I had decided the one perfect marriage in history would be ours. No conflicts...no harsh words...no hurt feelings...no tears...nothing negative. My wife had made a similar resolution. For three weeks we had walked on egg shells, protecting each other from the slightest unpleasantness.
Dare I break the spell? Dare I be honest and open? She had soaked in that blasted stuff every day of our marriage. I knew I couldn’t hold out forever. So I said in my sweetest, softest voice, “Honey, that perfume smells like bug spray.”
Silence! Like the silence that must have followed President Roosevelt’s announcement that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. I stared straight ahead trying to concentrate on the steady metallic rhythm of the train cars rolling by.
I glanced at my bride out of the corner of my eye. Her lower lip was quivering slightly. The way it still does when she’s fighting a good cry. We drove on.
After an eternity she mumbled softly, “I won’t use that brand again.” Any married person can finish the story. We choked down our gourmet dinner. Pouted. Went through the “It’s all my fault, Honey” routine. She teared. And we finally reconciled, promising never to be cross with each other again. The whole episode is now part of our family lore. Our repertory of delightful “young and dumb” stories.
But I still think our marriage began with my observation about the perfume. At that point we began to grow. We discovered marriage is a union stronger than emotions. We began to drop the foolishness about unruffled bliss. We took our first step toward learning that one all important lesson, a lesson no one ever outgrows—love is a death resurrection relationship.
As for the perfume...I sprayed the rest on roaches. It worked!
War and Rose
Francis Meilland was a French rose breeder, and he had dedicated his life to the roses in his garden. He knew each one intimately. But of all his treasures, there is one tiny plant he cared the most. It is a masterpiece, producing the most heartbreakingly beautiful blooms, unlike anything he had ever grown before.
Meilland was anxious to experiment, to develop the rose further, and to give it an appropriate name. But he was out of time. The year was 1939 and the threat of war hovered over Western Europe. He could only hope to preserve the rose from the terrible dangers on the horizon.
By June the following year, the German Army had occupied northern France. Now the Nazis cut across to the coast, then turned and moved toward Paris, never striking twice in the same place. Waging blitzkrieg, or lightning war, they had attacked first one town, then another, spreading defeat and disaster everywhere.
Pressed for time, Meilland took cuttings from his beloved plant, still untested and still unnamed. Methodically, he packaged and shipped them to rose fans throughout the world. Would they get out of France? Would they arrive at their destinations? More importantly, would they survive? He could only hope and pray.
One last plane left France just before the Nazis gained control of the airport. On board were the final rose cuttings, cushioned in a diplomatic pouch, destined for the United States.
Four long years passed. Throughout Europe, shelling resounded like a giant bell solemnly tolling the dead. And then it arrived: a letter from a rose grower in Pennsylvania praising the beauty of Meilland"s discovery. It was ruffled and delicate. The petals were of cameo ivory and palest cream, tipped with a tinge of pink.
His rose had survived.
But, for Meilland, the crowning glory came later. On the very day that Berlin fell and bells of ******* rang across Europe, rose growers gathered far away, in sunny California, at a ceremony to christen his splendid blossom. To honor the occasion, white doves were set free to wing their way across a sapphire sky.
And, after so many years, the fragile rose that had survived a war finally received its name—Peace.
到第二年六月,德国军队已占领了法国北部。现在纳粹抄近路越过海岸线,然后调转方向向巴黎进发,所向披靡。Waging Blitzkrieg,或者叫闪电战,他们首先侵略一座城镇,然后又一座,把失败和灾难蔓延到各个地方。
The bargain hunters
John and I may look like your average couple walking around at a garage sale, but we"re actually professionals for good deals—and we know all the tricks to get them. So when we saw the sign outside a little country church proclaiming“Fair! Bargains! Open 9:00 A.M. today!” John pulled over.