
第67章 口语(39)

Jennifer: But, you know, were commission agent. We do business oncommission basis. Commission transaction will surely help topush the sale of your products.

William: But your order is really not a large one.

Jennifer: What do you mean by a large one

William: I mean that well consider giving some commission only whenthe order exceeds a total amount of $50, 000 or over.

Jennifer: $ 50, 000 Thats really a large order! William, it is said thatto lose a client is much easier than to get one. This is our firsttransaction. For our future business, we hope well be grantedmore favorable terms.

William: Well, Jennifer, what do you think of this: you increase yourorder to $45, 000 and we offer you 3% commission

Jennifer: William, I very much appreciate your concession. But we canusually get 5% commission from European suppliers.

William: But, Jennifer, our price itself shows very favorable already.

It leaves us almost no margin of profit. It is for our futurebusiness that we make this exception. Im very sorry to say thatthis is the best we can do.

Jennifer: No further discussion

William: Im sorry, Jennifer. Please make allowance for our difficulties.



威 廉: 珍尼弗,你知道,我们报的是FOB 净价。按惯例是不给佣金的。

珍尼弗: 可是,你知道,我们是佣金代理商。我们佣金代理商以获得佣金来做生意。带佣金贸易有助于你们产品的推销。

威 廉:可是你们的订单数目太小了。


威 廉: 至少订单总额达到50, 000 美元或以上,我们可以考虑给予你们一定的佣金。

珍尼弗: 50, 000 美元?这确实是一个大数目!威廉,俗话说得好:失去一个客户比得到一个客户更容易。这是我们的第一次


威 廉: 好啊,珍尼弗,你觉得这样如何,如果你的订货总额在45,000 美元以上,我们可以考虑给予你们3% 的佣金。

珍尼弗: 威廉,我很感谢你的让步。可是我们通常可以从欧洲供货商那里得到5% 的佣金。

威 廉: 珍尼弗,我们的报价已经是很优惠的了。我们从中已得不到多少利润。为了我们将来的贸易,我们才破例给予你们这3% 的佣金。非常抱歉,我们最多只能做到这一步了。


威 廉:非常抱歉,珍尼弗。请谅解我们的难处。

经 典 释 疑

William, Id like to bring up for discuss is the commission 威廉, 我想谈谈佣金问题。bring up: (1) 提出,提起。例如:Why brought that upagain 又提它干吗 (2) 抚养,培养。例如:He was brought up in thecountry. 他在农村长大。(3) 呕吐。例如:He was so ill that he brought upeverything. 他病得很重,什么都吐了出来。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. What about the commission 佣金是多少?

2. You can get a higher commission rate if you order a bigger quantity. 如果你们订货量大佣金率就会高。

3. The commission you give is too little. 你们给的佣金实在太少了。

4. We dont pay any commission on our traditional products. 对我们的传统产品概不付给佣金。

5. Commission is allowed to agents only. 我们只对代理付佣金。

6. Is it possible to increase the commission to 4% 能不能将佣金提高到4% 呢?

7. Actually, we dont give any commission in general. 实际上,我们一般不付佣金。

8. You can grant us an extra commission of 2% to cover the additionalrisk. 你们可以获得另外2% 的佣金,以补偿你们受的额外风险。

cover /kv/ v. 使……免受损失。

9. Well get 0.5% more in commission for our effort. 经过努力,我们可以多谋到0.5% 的佣金。

10. We cant agree to increase the rate of commission. 我们不能同意增加佣金率。

11. A 5% commission means an increase in our price.5% 的佣金就等于价格提高了。

12. A higher commission means a higher price. 如果佣金提高了价格也要提高。

13. A 4% commission is the maximum. 我们最多给百分之四的佣金。

14. We are very much concerned about the question of commission. 我们对佣金问题很关心。

5 Wed like to order some chairs.


触 类 旁 通

We want to order some chairs.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Placing an Order

Buyer: Id like to order 500 pairs of Rainbow socks.

Seller: Rainbow socks are one of our best selling goods. They are out ofstock at the moment.

Buyer: Are you expecting any to come in soon

Seller: We expect to have them back in stock around May 10. However,we can provide you with another brand of similar quality.

Buyer: Whats the brand

Seller: Its Sunflower, also one of our best-selling goods, which we cansell for as low as US$1. 5 each.

Buyer: Id like to place a trial order for the Sunflower socks then.

Seller: Thats fine. How many would you like to order

Buyer: 300. If the goods sell as well as we expect, we will send furtherorders in the near future.

Seller: OK.

Buyer: Please prepare the sales contract. After signing the contract, wewill apply for the issuing of a L/C in your favor.

Seller: OK, I will prepare the sales contract as soon as we can.


买方:我想订500 双彩虹牌袜子。



卖方: 我们预计在5 月10 号左右进货。不过,我们可以向您提供同样质量的另一种牌子的袜子。


卖方: 向日葵牌,这也是我们的一个畅销货品。我们开价很低,每双1. 5 美元。



买方: 300 双。如果货物的销售情况像我们预期的一样好,我们不久还会继续订购。


买方: 请准备好销售合同。在签订好合同之后,我们将申请开出以你方为受益人的信用证。


经 典 释 疑

However, we can provide you with another brand of similar quality. 不过,我们可以向您提供同样质量的另一种牌子的袜子。provide:提供。

provide 强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事做准备,以在需要时提供所需物品。常用词组:provide sb. with sth. 和provide sth. forsb. 例如:These books will provide us with all the information we need. 这本书将为我们提供所需要的全部信息。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. We confirm having placed an order with you for 100 tons of green tea.

我们确认已向你方订购100 吨绿茶。

2. How many do you intend to order 这种产品你们想订多少?

3. Well order 1, 000 suits. 我们就订购1000 套吧。

4. We regret that we are not in a position to meet your requirements as forthe time being orders have been fully booked. 很遗憾,因货已售罄,目前很难满足你方需求。

requirement /rikwaimnt/ n. 要求。

5. I hope this order is followed by many other orders. 我希望这个定单的后面还跟着许多定单。

6. Thank you for your order. 谢谢你们的定购。

7. We are inclined to place large orders with you. 我们想向你们大量订购。

incline /inklain/ v. 倾向于。

8. I regret that I have to notify you of one order being cancelled. 非常遗憾,我方不得不通知贵方有一个定单需要取消。

9. Well send our official order today. 我们今天会寄上正式的订单。

10. Do you usually buy in large quantities 你们的订购量通常都很大吗?

11. We dont have any stock of the bicycles as you required. 我们没有你要的那种自行车现货。

12. If I place an order now, when would you be able to ship it 如果现在下单子,什么时候可以出货?

13. Can you accept this order Its not a big one. 你们能否接受这份订单?


14. Will you accept special order 你们接受特殊订单吗?

15. Whats the minimum quantity of an order for your goods 你们订货的最低量是多少?

6 We need to pay in check.


触 类 旁 通

We would prefer you to pay in US dollars.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Terms of Payment

Buyer: Well, weve settled the question of price, quality and quantity.

Now what about the terms of payment

Seller: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payableagainst shipping documents.