

3. It's a multimedia production designed to bring in younger audience and was commissioned for the very reason by the Anne Frank Funds, a foundation set up by Anne's father Otto.


本句结构较为复杂,and连接的是两个并列句,在第一个并列句中,designed to bring in younger audience做a multimedia production的后置定语;整个句子最后一部分,a foundation set up by Anne's father Otto与the Anne Frank Funds是并列成分。

07:新闻热点及书信正在消失Hot topics&;Letter writing is being killed off


I'm Jonathan Savage with a selection of highlights from across BBC World Service News today.

Coming up:'cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un!'A giant telescope is launched into the earth orbit and we'll hear why scientists believe it's one of the most ambitious events in the history of space exploration.

Two Muslim radicals are found guilty of the brutal murder of a British soldier on a London street. Also in our podcast, an Iraki Shiite man tells us why he's been to neighboring Syria to take part in the civil war there.

'I went to Syria to defend a holy Shiite shrine but also because I want to defend Shiite who have been victimized by Al Qida.'

And we'll hear how the conflict in Syria is fueling the worsening sectarian violence within Iraq.

Controversial world boxing cham-pion Mike Tyson describes his present day life.

And we ask-is the art of letter writ-ing dying out and should it be preser-ved?

Is social media killing off the art of letter writing?Nearly half of the 12 to 17 year-olds interviewed for a new British survey claim they've never sent a personal letter. And many describe the process as how dated, slow, inconvenient and expensive. So is letter writing a skill that we need to preserve?Simon Garfield is the author of To The Letter:A Journey Through a Vanishing World. Dan Damen asked him if he believes that letter writing is indeed dying out among young people like the ones we just heard.

'Yeah, I mean if you grow up not writing letters, you can not think why you should spend 60 pence in the UK to write a letter. And you've got to sit down and you've got to spend half an hour gathering your thoughts.'

'Is it damaging the use of grammar because this is a critical area of literary inefficiency. Text messages never follow rules for better writing techniques. There's no grammar being adhered to the choice of words.'

'Yeah, I don't mind so much personally. I think you know, if you look at the history communication, we've always developed new words and new ways of communication and short form. You think, in the letter, you know, we still write a SWALK on the back of envelope-Sealed With A Loving Kiss.'

'We would have kind of shorter forms. So I don't think we could complain about it. And everyone writes in their own way. So I don't think that such a difficulty.'














单词解析Word analysis

例句:If necessary, the Chinese could easily launch into the same inclination as the ISS.

1. Iaunch into v.投入;进入;[航天]发射进入


2. brutaI['bru?t(?)l]adj.残忍的;野蛮的

例句:Her baby was rent away from her arms by a brutal bandit.


3. conflict['k?nfl?kt]n.冲突,矛盾

例句:The conflict between them seems ceaseless.


4. preserve[pr?'z??v]vt.保存n.保护区

例句:Duck eggs do not preserve satisfactorily.


5. inefficiency[,?n?'f???ns?]n.效率低;无效率;无能

例句:Every office has its share of favoritism, inefficiency and dumb decisions.


6. seaI[si?l]vt.密封;盖章;n.印章;盖印

例句:They signed and sealed the treaty.


This document carries the royal seal.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. Two Muslim radicals are found guilty of the brutal murder of a British soldier on a London street.


be found+adj.意为“被发现,被认为……”;brutal murder意为“残忍地杀害”。

2. Dan Damen asked him if he believes that letter writing is indeed dying out among young people like the ones we just heard.


“Letter writing”意为“写信(这个这种形式/事件本身)”,与“writing letter”(写信这个动作)不同;“among”意为“在……中”,其描述的整体需要是三者以上。

3. You think, in the letter, you know, we still write a SWALK on the back of envelope-Sealed With A Loving Kiss.


“you think, you know, you know what”等词组在英语中都是日常口头语,用以提示听者要注意说话者的讲话,没有实际意义。

08:非盟着手解决非洲童婚问题及其他新闻热点The child marriage issue in Africa&;other hot topics


The African Union has begun a major campaign to end child marriage in Africa. Experts say underage marriage cut short the childhood of all the 17 million girls or one in three across the continent. Here's Richard Hamilton.'Activists say child marriage jeopardizes girls'rights, such as access to education, because new brides are forced to drop out of school to their children and provide household labour. There are significant health risks if very young girls get pregnant. Young brides also often live as virtual prisoners with few social connections, have hardly any power in their new homes and frequently suffer domestic violence. The country with the highest percentage of underage marriage is Niger.'