
第28章 出国留学(1)

Studying Abroad


我想去美国留学。 I would like to study in Am-



你想去哪个国家留学? Which country would you like to study in?

3. 我不知道选择哪所学校。 I don’t know which school to choose.

4. 我给你介绍一个留学中介。 I’ll introduce you to a study abroad intermediary.

5. 北京有很多留学中介。 There are lots of study abro-

ad intermediaries in Beijing.


你想学习什么? What would you like to



你要去哪留学? Where do you want to study abroad?


去英国留学每年多少钱? How much is it to go to Eng-

land for a year?

9. 我的英语不好。 My English is bad.

10. 我什么时候可以申请? When can I apply?

11. 我想去牛津大学留学。 I want to go to Oxford Uni-versity to study.

12. 我需要递交什么资料? What information do I need to submit?

13. 你能给我介绍一下这个学校吗? Can you introduce this sch-

ool to me?

14. 我想学习设计。 I would like to study design.

15. 请给我介绍一下留学的流程。 Please introduce to me the process for studying abroad.

16. 每年的学费是多少钱? How much are the tuition fees each year?

17. 我想看一下这个学校的资料。 I would like to have a look at the schools information.

18. 这是公立大学还是私立大学? Is this a public or private un-


19. 你应该先申请大学预科。 You should first apply for the schools preparatory course.

20. 现在可以报名吗? Can I apply now?


请填写这张申请表。 Please fill out this applicati-

on form.


每年12月可以申请这所学校。 You can apply for this school every December.

3. 你的材料都准备好了吗? Is all your material ready?

4. 你应该准备一份简历。 You need to prepare a resu-


5. 这所学校的申请截止日期是2月10号。 The cut off date for this sch-

ool is 10th February.


你应该交申请费。 You should pay the applicati

eon fee.


申请学校的时候,我需要面试吗? When applying for schools, do you need to have an inte-



这所学校要求电话面试。 This school needs a telepho-

ne interview.

9. 什么时候可以知道申请结果? When can I know the result of the application?

10. 你的推荐信是谁写的? Who will write your letter of recommendation?

11. 我们需要三封推荐信。 We need 3 letters of recom-


12. 我可以申请两所学校吗? Can I apply to 2 schools?

13. 申请费多少钱? How much is the application fee?

14. 申请这所学校很难。 Applying for this school is very difficult.

15. 你可以在网上申请学校。 You can apply for schools on the internet.

16. 你需要补充一些申请材料。 You need to supply some extra application materials.

17. 你可以通过AIR MAIL寄你的申请资料。 You can send your applic-

ation materials by airmail.

18. 录取通知书会在3月寄给你。 Your acceptance letter will arrive in March.

19. 我被录取了。 I’ve been accepted.

20. 你收到录取通知书了吗? Have you received your acc-eptance letter?


我想申请奖学金。 I want to apply for a schol-



你的英语水平怎么样? How is your English level?

3. 申请奖学金有什么要求? What do scholarship applic-

ations require?

4. 你应该查一下学校的奖学金信息。 You should have a check the school’s scholarship infor-


5. 这所学校的奖学金是多少钱? How much is the scholarship at this school?


申请这所学校的奖学金很难。 Applying for a scholarship at this school is very difficult.


有几种奖学金? How many kinds of scholar-

ships are there?


申请奖学金应该准备什么? What should be prepared wh-

en applying for a scholarsh-ip?

9. 每个学校的奖学金政策不一样。 Every school’s scholarship policy is different.

10. 什么时候申请奖学金? When can you apply for sch-


11. 助学金的金额最高。 The highest sum available is for fellowships.

12. 申请助学金最难。 Applying for a stipend / gra-

nt is the most difficult.

13. 你也可以申请一些助教奖学金。 You can also apply for some teaching assistant scholars-


14. 贫困生可以申请奖学金。 Poor students can also apply for scholarships.

15. 学习成绩和语言水平是申请奖学金的关键。 The key to a scholarship ap-

plication is academic record and language level.

16. 我获得了这所大学的奖学金。 I obtained a scholarship from that school.

17. 这所学校奖学金的通过率很高。 The pass rate for scholarshi-

ps at this school is very high.

18. 什么时候发放奖学金? When will the scholarship be issued?

19. 一些学校可以免除学费。 At some schools you can

avoid tuition fees.

20. 热门专业的奖学金申请很难。 Scholarships for popular su-

bjects is very difficult.


你应该填写护照申请表。 You should fill out this pass-

port application form.


办理护照多少钱? How much is it to apply for a


3. 办理护照多长时间? How long does it take to apply for a passport?

4. 我可以去哪办理护照? Where can I go to apply for a


5. 办理护照时需要准备什么材料? What materials do I need to get a passport?


一般15天就可以领取护照。 Usually you can get your pas-sport in 15 days.


办理护照需要身份证。 Do apply for a passport you need ID.


护照的有效期是多长时间? How long is the passport valid for?

9. 我的护照丢了。 I’ve lost my passport.

10. 护照有效期满以后可以办理延期。 Can you apply for an exten-

sion when a passport has expired?

11. 申请签证时要和大使馆预约。 You need to make an appoi-

ntment with an embassy when applying for a visa.

12. 你可以在网上下载签证申请表格。 You can download the visa application form from the internet.