
第22章 Unit Seven Today’s Youth (2)

[反义] unset tled

[例句] Af ter many yea rs of t raveling a round ,we’re now enjoying a more settled life.

sloth [sl..u..] n.懒惰,懒散

[同义] lazines s

[反义] diligence

[例句] Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins.

soundtrack * [..saundtr .. k ] n.电影配乐的录音

[考点] the soundt rack from / to/ of one film 某电影配乐录音

[例句] The quality of the soundtr ack on that film is really poor.

tabloid [..t .. bl..id] adj.轰动性的;庸俗的

n.小(型) 报

[考点] tabloid journalism 小报新闻

the tabloid pres s 小报出版社

tabloid newspape r 庸俗报纸

a tabloid format 庸俗版

[例句] Information on the per sonal life of a film star is just the sor t of story the tabloids love.

tavern [..t .. v..n] n.酒馆

[同义] bar ,caba ret ,inn ,pub ,saloon

widen4 [..waid..n] v.① (使) 扩大② (使) 变宽

[同义] broaden ,dilate,distend ,enla rge,expand ,extend

[反义] narrow

[考点] widen ( out ) 变宽

widen the discussion 扩大讨论

[例句] 1 ) As it approaches the sea ,the r iver begins to widen ( out ).

2) Why not widen the discussion to include the

Muslim and Jewis h points of view ?

cut off 停止.的供给

[例句] If you marry that man ,I’ll cut you off without a penny.

drop out 退出,不参加

[例句] He dropped out of college af ter only two weeks.

rock the boat 破坏良好的现状,捣乱

[例句] We’ve been doing it this way for years ;don’t rock the boa t by trying to int roduce new methods.

set somebody or something apart from 使与.不同

[例句] His mastery of color sets him apa rt from other painters of his er a.

wait on tables 伺候进餐

[例句] She waited on tables all day at the restaur ant.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Me,Stuart,Mum and Dad


articulate6 [......tikjul..t ] ad j.表达力强的


[同义] a ttached ,connected ,coupled

[反义] ina r ticulate

[例句] 1 ) At the age of 93 ,he was still sha rp witted and a r ticulate.

2) Do you think that women ar e mor e able than men to ar ticulate their feelings.

displease* [dis..pl..i z ] v.使不愉快;使生气

[同义] aggr ava te,ange r ,annoy ,exasperate ,incense ,infur iate ,irritate

[反义] calm,please

[考点] be displeased by/ with/ a t sth.因某事而不愉快

[例句] The singer is known to have been highly displeased by the rema rks made in the paper.

embarrassing* [im..b .. r..si..] adj.令人为难的,尴尬的

[考点] an embarr as sing situation/ per son/ story/ remark 尴尬的境地/ 人/ 事/ 话

It’s emba rras sing to do 干.为难

My most emba rrassing moment was + when 我最尴尬的时候是当.

[例句] 1 ) It’s emba rrassing to be caught telling a lie.

2 ) My most embarr as sing moment was when I t ried to int roduce her but couldn ’t remember he r name.

interrogation [in..ter..( u)....ei....n] n.讯问;审问

[同义] c ross examination ,incr ement

[考点] the interrogation rooms 审讯室

[例句] The Red Cros s was only allowed to visit the prisoners afte r they had been t ransferr ed from the inte rrogation rooms.

irrelevant* [i..rel..v..nt ] adj.不相干的;离题的

[同义] impe rtinent

[反义] relevant

[考点] be largely i rrelevant to sth.与某事极不相干

It’s irrelevant + wh .是不相干的

[例句] 1 ) These documents are la rgely irrelevant to the pr esent investigation.

2 ) It ’ s irr elevant what you say—nothing can change his at titude.

motive4 [..m..utiv] n.动机,目的

[同义] cause,motivation ,reason ,prompting

[反义] deterrent ,discour agement ,disincentive

[考点] has no motive 没有动机

the motive behind sth.某事后面的动机

examine/ question one’s motive in doing sth.审视


the profit motive 赢利动机

has an ulterior ( = secret ) motive 有秘密动机

[例句] 1 ) I think you should question thei r motives in offe ring to lend you the money.

2 ) She denies that she has an secret motive ,such as gaining publicity for her new book.

perverse [p....v....s ] ad j.违反常情的

[同义] cont ra ry ,corrupt ,e rroneous ,false ,incorrect ,stubborn

[反义] docile,gentle,meek ,obedient ,tame

[考点] be perve rse to do 违反常理去做.

take a pe rve rse delight in doing sth.异乎寻常地乐于做某事

take a perverse pleasure in sth 违反常理地高兴于某事

[例句] She took a perverse delight in hea ring that her siste r was getting divorced.

and all that 等等,诸如此类

[例句] In the kitchen ,there a re pots ,pans ,dishes and (all ) that.

break away from 摆脱,放弃;脱离( 团体、组织、某种思想体系)

[例句] This ext remist fraction broke away from the main pa rty in 1979.

carry on 继续做;坚持

[例句] We can carry on our discussion af ter lunch.

disapprove of 不赞成,不同意

[例句] He disapproves of mothers going out to work;in fact he disapproves very st rongly.

get off the subject 离题

[例句] Suddenly ,he got off the subject of divorce and went into his romance.

go down in history 载入史册

[例句] Alber t Einstein ’s gr eat achievement on physics goes down in history.

kind of 有几分

[例句] I’m feeling kind of tired.

on the whole 总的看来;大体上,基本上

[例句] On the whole ,I’m sa tisfied with her progres s.

or else 否则,如果不

[例句] You must pay $100 or else go to prison.

pick on 选择( 某人或某物) 作受罚( 受责备、干不愉快工作) 的对象

[例句] I’m tired of being picked on.

stand for 代表

[例句] Before we vote for him,we want to know what he stands for.

stand up to 敢于面对,勇敢地对待

[例句] Don’t let her say things like tha t about your work - you should stand up to her a bit more.

where.is concerned 就.来说,就.而论

[例句] Wher e kindness is conce rned ,I always behave better than all of my siste rs.

Passage Ⅱ College Pressures


admirable* [.... dm..r..bl] adj.极好的;令人钦佩的

[同义] commendable ,deserving

[反义] deplorable ,despicable

[考点] admir able ( = excellent ) tact/ restr aint/ self cont rol 极为机智/ 自治

an admirable ( = praiseworthy) job 另人钦佩的工作

[例句] 1 ) I think you showed admirable tact in your answer.

2 ) The police did an admir able job in keeping the fans calm.

applicant4 [.... plik..nt ] n.申请人

[同义] aspirant ,candidate ,competitor ,contestant

[考点] applicant ( s) for .的申请者

[例句] How many applicants did you have for the job ?

clack [kl .. k] v.发出咔嗒声;使咔嗒咔嗒地响


[考点] the clack of high heels 高跟鞋的咔嗒声

the clack of an old typewrite r 老式打字机的咔嗒声

[例句] He r typewr ite r clacked noisily as she typed out the lette r.

gallows [...... l..uz] n.( pl .) 绞架;绞刑

[考点] send sb.to the gallows 处某人以绞刑

end up on the gallows 受绞刑而死

gallows humor 黑色幽默

[例句] New witnesses have cast doubt on some of the evidence that sent the 19 yea r old to the gallows.

grim6 [..rim] a dj.①严酷的,令人害怕的② ( 非正式) 不愉快的,讨厌的

[同义] dr eadful ,fie rce ,forbidding ,formidable,fright - ful ,hideous

[反义] gentle ,meek ,mild ,quiet

[考点] hang/ hold on like grim death 坚持

a grim st ruggle 生死之战

a grim smile/ expr es sion 狞笑(冷酷的表情)

grim faced 看起来很严肃的

a grim picture of sth.不愉快的景象

a grim r eminder of sth.不愉快的回忆

[例句] 1 ) The dog grabbed hold of the suitcase with its teeth and hung on like grim death.

2 ) The occasion was a grim r eminder of the shor t - comings of his brother.

inconceivably * [..ink..n..si..v..bli] adv.不可思议地

[例句] The book has sold an inconceivably la rge number of copies.

inquiring* [in..kwai..ri..] ad j.(BrE .) enqui ring 爱探索的,好问的

[考点] a very inquiring mind 爱探索的头脑

an enquiring look 探询的目光

[例句] You have a very inquiring mind ,don’t you ?

instructive* [in..st r..ktiv] adj.有教益的,有启发的

[同义] educational,enlightening ,helpful

[反义] unenlightening

[例句] This is really inst ructive exper ience for he r.intertwine [..int....twain] v.( 使) 缠绕在一起

[同义] c ross ,entwine ,interweave ,link