
第27章 庆祝节日或纪念日(2)

中秋节是中国的传统节日。 Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday.


中秋节快乐! Happy Mid-autumn Festival!

3. 中秋节是什么时候? When is Mid-autumn Festiv-


4. 中秋节要吃月饼。 You eat moon cakes on Mid-autumn Festival.

5. 我不喜欢吃月饼。 I don’t like moon cakes.


我要送月饼给我的朋友。 I’ll send some moon cakes to my friends.


中秋节晚上我们一起看月亮。 On the Mid-autumn Festival night, we can go and look at the moon together.


今晚的月亮又大又圆。 Tonight’s moon light is big as well as round.

9. 你喜欢吃什么味的月饼? What flavor moon cake do you like?

10. 月饼有很多口味。 There are lots of flavors of moon cakes.

11. 月饼很甜。 Moon cakes are very sweet.

12. 我喜欢花生味的月饼。 I like peanut flavored moon cakes.

13. 中秋节有什么活动? What is there to do during Mid-autumn Festival?

14. 中国人很重视中秋节。 Chinese people really value the Mid-autumn Festival.

15. 中秋节为什么吃月饼? Why do people eat moon ca-

ked during the Mid-autumn Festival?

16. 中国南方和北方的月饼口味不一样。 Moon cake flavors from nor-

th and south of China are different.

17. 现在月饼的口味越来越多。 There are more and more moon cake flavors available.

18. 你知道怎么挑选月饼吗? How do you choose moon ca-


19. 中秋节有灯会吗? Is there a lantern show duri-

ng Mid-autumn Festival?

20. 我们去看灯会吧。 Let’s go and look at the la-

ntern festival.


感恩节快乐! Happy Thanksgiving Day!


感恩节是什么时候? When is Thanksgiving Day?

3. 在美国,11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。 In America, Thanksgiving Day it the fourth Thursday of November.

4. 感恩节我们不工作。 We don’t go to work on Th-

anksgiving Day.

5. 感恩节是西方的节日。 Thanksgiving Day is a west-

ern celebration.


感恩节要和家人一起过。 I spend Thanksgiving Day with my family.


晚上我们一家人一起吃晚餐。 At night we eat dinner with our families.


感恩节通常要吃火鸡。 Roast turkey is usually eaten on Thanksgiving.

9. 一定要吃火鸡。 I definitely want to eat Tur-


10. 我们要吃南瓜派。 We eat pumpkin pie.

11. 我最喜欢吃南瓜派了。 I like pumpkin pie the best.

12. 我来切火鸡。 I’ll cut the Turkey.

13. 我要感谢我的爸爸妈妈。 I would give thanks to my mum and dad.

14. 我不吃火鸡,我吃火腿。 I don’t eat roast turkey, I’ll eat ham.

15. 我做了很多南瓜派。 I made lots of pumpkin pie.


圣诞节快乐! Happy Christmas Day!


我不喜欢圣诞节。 I don’t like Christmas Day.

3. 我要买很多礼物。 I want to buy a lot of gifts.

4. 12月25号是圣诞节。 Christmas is 25th December.

5. 我很喜欢圣诞老人。 I really like Father Christmas.


圣诞节是基督教的重要节日。 Christmas is an important Christian holiday.


圣诞树准备好了吗? Have you got a Christmas tree?


我们一起准备圣诞树吧。 Let’s get a tree together.

9. 我要在床上挂上圣诞袜。 I’ve hung a Christmas stoc-

king above my bed.

10. 哦,我的圣诞袜里有很多礼物。 Ah, my Christmas stocking has lots of presents inside.

11. 圣诞节要吃火鸡。 Roast turkey is eaten on


12. 12月24号是平安夜。 December 24th is Christmas Eve.

13. 圣诞节有很多习俗。 There are a lot of Christmas


14. 我要买很多圣诞装饰品。 I want to buy a lot of Chris-

tmas decorations.

15. 圣诞节我要和家人一起吃饭。 I eat with my family on Chr-

istmas day.

16. 在中国,圣诞节越来越流行。 Christmas is becoming more and more popular in China.

17. 我想去美国过圣诞节。 I would like to spend Christ-

mas in America.

18. 我们去外边堆雪人吧。 Let’s go out and make a sn-



你什么时候结的婚? When did you get married?


今天是我们结婚一周年的日子。 Today is our one year wed-

ding anniversary.

3. 明天是我们的结婚纪念日。 Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary.

4. 你们结婚几年了? How many years have you been married?

5. 我们结婚10年了。 We have been married for 10 years.


你们怎么庆祝结婚纪念日? How do you celebrate your wedding anniversary?


老公送给我一束花。 My husband sends me a flower.


我差一点忘了今天是我们的结婚纪念日。 I forgot today is our wedding anniversary.

9. 去年的今天我们结婚了。 Today a year ago we got married.

10. 今天是个特殊的日子。 Today is a special day.

11. 哦,我又想起了我的婚礼。 Oh, I have to remember my wedding day.

12. 为我们结婚15年干杯! Cheers to our 15 years of


13. 谢谢你陪我走过这10年。 Thank you for accompanying me these past 10 years.

14. 谢谢你送给我的项链。 Thank you for the necklace.

15. 我的儿子送给我们一个结婚纪念日的蛋糕。 My son gave me a wedding anniversary cake.


我们订婚了。 We’re engaged!


2009年9月9号我们订婚了。 We got engaged on 9th Sep-

tember 2009.

3. 我收到了订婚戒指。 I have received an engagem-

ent ring.

4. 你们什么时候订的婚? When did you get engaged?

5. 恭喜你订婚了! Congratulations on your en-



你们打算什么时候结婚? When are you planning to get married?


我们订婚一周年了。 We’ve been engaged for a



我还记得我们订婚的日子。 I still remember the date we got engaged.

9. 订婚那天我很激动。 The day I got engaged I was so excited.

10. 我们订婚的日子和结婚的日子是一样的。 The day we got engaged and the day we got married are the same.

11. 订婚那天发生了很多有意思的事情。 The day I got engages, I dis-

covered lots of interesting things.

12. 我会永远记得订婚那一天。 I will remember forever the

day I got engaged.

13. 订婚两周年以后我们结婚了。 We got married two years

after we got engaged.

14. 你们吃订婚蛋糕了吗? Did you eat engagement ca-


15. 订婚的时候有很多习俗。 There are lots of conventions for getting engaged.


明天是我的生日。 It’s my birthday tomorrow.


生日快乐! Happy Birthday!

3. 这是给你的生日礼物。 This is your birthday gift.

4. 我在给朋友选生日礼物。 I’m choosing a birthday present for my friend.

5. 今天是我18岁的生日! Today is my 18th birthday!


我的生日是7月18号。 My birthday is on the 18th July.


我要举行一个生日晚会! I want to hold a birthday pa-



这是我最难忘的一个生日。 This was the most unforge-

ttable birthday.

9. 没有人和我一起过生日。 I have never had the same

birthday as someone.

10. 你喜欢生日蛋糕吗? Do you like birthday cakes?

11. 我来插蜡烛。 I’ll put in the candles.

12. 吹蜡烛吧。 Blow out the candles.

13. 你许一个愿望吧! Make a wish!

14. 我给大家切蛋糕。 I’ll give everyone a piece of cake.

15. 我们唱生日歌吧。 Let’s sing happy birthday.

16. 我可以现在打开礼物吗? Can I open my presents?

17. 你的生日是什么时候? When is your birthday?

18. 我不喜欢过生日。 I don’t like birthdays.

19. 哦,我又老了一岁。 Ah, I’m one year older.

20. 谢谢你们的礼物! Thank you all for your gifts!


今天我们要毕业了。 Today we will all graduate.


我一直在盼望这一天。 I have always been looking forward to this day.

3. 我们一起照一张相吧。 Let’s have a photo together.

4. 我要和我的同学分开了。 I am going to separate from my fellow students.

5. 我在这里学习了4年。 I have studied here for 4 years.


我会想念在学校的生活的。 I will remember fondly my school days.


我毕业5年了。 I graduated 5 years ago.


这是我一生中最重要的时刻。 This is one of the most imp-

ortant moments in my life.

9. 毕业10周年的时候我们要回学校看一看。 After graduating 10 years ago, I would like to go back to my school and have a look around.

10. 我还记得我的毕业典礼。 I still remember my graduat-

ion ceremony.

11. 我是2006年6月毕业的。 I graduated in June 2006.

12. 毕业那一天你穿毕业礼服了吗? When you graduated, did

you wear a ceremonial robe?

13. 我的爸爸参加了我的毕业典礼。 I father attended my gradua-

tion ceremony.

14. 我还记得毕业典礼上校长的演讲。 I still remember the speech given by my school captain.

15. 毕业那天我们哭了。 I cried the day I graduated.