
第16章 娱乐生活 (2)

Robert明天要举办一个派对,你去吗? Robert is having a party tom-

orrow, are you going?


明天我要办一个生日晚会。 Tomorrow I wan to hold a birthday dinner party.

3. 周末我要参加一个化妆舞会。 This weekend, I’m going to a fancy dress ball.

4. 明天参加晚会,我们应该买些什么? What things should we buy for the party we are going to tomorrow?

5. 你觉得我穿什么参加化妆舞会? What do you think we shou-

ld wear to the fancy dress ball?


这套衣服怎么样? How is this outfit?


你能来参加我的晚会吗? Are you able to come to my party?

8. 我要去参加Corey的告别晚会。 I’m going to Corey’s leav-ing party.

9. 昨天的派对非常有意思。 Yesterday’s party was really fun.

10. 参加party你可以认识很多人。 You can meet lots of people at parties.

11. 哦,今天晚上你真迷人。 Oh, tonight you are wonde-rful.

12. 可以和你跳舞吗? Can you dance with me?

13. 我们能认识一下吗? Can we get to know each other?

14. 我介绍我的朋友给你认识。 I’ll introduce my friend to you.

15. 对不起,我不会跳舞。 I’m sorry, I can’t dance.

16. 你跳得非常好! You dance really well!

17. 哦,你看起来像一个公主。 Oh, you look like a princess.

18. 谢谢你们来参加我的晚会。 Thanks for coming to my party.

19. 干杯! Cheers!

20. 她有一点儿害羞。 She is a little shy.


北京有泡温泉的地方吗? Are there hot springs in Bei-



我要去日本泡温泉。 I want to go to Japan to a hot spring.

3. 泡泡温泉很舒服。 Hot springs are very


4. 你泡过温泉吗? Have you been to a hot spri-

ng before?

5. 我从来没泡过温泉。 I’ve never been to a hot



我觉得很放松。 I think it’s very relaxing.


你要泡多长时间? How long do you want to soak for?

8. 这里的环境也很美。 It’s also very beautiful here.

9. 泡温泉对身体很好。 Hot Springs are very good for you.

10. 这周我要带我的妈妈去泡温泉。 I want to bring my mum to a hot spring this week.

11. 是按小时收费吗? Is there an hourly fee?

12. 女士在这边泡,男士在那边。 Women are this way, men are that way.

13. 我请你去泡温泉。 I’ll treat you to a hot spring.

14. 水很热。 The water is very hot.

15. 日本有很多泡温泉的地方。 There are a lot of hot springs in Japan.


你喜欢养宠物吗? Do you like to have pets?


我从来没有养过宠物。 I’ve never had a pet before.

3. 我养了一条狗。 I’ve had a pet dog.

4. 这条鱼我已经养了一年了。 I’ve already had this fish for 1 year.

5. 我不喜欢宠物。 I don’t like pets.


我喜欢养猫。 I like pet cats.


我的宠物死了。 My pet has died.

8. 我要去买一些狗粮。 I have to go out and buy so-me dog food.

9. 你的小狗叫什么名字? What is your little dog call-


10. 我每天都带我的狗出去转转。 Everyday I take my dog for a walk.

11. 我的猫睡在沙发上。 My cat sleeps on the sofa.

12. 我在养乌龟。 I have a pet turtle.

13. 你的小狗很聪明。 Your little dog is very clever.

14. 我的猫很吵。 My cat is very noisy.

15. 我的家里有很多狗毛。 My house is covered in dog hair.

16. 我的狗丢了。 I’ve lost my dog.

17. 我不擅长养宠物。 I’m not very good at having pets.

18. 你的狗是什么品种? What breed is your dog?

19. 猫很干净。 Cats are very clean.

20. 这条小狗就像我的孩子。 This little dog is like a child to me.


我买三张1月3号的票。 I have bought 3 tickets for January 3rd.


晚上去听音乐会吧,我买了两张票。 Tonight I’m going to a con-cert, I have bought two tick-


3. 对不起,卖完了。 I’m sorry, sold out.

4. 还有那场音乐会的票吗? Do you have any tickets for that concert?

5. 有什么时候的票? You have tickets for what time?


几点开始? What time does it start?


在哪儿买票? Where did you buy tickets?

8. 我要去听钢琴演奏。 I’m going to listen to a pia-

no performance.

9. 意大利著名音乐家要来演出,你去听吗? A famous Italian musician is coming to perform, would you like to go and listen?

10. 哦,他弹钢琴弹得太好了。 Oh, he plays the piano so well.

11. 我没有买到音乐会的票。 I haven’t bought a concert ticket.

12. 听音乐会让我感觉很平静。 Listening to a concert makes me feel very calm.

13. 这个合唱团很有名。 This chorus are very famous.

14. 他是世界著名的男高音。 He is a world famous male tenor.

15. 你喜欢听谁的音乐会? Which concerts do you like to go to?

1. 你喜欢打篮球吗? Do you like to play


2. 他最喜欢踢足球。 He likes to play football the most.

3. 我要和朋友去打网球。 I’m going to play tennis wi-

th my friend.

4. 你打篮球的技术不错。 You are very skilled at bask-


5. 我只会打羽毛球。 I can only play badminton.

6. 壁球是一个很好的运动,你可以试试。 Squash is a really good spo-

rt, you should try.

7. 我每周都去打网球。 I play tennis every week.

8. 有人想去打乒乓球吗? Would anyone like to go and play table tennis?

9. 哦,我不是你的对手,你太厉害了。 Ah, I’m not your opponent, you are too good.

10. 我在学习打网球。 I’m learning how to play te-


11. 你每次打多长时间网球? How often to you play tennis for each time?

12. 我加入了一个足球俱乐部。 I’ve just joined a tennis te-


13. 我们要比赛了,我得去练习。 We are going to have a mat-

ch, I’d better go and practi-


14. 你会打排球吗? Can you play volleyball?