
第15章 娱乐生活 (1)



周末去看电影吧? Are you going to watch a film this weekend?


想不想去看电影? Would you like to go and watch a film?

3. 我去买电影票。 I’m going to buy cinema tickets.

4. 可以网上订电影票吗? Can you book cinema tickets on the internet?

5. 最近有一部新的电影,去看吗? There is a new film out, wou-

ld you like to go and see it?


汤姆·克鲁斯拍了一部新电影。 Tom Cruise has just shot a new film.


我想去看《阿凡达》。 I want to go and see “Avatar”.

8. 今天晚上有什么电影? What films are on tonight?

9. 电影几点开始? What time does the film start?

10. 我们去哪家电影院看电影? Which cinema shall we go to?

11. 你定吧。 You decide.

12. 你请我看电影吧! Take me to the cinema!

13. 你喜欢看谁的电影? Whose films do you like to watch?

14. 这个电影多长时间? How long is the film?

15. 谁演的? Who is in it?

16. 我建议你去看一看这部电影。 I suggest you go and see

this film.

17. 我有两张电影票,送给你吧。 I have two cinema tickets, you can have them.

18. 电影8点开始,我们7点半在门口见吧。 The film starts at 8, let’s

meet at the entrance at 7:30.

19. 早上去看电影便宜。 Cinema tickets are cheap in the morning.

20. 周二电影半价。 Cinema tickets are half price on Tuesday.


这个电影太感人了。 That film was very touching.


哦,我不希望那个男主角死。 I hope the lead character do-esn’t die.

3. 这个结局太让人意外了。 The ending was too unexpe-


4. 我喜欢她的表演。 I like her acting.

5. 太没意思了。 So boring/so uninteresting.


这个故事太平淡了。 The story was so shallow.


男主角演得太好了。 The male lead character was acted very well.

8. 这个电影很真实。 The film was very realistic.

9. 电影里的音乐很好听。 The soundtrack sounded


10. 这个电影是在哪拍的?太漂亮了。 Where was the film shot? It was very beautiful.

11. 沃尔特·迪斯尼的电影一直很好。 Walt Disney films are always good.

12. 《蜘蛛侠2》比第一部好看。 Spider-Man 2 is better than the first one.

13. 这个主题曲是谁唱的? Who sung the theme song?

14. 哦,这个电影院的效果太差了。 The cinema isn’t very good.

15. 我们的位置太靠前了,我的眼睛不舒服。 Our seats were too near the front, now my eyes are sore.


你喜欢什么类型的电影? What kinds of films do you like?


我喜欢动作片。 I like action movies.

3. 我的女朋友经常看爱情片。 My girlfriend often watches romantic films.

4. 我讨厌爱情片。 I’m sick of romantic films.

5. 这个导演擅长拍科幻片。 That director is good at mak-

ing science fiction films.


你敢看《指环王》吗? Do you dare to go and see “The Ring”?


他经常看恐怖片。 He often watches horror


8. 这是一部3D电影。 This is a 3D film.

9. 看喜剧片让人放松。 Comedy films help people to relax.

10. 我只看动画片。 I only watch animation.


现在哪本书最畅销? What book is the best seller right now?


有英语口语方面的书吗? Do you have books on conv-

ersational English?

3. 我下个月考试,我得去买一些书。 I have an exam next month, so I have to buy some books.

4. 我要买一些菜谱。 I want to buy some menu.

5. 那本书已经卖完了。 That book has sold out.


你可以下个星期来买。 You can come and buy it next week.


我女朋友很喜欢他的书。 My girlfriend really likes his book.

8. 有《哈利·波特与混血王子》吗? Do you have “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”?

9. 我给你推荐一本很好的书。 I’ll recommend a good book to you.

10. 我要给儿子买一本书。 want to buy a book for my son.

11. 你经常看哪种类型的书? What kind of books do you usually read?

12. 这本书里的图片很漂亮。 The pictures in this book are very beautiful.

13. 新书不打折。 New books are not discount-


14. 这些杂志五折。 These magazines are half price off.

15. 你可以在书店办一张会员卡。 You can get a membership card at the bookshop.


好长时间没去唱歌了。 I haven’t gone singing in a long time.


公司组织我们去唱歌。 Our company teams are going out singing.

3. 我不去了,我唱得不好。 I’m not going, I’m bad at singing.

4. 上次那个KTV环境很棒。 The last KTV we went to had a great atmosphere.

5. 你唱歌拿手吗? Are you a good singer?


我们得打电话预约。 We need to phone up and book.


你想去哪一家KTV? Which KTV would you like to go to?

8. 我们唱几个小时? How long have we been sin-


9. 多少钱一个小时? How much for one hour?

10. 我想点首歌。 I’ll think of a song.

11. 听说,你唱歌很好听。 I’ve heard you sing very


12. 我先唱。 I’ll sing first.

13. 你打算唱什么歌? What song do you want to sing?

14. 我们两个合唱吧。 Let’s both sing a song toge-


15. 终于轮到我了。 Finally it’s my turn.

16. 我没听说过那首歌。 I’ve never heard this song before.

17. 你唱得真好! This song is great!

18. 我五音不全。 I’m tone deaf.

19. 你来唱一首吧。 Come and sing a song.

20. 我要唱一首英文歌。 I want to sing an English so-



去公园转转吧。 I’m going to the park to take a turn / take a walk.


我每天早上都去那个公园。 I go to that park every mor-ning.

3. 这个公园很漂亮。 This park is very beautiful.

4. 这是最大的公园。 This is the biggest park.

5. 我打算去公园看书。 I’m going to the park to

read a book.


天气不错,我们去公园吧。 The weather is good, let’s go to the park.


这个公园里有很多玫瑰花。 There are a lot of roses in

this park.

8. 我喜欢去游乐园玩儿。 I like going to the amusement park.

9. 游乐园里有很多孩子。 There are too many children at amusement parks.

10. 周末,游乐园里有很多人。 On the weekend, there are too many people at amuse-

ment parks.

11. 公园里可以划船吗? Can you go rowing in the park?

12. 北海公园冬天可以滑冰。 In the winter, you can go ice-skating in Beihai park.

13. 这个公园是免费的。 This park is free entrance.

14. 游乐园的门票涨钱了。 Amusement park tickets have risen in price.

15. 公园里不可以游泳。 You can’t swim in the park.

16. 公园里有很多恋人。 There are so many swee-thearts in the park.

17. 我的妈妈每天去公园锻炼身体。 My mother goes to the park everyday to exercise.

18. 这个公园又大又漂亮。 This park is big as well as


19. 你家附近有公园吗? Is there a park near your


20. 你喜欢去公园还是游乐园? Do you like to go to parks or amusement parks?


今天晚上去酒吧吗? Do you want to go to the

pub tonight?


哦,昨天我在酒吧喝了很多酒。 Oh, I drank too much in the bar last night

3. 这个酒吧很特别。 This bar is very special.

4. 我喜欢安静的酒吧。 I like quiet bars.

5. 我们去跳舞吧。 Let’s go dancing.


我请你喝酒。 I’ll buy you a drink.


你喝了几杯? How many drink have you had?

8. 这是西班牙酒。 This is Spanish alcohol.

9. 你喜欢鸡尾酒吗? Do you like cocktails?

10. 你在酒吧呆多长时间? How long did you stay in the bar?

11. 三里屯有很多酒吧。 Sanlitun has a lot of bars.

12. 他每天去酒吧。 He goes to the bar everyday.

13. 我从不去酒吧。 I would never go to a bar.

14. 你醉了。 You are drunk.

15. 再来一杯。 One more drink.

16. 你常来这个酒吧? Do you often come to this bar?

17. 这个酒吧很受外国人的欢迎。 This bar welcomes foreign-


18. 昨天我在酒吧认识了一个朋友。 Last night in the bar, I made a new friend.

19. 我喜欢这种酒。 I like this kind of alcohol.

20. 他很容易喝醉。 He gets drunk easily.


周末我喜欢去博物馆。 I like to go to the museum at the weekend.


北京有一个很大的博物馆。 Beijing has a large museum.

3. 在博物馆你对什么感兴趣? In the museum, what thing are you interested in?

4. 这附近有博物馆吗? Is there a museum nearby?

5. 博物馆几点开门? What time does the museum open?


这个星期有关于奥运会的展览。 This week, there is an exhi-

bition about the Olympics.


我们可以听一听解说员的介绍。 Can we listen to the narr-ator’s introduction/ ann-ouncer’s presentation.

8. 不可以摸这些工艺品。 You can’t touch the artwo-


9. 这种陶瓷的历史已经几百年了。 This pottery is hundreds of years old.

10. 你一定要去参观故宫博物院。 I definitely want to go to the Forbidden City Museum.

11. 对不起,不可以拍照。 Excuse me, you can’t take photos.

12. 这个博物馆免费。 This museum is free entry.

13. 那个展览馆展示的是中国的历史。 This exhibition is about Chinese history.

14. 今天博物馆里有一个特展。 The museum has a special exhibition on today.

15. 北京和台湾都有一个故宫博物馆。 Beijing and Taiwan both have a Forbidden City Mus-

