书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第3章 Unit One Love (1)

Part One In Class Reading

A Good Heart to Lean On


1) She suddenly leaned forward,which sent a shoot - ing pain down her spine.

A.a behavior B.a deed

C.an action D.an activity

2) We at man’s skill and inventivenes s in putting complex pieces of machine ry into space.

A.t remble B.shudder

C.rejoice D.marvel

3) The horse t ried to throw her off but she managed to keep her.

A.balance B.job

C.promise D.word

4) Her friends were green with when they saw the new ca r her parents had given her.

A.fright B.envy

C.indiffe rence D.r elief

5) Due to the fact that she was na turally timid,s he shrank from any social and cultural activities.

A.comprehension of B.study on

C.succes s in D.pa r ticipation in

6) I t was no use t rying to discuss business with James,who was well known for everything.

A.coping with B.t rifling with

C.striving for D.doing well in

7) They’ve alr eady been given a 10% raise,so why ar e they?

A.making a will B.making a fuss

C.making an appointment D.making a complaint

8) Since my coming to the city,I some plan for acqui ring land and star ting in business as market gardene rs.

A.have been subjected to B.have been engaged in

C.have been obliged to D.have been bathed in

9) I t us that we could only see him suffer so much without helping him mor e.

A.relieved B.confirmed

C.impr es sed D.bothered

10) We no longe r keep up the close friendship a few yea rs ago,though we visit each other.

A.on occasion B.on schedule

C.on second thoughts D.on the hour

11) It was reas suring to have someone upon whom he could for a while.

A.touch B.pride

C.lean D.impose

12) Whenever he could take an opportunity he could always tell me some r idiculous stories that wer e of belief.

A.wor thy B.unwor thy

C.cr itical D.indicative

13) The of not knowing how to cope with these difficult problems was too great for her.

A.way B.str ess

C.knowledge D.str ategy

14) He worked to meet the deadline.

A.at a gr eat distance B.at a difficult angle

C.at a t remendous pace D.at a single leap

15) She is one of those people who seem to be able to pas s exam without r eally making an effor t.

A.ha rdworking B.for tunate

C.for tune D.marrow minded


1) C 2) D 3) A 4 ) B 5 ) D 6 ) B 7) D 8) B

9) D 10) A 11) C 12) B 13) B 14 ) C 15) B


activity * [ .. k..tiviti] n.①活动②活跃;能动性

[ 反义] inactivity

[ 考点] be in activity 在活动中

[ 例句] The volcano has been in activity these past ten years.

[ 辨析] action;activity

action 常指具体的采取什么行动;而activity 指活


adjust* [....d....st ] v.①调整;校准②使适应;适应

[ 同义] adapt,fit

[ 反义] disturb

[ 考点] adjust oneself to 使自己适应

adjust to sth.适应于

adjust A to B 使A 事物适应B 事物

[ 例句] Freshmen should learn to adjust themselves to the college life as soon as possible.

balance* [..b .. l..ns ] n.①平衡;均衡②天平

[ 同义] ①symmet ry

[ 考点] on balance 权衡起来;两相比较

out of balance 失去平衡

be in the balance 悬而未决;不能肯定

hold the balance 举足轻重

throw s b.off balance 使失去平衡;使慌乱

[ 例句] 1 ) The re are both advantages and disadvantages in the scheme proposed,but on balance,I think we’ll benefit by adopting it.

2 ) His failure in the exam threw him off balance.

baseball * [..beisb....l] n.棒球

basement* [..beism..nt ] n.地下室

bother * [..b......] v.①打扰②烦恼③尽力;倾心

[ 同义] ①trouble

[ 考点] bother oneself (one’s head ) about (with ) 费事;


[ 例句] Why did you bother your head about what was happening on the other side of the wor ld?

bout [ baut ] n.拳击或摔跤比赛

cling* [ kli..] v.①粘着,紧紧抓住②坚持

[ 同义] adhe re,stick

[ 考点] cling to 坚持;依靠

cling togethe r 紧密团结,拥抱

[ 例句] Membe rs of a family should cling together in times of trouble.

complain* [ k..m..plein] v.抱怨;诉苦;抗议;发牢骚

[ 同义] grumble,murmur

[ 考点] complain to sb.of/about sth.向某人抱怨某事

complain against sb.for sth.因某事对某人不满

[ 例句] Workers who had lost their jobs lef t the factory complaining to the local government about the way they had been unfairly tr eated.

complaint* [ k..m..pleint ] n.抱怨;怨言

content* [ k..n..tent ] adj.满意的,满足的

[ 同义] satisfied

[ 反义] contentless

[ 考点] be content with 对.满意

content oneself with 满足于

[ 例句] Not content with having got a bachelor’s degree,the student finished advanced courses for a master’s degree.

coordinate* [ k..u......dineit ] v.调节,协调

[ 同义] adjust

[ 考点] coordinate A with B 使A 事物与B 事物协调一致

[ 例句] We must coordinate our operations with thei rs.

crippled* [..kripld] ad j.跛的,拐的,伤残的

[ 同义] disabled

despi te* [ di..spait ] p rep.尽管

embarrassed* [ im..b .. r..sd] adj.难堪的,为难的

[ 考点] be emba rras sed about/at/over 因为.而感到难堪,因.而为难

[ 例句] She was a lit tle embarrassed a t seeing her former


engage* [ in....eid..] v.① (使) 忙于;从事;占有②约束③ 订婚

[ 考点] engage in 参加,忙于

be engaged in 忙于;从事于

be engaged to 同.订婚

engage for 担保,负责

[ 例句] 1 ) I will engage for John’s good behavior should you decide to employ him.

2) While one of the robbers was engaged in conversation with the gua rd,the others crept into the building.

envious [..envi..s ] ad j.妒忌的,羡慕的

envy * [..envi] v t.①嫉妒②羡慕


[ 同义] n.jealousy

[ 考点] feel envy at 对.妒忌;对.羡慕

out of envy 出于妒忌

not to envy a person sth.庆幸(不)

be lost in envy 非常妒忌

envy s b.for sth.因某事而妒忌(羡慕) 某人

[ 例句] 1 ) She felt envy at the other children who were allowed to go out and play while she was forced to stay in and practise the violin.

2 ) I don’t envy you the new task you have undertaken.

[ 辨析] envy;jealousy

envy 主要指“羡慕”别人好运,希望自己也有好运;jealousy 语义比envy 强,指对别人占有的或自己企图占有的东西感到不满或怀有恼恨心理,认为应属于自己或自己应得。

fortune* [..f....t....n] n.①运气,命运;机会②财产

[ 同义] ①destiny,fate,luck

[ 考点] seek one’s fortune 寻找出路

come into a for tune 继承一大笔财产

push one’s for tune 设法提高自己的社会地位

t ry one’s for tune 碰运气

by good for tune 由于幸运

[ 例句] 1) He was willing to push his for tune by resor ting to any means.

2) As there was no means of living contentedly he re,he decided to go to Aust ralia to seek his for tune.

[ 辨析] fortune;destiny;fa te;luck fortune 指经过努力可以得到的结果,特指“命运之神”;destiny 不带任何色彩,但语气较庄重,指已经安排好的命运,但并不一定意味着灾难,也指好的结局;fate 多指不幸的结局,强调一切均由上帝或神灵所安排,是无法逃避的,该词有浓厚的“宿命论” 的色彩;luck 为普通用法,在非正式场合、口语中常用,指好的或坏的运气均可。

fortunate* [..f....t....n..t ] ad j.幸运的,运气的

[ 同义] lucky

[ 反义] unfor tunate,unlucky

frustration* [ fr..s..t rei....n] n.沮丧,挫折,失意

halting [..h....lti..] adj.跛的,蹒跚的

handrail [..h .. ndreil ] n.扶手,栏杆

impat ient * [ im..pei....nt ] ad j.①不耐烦的,急躁的②急切的,焦急的

[ 同义] ②anxious,eager

[ 反义] patient

[ 考点] be impatient with sb.对某人不耐烦

be impatient to do sth.急切地去做某事

be impatient of sth.不能忍受某事;讨厌某物

[ 例句] I am impatient with my deskmate because he always keeps me waiting.

indignity [ in..di..niti] n.无礼,侮辱

[ 同义] insul t

kid* [ kid] v.开玩笑,取笑

[ 同义] tease

lean* [ li..n] v.倾斜;倚靠;靠

[ 同义] incline

[ 考点] lean against 靠在(墙上等)

lean over 俯在(桌上)

lean on (upon) 依靠

[ 例句] He was so young that he always leaned upon his par ents for guidance.

local * [..l..uk..l] adj.①地方的,本地的②局部的

lower* [ l..u..] adj.较低的;在底部的

[ 反义] uppe r

marvel [..m....v..l] v.惊奇,惊叹

[ 同义] wonde r,s urprise,astonish,amaze

[ 考点] ma rvel at sth.对.大为惊讶

[ 例句] I ma rvel a t how much time it must have taken for a

crippled man to cover such a long distance on foot.