


5. specuIate['spekj?le?t]v.猜测,猜想

例句:Jones refused to speculate about what might happen.


6. evoIve[?'v?lv]v.进化

例句:If living creatures can indeed evolve, the human nature cannot remain unchanged.


7. survive[s?'va?v]v.存活,生存

例句:It astonished her that he was able to survive.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. Birds are dinosaurs in the same way that elephants are type of mammal or frogs are type of amphibian.

“in the same way”为常用搭配,表示“同样地”;后面的“that”引导定语从句,可替换为“in which”。

2. This is what prompted us to build this big family tree.

此处“what”引导的是表语从句,从句中“prompt sb to do sth”为常用搭配,表示“促使某人做某事”。

3. And why some birds were able to make it through?

“be able to”为固定搭配,表示“有能力做某事”;“make sth through”为常用搭配,表示“成功做成某事(特指通过重重困难)”。

4. My colleague Dan Damon asked him just how closely related are the birds we see around us to dinosaurs.

“ask”后面引导的是宾语从句;“we see around us”做后置定语修饰前面的“the birds”;“be related to”为固定搭配,表示“与……有关”。

5. And birds survived the extinction that killed off the dinosaurs and they are still around today,10,000 of them.

“survive”此处做及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,表示“从……幸活下来”;“that”做连接词引导定语从句“killed off the dinosaurs”,修饰前面的“

52:乌克兰危机:欧盟和美国考虑对俄进一步制裁Ukraine crisis:EU and US mull further Russia sanctions


The Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected American accusations of Russian interference in eastern Ukraine. The Kremlin said Mr. Putin told President Obama during a telephone conversation that such allegations were based on unfounded information. Washington said it was consulting with its European allies about possible sanctions on Russia. David Willis reports from Washington.

Spokesman Jay Carney told repor-ters the White House was very concerned about Russia's provocative actions in the region including the build-up of troops near the Ukrainian border. He said the possibility of further sanctions remained under consideration and the US was consulting with its European allies in that regard. But he stressed the focus remained on finding a solution to the crisis in Ukraine by diplomatic or economic means, rather than providing so-called lethal aid in the form of guns and bullets to the interim Ukrainian government.

Ukraine's acting President Ole-xander Turchynov has called for United Nations peacekeepers to be deployed in the east of the country where pro-Russia militants continue to occupy government buildings. Mr. Turchynov said an opera-tion to remove them could be conducted jointly by Ukrainian security forces and UN troops.

In Luxemburg, the British Foreign Secretary William Hague said European Union foreign ministers had agreed to expand sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. Ben Wright reports.

There was a strong rhetorical con-demnation of Russia after this meeting but only a slight toughening of sanctions. The European Commission has been told to add more names to be listed at Russians affected by asset freezes and travel restrictions. The names and numbers are not yet known. The EU has now set out its position ahead of important talks in Geneva on Thursday between Russia, Ukraine, the US and the EU. But while, the threat of further sanctions has floated, it's not yet clear what will trigger their use.







单词解析Word analysis

1. interference[?nt?'f??r(?)


例句:I resent his interference in my work.


2. unfounded[?n'fa?nd?d]adj.没有事实根据的,无稽的

例句:Sadly, my optimism proved unfounded.


3. provocative[pr?'v?k?t?v]adj.挑衅的,煽动的

例句:The minister's provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.


4. IethaI['li?θ(?)l]adj.致命的

例句:These chemicals are lethal to fish.


5. occupy['li?θ(?)l]v.占据,占领

例句:Students occupied Sofia university on Monday.


6. rhetoricaI[r?'t?r?k(?)l]adj.修辞的,与修辞有关的

例句:His speech was full of rhetorical phrases.


7. sIight[sla?t]adj.轻微的,微小的

例句:After a slight pause, he continued the speech.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. The European Commission has been told to add more names to be listed at Russians affected by asset freezes and travel restrictions.

“add A to B”,表示“往B中添加A”;此句包含两个后置定语,一个是“to be listed at Russians”,修饰“more names”,另一个是“affected by asset freezes and travel restrictions”,修饰“Russians”。

2. The EU has now set out its position ahead of important talks in Geneva on Thursday between Russia, Ukraine, the US and the EU.

“set out”陈述,阐明;“ahead of”在……之前,提前。

3. The Kremlin said Mr. Putin told President Obama during a telephone conversation that such allegations were based on unfounded information.

此句包含两个宾语从句,一个是“Mr. Putin told……”,另一个是“such allegations……”,第一个宾语从句省略that.“during a telephone conversation”属于时间状语从句;“be based on”表示“以……为基础”。

4. But he stressed the focus remained on finding a solution to the crisis in Ukraine by diplomatic or economic means, rather than providing so-called lethal aid in the form of guns and bullets to the interim Ukrainian government.

“finding a solution……”属于“on”下的宾语从句;“rather than”表示“而不是”,后面接现在分词“providing”,与前面的“finding”保持一致。