
第17章 爱的错误也美丽(10)

We were half an hour early, which was just on time for us. We went up to the door and knocked. No response. I knocked again. This time the door opened a crack. A glum-faced woman looked out at us.“Yes?”

“Sorry, we"re early birds,”I said.“But we"re just on the way to the airport and have only a few minutes to spare.” It wasn"t true, of course, but the airport story never failed to get us first crack at the merchandise, without any competition.

“Could we just have a quick peek?”I asked her.

The woman sighed. “It"s not ready,” she said.“Our helpers haven"t turned up. Not a one.”

“We don"t mind if it"s disorganized,”John said.

Seeing we weren"t going away, the woman pulled the door open. Inside, a man in a brown coat stood looking around in despair. No wonder. The room was in shambles. Unopened cartons littered the floor, alongside piles of many books and clothing. Sculpture, paintings and furniture were pushed into corners. This wasn"t a sale, it was a disaster.

“We don"t know what to do,” said the woman. Her eyes were wet. “We"ve never done a fair before.”

The man came over and held out his hand. “My name"s Glenn,”he said.“I"m the minister here. This is my wife.”He put an arm around her shoulder.“You"re free to look around. Gwen, you"d better go make up a sign canceling the fair.”

John and I looked at each other. We couldn"t just leave. John turned to the couple. “Don"t cancel the fair,” he said.“Just do what we tell you.”

“We"ve got less than half an hour before we"re supposed to open,” said Gwen.

“Then you"d better let us get started,” I said, looking around.

There"s a science to setting up a fair, and after years in the business, John and I were experts. But this was a challenge even for us. John began slicing open cartons. Gwen walked around. “Is there anything we can do?” she asked.

“Have your morning tea,” I answered. “And leave the mess to us.” If Gwen remembered our imaginary trip to the airport, she didn"t say so.

I pulled up my sleeves and started the work. John and I barely spoke — we were so practiced we didn"t need to, especially when we came across two choice pieces. One was a folio of Chinese prints, the other a beautiful vase. John"s eyes met mine and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was: We could just set these off to the side where nobody will see them. But we just couldn"t do it. With one last longing look, I laid the folio out on a table and placed the vase with the other china.

“That"s it,” I said, washing my hands. “Everything"s OK.”

John looked at his watch. “Five minutes to spare!” he exclaimed.“How did we do all this so quickly?”I had no idea.

Glenn and Gwen stared at the displays in silence. Then they looked at us with a mixture of joy, relief and... something else I couldn"t name. Something almost like wonder.

Glenn thanked God for his goodness. Then he thanked him for sending two helpers for the fair. “We"d like you each to have something as a reward for all your hard work,” Glenn said when he was finished.“Please take whatever you"d like. On us.”

He didn"t have to ask twice. Quick as a flash John grabbed the folio of Chinese prints and I snatched up the vase. The door opened and our first customers came in.

John and I drove away with our treasures. “It"s odd,” John admitted.“That was a record breaker. But I don"t feel all that spent.”

“It felt as if time slowed down for us,” I said, trying to make sense of it.“And the way Glenn and Gwen looked at us when we were all done...”

“like we were angels,” John said.

Us? Angels? Angels wouldn"t have made a getaway with the little fair"s most valuable merchandise, would they?

The folio prints fetched a good price at our stall the next weekend, but I didn"t get the usual happiness from ****** a big sale. I looked over at John, who had just sold the vase for even more than we imagined. He didn"t look any happier than I did.

The following day John and I turned some money into an anonymous bank cheque paid to the little country church. The real angels who lived there deserved it. After all, they"d done the lion"s share of the work.



























Mystery of the White Gardenia


Every year on my birthday from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, MD. No card or note came with it. Calls to the florist were always in vain, it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender"s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper.

But I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but too shy or eccentric to make known his or her identity.