

27:英国将推出全球最难假冒的一英镑新币Britain will introduce a new type of one-pound coin


Britain is going to introduce a new one-pound coin designed to be more difficult to fake. But will it be popular?

It will have 12 sides and be made of two metals. The Treasury here says there are currently 45 million fake pound coins in circulation. It says the replacement which is due to come in about three-year's time would be the most secure coin in the world. The shape of the new pound is based on the old three-pence coin which went out of circulation in 1971. These people in New Castle in northeast England gave their reaction.

Now is European citizenship up for sale?Across the European Union, what's becoming known as'Golden Visas'are being offered to wealthy foreigners. Different EU member countries operate their own schemes creating what one politician has called'a race to the bottom'as governments underbid each other to try to attract the investments.

In Portugal the investor can get the residence by buying a property for 500,000 euros. They need only spend a few days a year in the country.





单词解析Word analysis

1. fake[fe?k]]v.伪造

例句:She faked her father's signature on the cheque.


2. circuIation[s??kj?'le??(?)n]n.(货币,资料等)流通

例句:The book was taken out of circulation.


3. secure[s?'kj??; s?'kj??]adj.安全的,可靠的

例句:These elephants are relatively secure from poachers.


4. reaction[r?'?k?(?)n]n.反应

例句:What was Jeff's reaction when you told him about the job?


5. symboIic[s?m'b?l?k]adj.象征性的

例句:The protest was a symbolic gesture of anger at official policy.


6. property['pr?p?t?]所有物,财产

例句:Some of the stolen property was found in Mason's house.


7. be based on以……为根据

例句:Their relationship was based on mutual respect.


8. in some ways在某些方面;在某种程度上

例句:Yet, in some ways he sympathized with their work.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. It says the replacement which is due tocome in about three-year's time would be the most secure coin in the world.

“be due to”预定,预期做某事;“which”引导定语从句修饰“the replacement”;“the replacement……time”一起做“would be”的主语。

2. Across the European Union, what's becoming knownas'Golden Visas'are being offered to wealthy foreigners.

“what's becoming known as'Golden Visas'”名词性从句做主语;“are being offered to wealthy foreigners”属于一般现在进行时被动语态,一般以“be+being+过去分词”的形式出现。

3. Different EU member countriesoperate their own schemes creating what one politician has called'a race to the bottom'asgovernments underbid ea ch other to try to attract the investments.

“what one politician has called……”名词性从句做宾语。

4. The shape of thenew pound is based on the old three-pence coin which went out of circulation in 1971.


“be based on”基于,以某事某物为基础。

“go out of circulation”不再流通。

28:首位拉丁美洲教皇就职一周年Pope Francis marks first year in office


Roman Catholics are marking the 1st anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina became the first Pope from Latin Ameri-ca. And many Catholics have noted a distinct change of tone from that of his predecessor Pope Benedict. In a message on Twitter, Pope Francis urges his 12 million followers to pray for him. Italian opinion polls give Pope Francis the highest popularity rating of any recent pontiff. Gavin Hewitt looks back at the Pope's first year.'A small Italian coastal town crackles with excitement. It's not just because the Pope is visiting. It is testimony to the fact that Pope Francis has become a celebrity, the face of countless magazine covers. Well, there is a breeze blowing off the shore as the Pope Francis passes under the umbrella pines towards the roads of people. The crowds treat him as a star. Many of them are calling out his name as he gets out of his Ford car. They are holding up babies, children as he moves towards them reaching out for hands to shake. A short distance away where it's St. Patrick Church in Rome, they talk of Francis effect. She finds the Pope more human and easier to relate to.'I think he is more of a man, rather than this person so high up that we don't connect with him. And I think, we connect more with him because he seems more humble and more one with the people.'



单词解析Word analysis

1. eIection[?'lek?(?)n]n.选举

例句:The next presidential election is due in two years.


2. distinct[d?'st??(k)t]adj.明显的,清晰的

例句:The outline of the ship became more distinct.


3. predecessor['pri?d?ses?]n.前任

例句:Who is Kennedy's predecessor as pre-sident?


4. testimony['test?m?n?]n.证据,证明

例句:These results are a testimony to the coach's skill and hard work.


5. ceIebrity[s?'lebr?t?]n.名人

例句:He is a national celebrity.


6. humbIe['h?mbl]adj.谦虚的

例句:He is a modest and humble man.


7. popuIarity rating支持率

例句:However, in two thirds of these second tri als the teens were shown a popularity ratin g that was estimated based on the number of times the song was downloaded.
