
第39章 Eagle and Bee

Absorbed in one big flower,there worked a busy bee.An eagle,watching her,made slighting exclamation,“With all your knowledge and your industry,such toil excites commiseration.What thousands in your hive all summer mould and mould!And who,hereafter,will behold,still less appreciate,your share?To me,it is strange that you can care.To toil away your life,to toil,and what in view?To die without a nanle,amidst a nameless crew!What difference between me and you!When rising in my strength,my sounding wings I spread and soar in ******* overhead,on every side I scatter dread.The feathered folk all fear tO mount into the air.Alert the shepherd guards,his fat sheep grazing near,to show herself abroad the nimble—footed deer.When I go roving,will not dare.”

“To you,”the bee replies,“aU honour and all praise!May Zeus still shed on you his bounteous gifts divine!But 1 was born to toil for others all my days.My own small share,I ask not to define:My only comfort this,when on our cells I gaze:That there amidst the rest,one lit—tle drop is mine.”

absorbed adj.专心一意的;被吸收的;全神贯注的

exclamation n.惊呼,惊叹词

scatter n.消散;溃散;分散;散播


bounteous adj.宽宏大量的;慷慨的

amidst prep.在……当中




名人名言AU rivers IHun into sea.海纳百川。