

“get access to”意为“进入,登陆”;containing encrypted passwords是database的后置定语,现在分词作后置定语表示先行词与动作之间是主动关系。

2. A federal judge in the United States has ordered the Justice Department to hand over videos showing the treatment of a Syrian prisoner at Guantanamo bay detention center who was on hunger strike.

美国联邦法官下令司法部上交显示在关塔那摩湾进行绝食的叙利亚囚犯所受待遇的一段视频,视频显示囚犯Abu Wa'el Dhiab被强行通过插在鼻子的管道进食。

order sb to do sth意为“强制要求……做……”;hand over意为“上交,移交”;showing……做video的后置定语,-ing形式表示show这是动作时由video发出的。

11:美国众议院通过了限制美国最高间谍机构的法案及其他新闻热点The US House of Representatives has passed a bill limiting the powers of America's spy agencies&;other hot topics


The US House of Representatives has passed by a large majority a bill limiting the powers of America's spy agencies. The US say Freedom Act comes in a wake of revelations by the former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden about practices within the National Security Agency. Beth Mcleod reports.'President Obama promised to curb the powers of American spies in January, the first bill to attempt this. The US say Freedom Act restricts the bulk collection of phone records by the National Security Agency, the practice that caused most outrage among the American public. It requires the NSA to leave records in the hands of telephone companies for 18 months rather than storing them in bulk for years and spies will need court approval to make specific searchers. Many activists say the bill doesn't go nearly far enough.'

A man has appeared in court in California after being charged with kidnapping his former girlfriend's 15 year old daughter and holding her captive for ten years. Isidro Garcia was also charged with rape and committing lewd acts against child. Alastair Leithead reports from Santa Ana.'Isidro Medrano Garcia appeared only briefly in court. The 25 year old woman, who has not been identified, said she was kidnapped ten years ago, physically in sexually abused, threatened until her family had abandoned her. Only when she contacted her sister on Facebook did she realize her family was still looking for her. She had not been locked up or restrained. The young woman married Garcia and had a child with him. The question is why she waited until now to go into a police station and tell her story. Garcia's lawyer said he denied the charges.'



一名男子被控绑架前女友15岁的女儿并将之囚禁10年,此人现在出现在加州法庭。Isidro Garcia还被控强奸罪和对儿童做下流行为。阿拉斯代尔·莱特海德在圣安娜报道。“Isidro Garcia在法庭上露面不久就离开了。这名身份未证实的25岁女孩称自己10年前被绑架,受到性虐和威胁,被告知其家人已经抛弃她。当她在脸书上和姐姐联系时才明白家人还在找她。她没有被锁在屋里或行动受限,这名女子和Garcia结婚并生了孩子,问题是为何她等到现在才去警察局讲述自己的故事。Garcia的律师称他否认该指控。”

单词解析Word analysis

1. The US House of Representatives美国众议院(美国国会两院之一,另一院为参议院)

例句:The US House of Representatives passes a large number of bills yearly.


2. reveIation[rev?'le??(?)n]n.揭露;出乎意料的事

例句:The revelation of his past led to his resig-nation.


例句:In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating.

3. curb[k??b]vt.控制;勒住


4. outrage['a?tre?d?]n.愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱

例句:The latest outrage was a coordinated gun and bomb attack on the station.


5. kidnap['k?dn?p]vt.绑架;诱拐;拐骗

例句:The police balked the attempt to kid-nap the child.


6. abandon[?'b?nd(?)n]]vt.遗弃;放弃

例句:He went through with his plan although all his friends advised him to abandon it.


7. restrained[r?'stre?nd]adj.克制的,受限制的;拘谨的;v.抑制;约束(restrain的过去分词)

例句:In spite of his anger, his remarks were res-trained.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. The US say Freedom Act comes in a wake of revelations by the former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden about practices within the National Security Agency.


wake原意为“醒来”,in a wake of引申为“受……启示而意识到”;intelligence analyst意为“情报分析员”,在英语里,名词修饰名词一般是表示两个名词之间是并列关系。

2. It requires the NSA to leave records in the hands of telephone companies for 18 months rather than storing them in bulk for years and spies will need court approval to make specific searchers.


NSA全称National Security Agency(美国国家安全局)。“require sb to do sth”意为“要求某人做某事”。

3. A man has appeared in court in California after being charged with kidnapping his former girlfriend's 15 year old daughter and holding her captive for ten years.


“be charged with……”意为“因……被指控”。

4. Only when she contacted her sister on Facebook did she realize her family was still looking for her.



12:奥巴马概述美国外交新篇章及其他新闻热点Barack Obama:'US has the right to protect its people'&;other hot topics


President Obama has been outlining his vision for a new chapter in the American foreign policy. Speaking to graduates of the United States military academy at West Point, he said the US must always lead on the world stage. The BBC's Aleem Maqbool has more.

President Obama said he wanted to give his vision for the way America conducts itself on the world stage in a changing world. While he said the US reserved the right to carry out unilateral action where there's an imminent threat to America, he focused on the shift towards building international consensus, particularly when it came to world problems that did not directly threaten the US.

'Our action should meet a simple test,'he said,'We must not create more enemies than we take off the battlefield.'