
第21章 Unit Seven Today’s Youth (1)


1) Sadly these kids attend schools where exits among both the students and teachers.

A.apa thy B.sympathy

C.indiffer ence D.enthusiasm

2) It ’s ext remely unlikely that two such improbable events would.

A.take place B.happen

C.concur D.occur

3) The young man began to imitate those Hypes on the st reet.

A.disengaged B.disenchanted

C.disinterested D.disgr aced

4) These posts will be filled by.

A.order B.competition

C.election D.selection

5) The book has lots of beautiful.

A.illust ration B.int roductions

C.administ rations D.organiza tions

6) Someone had sprayed graffiti on the wall outside school.

A.colorful B.backward

C.obscene D.dir ty

7) There is a smell of diesel ( 柴油) in our ga rage.

A.throughout B.pe rvasive

C.extensive D.enlarging

8) The actor is photographed in ,smoking a ciga - r ette.

A.side B.picture

C.profile D.detail

9) His smile.

A.opened B.enlarged

C.deepened D.widened

10) When childr en first lea rn to talk ,ther e ar e some sounds that they find it difficult to.

A.express B.ar ticulate

C.send D.speak

11) The team’s manager cer tainly was n’t by their 3 0 victory in last Saturday’s football match.

A.dis pleased B.discha rged

C.praised D.disillusioned

12) Thei r behavior was extr emely.

A.displeasing B.embarr as sing

C.well looking D.satisfying

13) Does he have a ( an ) for lying about where he was ?

A.purpose B.aim

C.r eason D.motive

14) The police investigating the case believed that the murder er was a person who took a pleasur e in violence.

A.pe rverse B.adve rse

C.reverse D.conve rse

15) He is a ( an) man who shows great rest raint in his answer.

A.admirable B.wor thy

C.excellent D.unusual


1) A 2 ) C 3) B 4 ) C 5) A 6) C 7) B 8) C

9) D 10) B 11) A 12 ) B 13 ) D 14) A 15) A

Part One In Class Reading

Profiles of Today’s Youth:

They Couldn’t Care Less


abortion6 [....b......n] n.堕胎;流产

[同义] miscarriage ,stillbir th

[反义] continuation ,succes s

[考点] have/ get an abor tion 堕胎

[例句] She decided to have an abor tion.

alarmingly * [....l....mi..li ] adv.让人担忧地

[同义] daunting ,dreadfully

[反义] reas suring

[例句] He shook her by the shoulde rs ,but she took an a - larmingly long time to open her eyes.

alienat ion* [..eilj....ni....n] n.疏离感

[同义] indifference ,unconce rn

[反义] concern ,friendliness

[考点] alienation from sb.疏远某人

[例句] She feels a te rrible sense of alienation from everyone else around her.

apathy [.... p....i ] n.冷漠,缺乏兴趣

[同义] indifference

[反义] enthusiasm,fe rvor

[考点] public apathy towards sth.大众对某事( 物) 的冷漠

[例句] The group fights widespread public apathy towards ea rthquake safety measures.

bureau4 [..bju..r..u] n.( p l.bur eaux or bur eaus) ①提供或收

集消息的机构② ( 政府部门的) 司;局;处;署

[考点] Mis sing Persons Bureau 失踪人员管理处

New York bur eau 纽约办事处

[例句] He r disappea rance was repor ted to the police depar tment’s Missing Persons Bur eau.

[辨析] bureaucr acy n.官僚机构,政府;bureaucrat n.官僚。

census6 [..sens..s ] n.人口普查;统计

[考点] have a cens us 进行人口普查

a t raffic census 车辆统计

[例句] We have a cens us in China eve ry ten years.

concur [k..n..k....( r) ] v.同意,观点一致

[同义] agr ee ,cooper ate

[考点] concur with sb.on/ in sth.与某人观点一致

concur + that 同意.

[例句] For once ,the politicians concurred with each other on the matte r.

corruption* [k....r..p....n] n.腐败

[同义] dishonesty

[反义] honesty

[考点] to expose corruption 揭露腐败

political corruption 政治腐败

mor al corruption 道德腐败

[例句] The film is about a young police officer and his st ruggle to expose corruption in the force.

disenchanted [..disin..t......ntid ] ad j.不再抱幻想的;不再着


[同义] disappointed ,fed up ,indifferent

[反义] enchanted

[考点] become disenchanted with sb.( or sth .) 对某人

(某物) 不抱幻想

[例句] Many voters have become disenchanted with the government.

disengagement* [..disin....eid..m..nt ] n.解脱

[例句] The number one rule for being good person to work with is the disengagement of your emotions from the working relationship.

disillusioned* [disi..lju......nd ] ad j.不再抱幻想的,大失所望的,幻想破灭的

[同义] disappointed ,disenchanted

[考点] a disillusioned man 失望者

be disillusioned with sb.对某人不再抱幻想

[例句] All the other teachers are thoroughly disillusioned with their colleague.

disinterested* [dis..int ristid] ad j.不关心的;不感兴趣的

[同义] dispassionate

[反义] biased ,interested

[考点] a disinter ested obse rver/ judgment 不感兴趣的旁观者

a piece of disinter ested advice 无心的建议

disparate [..disp..r..t ] adj.根本不相同的;无联系的

[例句] The two cultures were so utter ly dis para te that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.

doctoral* [..d..kt..r..l] adj.博士的

election4 [i..lek....n] n.选举

[同义] appointment ,choice ,decision ,determina tion

[考点] call an election 同意选举

election r esults 选举结果

gener al election ****

local gove rnment elections 地方政府选举

make an election to do 选择做某事

[例句] The Government is expected to call an election ve ry soon.

harass* [..h .. r..s] v.骚扰

[同义] annoy ,badge r ,beset ,bother ,disturb

[反义] assist ,help

[考点] be harassed by 被骚扰

[例句] Stop har as sing the child by asking so many difficult questions.

illustration4 [..il....str ei....n] n.说明,例证

[同义] decoration ,drawing ,figure ,analogy ,case ,demonst ration

[考点] an illust ration of sth.对某事的说明

by way of illustr ation 为更进一步说明

[例句] This delay is a perfect illust ration of why we need a new computer system.

insistence* [..in..sist..ns] n.坚持

[同义] cer tainty ,contention ,demand ,determina tion

[考点] insistence on sth.坚持某事

a t sb .’s insistence 由于某某的坚持

insistence + that 坚持.

[例句] At her father’s insistence,Amelia has been moved into a new class.

intrusion [in..t ru......n] n.闯入,侵扰

[同义] enc roachment ,incur sion ,infringement

[反义] ext rusion

[考点] int rusion into 闯入

a welcome int rusion into 受欢迎的侵扰

[例句] Far from being a nuisance ,his phone call was a welcome intrusion into an othe rwise tedious morning.

mobilize6 [..m..ubilaiz ] v.调动,鼓动,动员

[同义] activate,animate

[例句] Representatives for all the main candida tes ar e trying to mobilize voter suppor t for the election.

obscene6 [..b..si..n] ad j.( 尤指思想、书籍等) 猥亵的,****的,下流的

[同义] bawdy ,dir ty ,filthy ,indecent ,lewd

[反义] decent

[考点] obscene videotapes ********带

obscene phone calls 猥亵电话

obscene language 淫语

It’s obscene + that.是下流的

[例句] The play was banned because of the obscene language it contained.

pervasive [p......veisiv] adj.蔓延的,遍布的;渗透的

[同义] common ,extensive,general

[考点] pervasive influences 无所不在的影响

all pervasive corruption 遍及全域的腐败

[例句] The influence of Freud is pervasive in her work.

petition6 [pi..ti....n] n.请愿( 书)

[同义] appeal,demand ,plea ,request

[考点] a petition against 请愿反对

a petition for divorce 申请离婚

[例句] I signed a petition against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.

profile4 [..pr..ufail] n.①简介②侧面( 像)

[考点] a profile about sb.关于某人的简介

in high profile positions 处在引人注目的位置

keep a low profile 有意避免引起注意

[例句] Ther e is a growing number of women in high profile positions in the government.

settled* [..setld ] ad j.固定的;稳定的

[同义] stable ,fixed