

Lawrence Trent曾经是一名国际象棋大师,现在是象棋解说员。这是年轻人的比赛,不是老年人的比赛。这绝对是我赢得的最重量级比赛之一。是的,这绝对是我赢得的最重量级的比赛之一。我爱下象棋,因为它极富趣味性。走几步好棋、想出几个新招,都很有意思。一直以来,象棋选手都局限于职业棋手,但是在这里,业余选手也可以获胜。

单词解析Word analysis

例句:They dropped two games in a row and were eliminated from the tournament.

1. tournament['t??n?m(?)nt]n.锦标赛,联赛,比赛


2. master['mɑ?st?]n.大师,主人

例句:Sir, you are truly a master of disguise.


3. grandiose['gr?nd???s]]adj.宏伟的,宏大的

例句:These proposals have nothing to do with grandiose schemes for reinventing market capitalism.


4. baIIroom['b??lru?m; -r?m]n.舞厅,大宴会厅

例句:The ballroom suddenly lit up.


5. commentator['k?m?nte?t?]n.解说员,实况播音员

例句:Instead of deciding the real issue, the com-mentator would chop logic.


6. definiteIy['def?n?tl?]adv.肯定地,当然,明确地

例句:It has not yet been definitely settled.


7. professionaI[pr?'fe?(?)n(?)l]adj.专业的,职业的

例句:The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. They've put up a million dollars in prize money, brought the whole sho w to Las Vegas and tried to change the game's image.

“has/have+过去分词”为现在完成时;“put up”为常用固定搭配,表示“提供,张贴,建造,提供食宿等”;“try to do sth”表示“努力做某事”。

2. And if you are gonna get any kind of public attention in the U.S.,you've got to bring the excitement.

“if”引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”;“gonna”“have got to”属于非正式的表达,分别表示“be going to”“have to”。

3. Yeah, this is definitely one of the biggest games that I've won.

“one of the+最高级”,表示“最……之一”;“that”引导定语从句,先行词是前面的“the biggest games”;“have+过去分词”表示现在完成时,won的原形为win。

4. The first million-dollar chess tournament is taking place in Las Vegas with the aim of changing the whole feature of the game.

“take place”为固定搭配,表示“发生,进行,举行”;“with the aim of”表示“以……为目标”。

5. Well, that is what the organizers of the millionaire chess tournament wou ld like to see happen.

“is”后面是由“what”引导的表语从句;“would like to do sth”为固定搭配,表示“想要做某事”;表语从句中“see”的宾语是前面的“that”,还原过来是“would like to see that happen”。

51:鸟类真的是恐龙进化来的吗?Do Birds Evolve from Dinosaurs?


New light has been thrown on the evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs. And it's fair to say it's a very strong link. That's according to Dr. Stephen Brusatte, a paleontologist at the University of Edinburg. He is at the study to build the most comprehensive family tree of carnivorous dinosaurs that's ever been created. And it leads from prehistoric times to the present day. My colleague Dan Damon asked him just how closely related are the birds we see around us to dinosaurs.

Birds are dinosaurs in the same way that elephants are type of mammal or frogs are type of amphibian. Birds, chickens, humming birds-they are all living dinosaurs.

How do you make that link?

So we have lot of fossils now, a whole lot of fossils. And we've been finding more and more of them over the last 20 years or so. This is what prompted us to build this big family tree. So my colleagues and I traveled around the world looking at a lot of dinosaurs, putting together this huge data set. That tree shows us that there are so many features of living birds, things like feathers and wishbones, and wings that didn't just evolve in birds, but they evolved in the dinosaur ancestors of birds. I think a lot of people think about evolution in terms of missing legs. You know, there must be a link between monkeys and men or between dinosaurs and birds. But that's not really how evolution works. The evolution of birds was a long gradual process, first feathers of all, then wishbones, then wings. Then these dinosaurs got smaller. And then they put it all together. The bird body plan was there. They were able to fly. And then bang!Something was unlocked;birds took off. And birds survived the extinction that killed off the dinosaurs and they are still around today,10,000 of them.

Exactly 10,000 species. But they are birds. How did they survive?I mean, some of the dinosaurs must have survived when that, what it was, some kind of comet hit Florida. And so that killed off most of the dinosaurs. Almost every dinosaur died expect for some birds. And why some birds were able to make it through?Well, it's probably due to a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons is because they could fly. Maybe because they were smaller, they could grow faster. But as we also found in this study, birds evolved faster than other dinosaurs. Once that bird body plan of feathers and wings, and wishbones all came together, it allowed birds to simply change faster than other types of dinosaurs. Maybe that was a key to their success.


近日,科学家对于鸟类和恐龙之间的进化关系给出了新的阐释。爱丁堡大学古生物学者Stephen Brusatte博士正在进行创建有史以来最全面的食肉恐龙族谱的研究,时间跨度为从史前至今。我的同事Dan Damon问他:我们今天见到的鸟类和恐龙之间有怎样密切的联系?







单词解析Word analysis

1. comprehensive[k?mpr?'hens?v]adj.综合的,全面的

例句:This investigation is designed to be the most comprehensive.


2. prehistoric[pri?h?'st?r?k]adj.史前的,陈旧的

例句:After all, we seem to have killed off all our prehistoric competitors.


3. coIIeague['k?li?g]n.同事,同僚

例句:John chanced upon a former colleague of his at the airport.


4. mammaI['m?m(?)l]n.哺乳动物

例句:A whale is a kind of mammal.