



单词解析Word analysis

1. aftermath['ɑ?ft?m?θ]n.余波,后果

例句:There is still danger of disease in the aftermath of the earthquake.


2. beat[bi?t]v.打败

例句:Brazil was beaten,2:1.


3. probe[pr??b]v.探究,打探

例句:I don"t want to probe too deeply into your personal affairs.


4. foIIow['f?l??]v.跟随,跟着

例句:Are those men following us?


5. guiIt[g?lt]n.内疚

例句:He used to buy them expensive presents, out of guilt.


6. conception[k?n'sep?(?)n]n.观念,概念,想法

例句:They have no conception of what women really feel and want.


7. copy['k?p?]n.副本,复印件

例句:She forwarded them a copy of her British passport.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. Jaggi said the novel was"about guilt and atonement and how love transforms people"s conceptions of themselves and what they"ve done".


2. The book was previously shortlisted for the 2012 Man Booker Prize, which eventually went to Hilary Mantel"s Bring Up the Bodies.


3. Born in 1972 in Penang, Tan Twan Eng worked as a lawyer in Kuala Lumpur before becoming an author.

“Born in 1972 in Penang”属于过去分词做状语,主语是Tan Twan Eng;“work as”表示“做……工作”;“before becoming an author”属于时间状语。

45:戛纳电影节开幕电影《摩纳哥王妃》惹争议Grace of Monaco slammed at Cannes film festival


Good evening, it"s an honor to declare open the 67th edition of the International Cannes Film Festival.

That"s what we were hearing just then from the Italian actress and singer Chiara Mastroianni who was officially kicking off what is arguably the world"s most influential film festival. In her opening address, the president of the judging panel, New Zeeland director Jane Campion described it as"the Queen of festivals". While as 20 years since she won the top prize the Palmed"Or for the movie The Piano, this year 18 films are vying for the same honor, among them the film was chosen to open the festival. I heard from our arts correspondent Vincent Dowd. He is in Cannes and he"s been telling me about the stirs that this movie has caused.

This is Grace Of Monaco, directed by Olivier Dahan. You may remember he had a huge hit with La Vie En Rose.

This, to be honest, is not quite as good. It features Nicole Kidman of the title role. It"s as much about the political clash over a half century ago now between the French President De Galle and Monaco as it is about the former actress Grace Kelly who, of course, became wife of Prince Rainier of Monaco. You know, that clash was about tax which may sound very dull. It"s kind of moderately interesting. But what"s wrong is the psycho drama of Princess Grace, almost but not quite, deciding to go back to Hollywood?Just doesn"t really grip. The , I think, needs to do more work. Anyway, I went to the press conference for the film a few hours ago. This is how Miss Kidman responded when a journalist pointed out the royal family of Monaco is pretty unhappy with the film.

Obviously, I feel sad because so-me……I think that the film has no malice towards the family or particularly towards Grace Rainier. I mean, it"s fictionalized obviously. We"ve said that is not a biopic. And there is the essence of truth but is with a lot of these things you take dramatic license at times.

Whether she likes it or not, though, it"s generating a lot of controversy. And there is another movie getting people talking.

Yes, that"s Welcome To New York. I mean, technically it"s not a festival film but it doesn"t matter that much, because it"s been shown here at the weekend. The new movie by Abel Ferrara is showing this weekend. In reality, everybody knows it"s patently obviously about Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French politician and his disastrous visit to New York in 2011.








单词解析Word analysis

1. decIare[d?'kle?]v.宣布,声明

例句:A state of emergency has been declared.


2. influentiaI[,?nfl?'en?(?)l]adj.有影响力的

例句:He had influential friends.


3. cIash[kl??]n.冲突,打斗

例句:Violent clashed happened between police and demonstrators.


4. duII[d?l]adj.无趣的,无聊的

例句:Life is never dull when Tom is here.汤姆在这里生活就绝不会无聊了。

5. essence['es(?)ns]n.本质,实质

例句:The essence of Arsenal's style of football was speed.


6. controversy['k?ntr?v??s?;


例句:The judges'decision provoked controversy.


7. disastrous[d?'zɑ?str?s]adj.灾难性的

例句:Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. It features Nicole Kidman of the title role.


2. This to be honest is not quite as good.

“to be honest”作为插入语,也可提前。

3. Whether she likes it or not, though, it's generating a lot of controversy.

“whether she likes it or not, though”让步状语从句。

46:希尔斯堡足球惨案25周年祭The 25th anniversary of the Hillsborough football disaster


I"m Fredrick Dolf with highlights from across BBC World Service news today.