膝部

lawn* [ l....n] n.草地,草坪

lounge* [ laund..] n.休息厅,休息室

lover* [..l..v..] n.情人

medication [ medi..kei....n] n .药物;药剂

melodious [ mi..l..udi..s ] ad j.(音调,旋律)优美的;悦耳的

monopoly* [m....n..p..li] n.垄断;垄断权;专利权

[ 考点] make a monopoly of 独占,垄断,独家经营

[ 例句] This company made a pr actical monopoly of the ca rrying tr ade.

motion* [..m..u....n] n.移动,运动

[ 同义] movement

[ 反义] stasis

[ 考点] put (set ) sth.in motion开动某物使某物运转

[ 例句] He finally put the car in motion.

[ 辨析] motion;movement motion 指“运动”本身,虽可用以指具体的运动,但主要指抽象的运动;movement作单数时,一般指某人或某物的具体动作,当作集合名词或


motionless [..m..u....nlis ] ad j.静止的;不动的

[ 同义] stable

[ 反义] mobile

nightgown [..nait..aun] n.睡衣

observe* [..b..z....v] v.注意到;观察

[ 同义] notice,note

[ 考点] observe on 对.发表意见(评论)

[ 例句] I have lit tle to obse rve on what has been said.

overnight * [....uv....nait ] adv.突然地

pamper [..p .. mp..] v.溺爱;娇惯

pat * [ p .. t ] v.轻拍

[ 同义] tap

pill * [ pil ] n.药丸

[ 反义] medicine,drug

[ 考点] a bitte r pill (to swallow) (不得不承受的) 苦事

[ 例句] The failur e in the final exam is a bitter pill for him to swallow.

[ 辨析] drug;pill;medicine drug 常指麻醉药和毒品;pill 指药丸形状的内服药;medicine 指药水,有时泛指所有的内服药。

policy * [..p..lisi] n.政策

porch* [ p....t..] n.门廊;阳台

puzzled* [..p..zld] adj.迷惑的;困惑的

rail * [ reil ] n.①栏杆②铁轨

[ 考点] by r ail 乘火车;用火车

off the r ails (火车等) 出轨的;无法控制的

[ 例句] The class was off the rails as the teacher was a - way.

recognition* [ rek......ni....n] n.认出;意识到

reminisce [..remi..nis] v.畅谈;追忆往事

restless* [..restlis ] ad j.①焦虑的;不安定的②不宁静的

ritual * [..ritju..l] n.老规矩

[ 同义] ceremonial

schedule* [....edju..l ] n.时间表;时刻表

[ 同义] programme,timetable

[ 考点] ahead of schedule 提前

on schedule 及时

to schedule 按照预定时间

[ 例句] Most of the students are aware of the impor tance of handing in their r esea rch pape rs on schedule this time.

scrapbook [..skr .. pbuk ] n.剪贴簿

shift * [..if t ] v.移动

[ 考点] shif t around (使) 转到相反方向

shif t off 卸掉,逃脱(责任、义务等)

[ 例句] He was such a coward tha t he shif ted off responsibilities.

slide* [ slaid] v.滑动,滑行

[ 同义] glide,slip

[ 考点] slide over 略过;把.偷偷放入或引进