
第23章 意愿反应(1)


1546:你说到点子上了。Your answer is to the point.

1547:如果你说是就是吧。If you say so.

1548:你的想法根本就是错误的。Your idea is fundamentally wrong.

1549:我不是那个意思。That’s not what I mean.

1550:那样不行。That won’t do.

1551:他不行。He won’t do.

1552:那也太没道理了。That makes no sense.


1554:当然可以,先生(小姐)。Certainly,sir (madam).

1555:是的,先生(小姐)。Yes,sir (madam).

1556:是这样的,先生(小姐)。That’s true,sir (madam).

1557:非常好。Very well.

1558:不,先生(小姐)。No,sir (madam).

1559:我不这样认为。I don’t think so.

1560:当然不。Of course not.

1561:恐怕,那个主意不好。I’m afraid that’s not a good idea.


1562:为什么不行?Why not?

1563:怎么可能呢?How can that be?

1564:你还没去过外国吗?Haven’t you been abroad?

1565:你骗人了吧?Did you cheat?


1566:您是田中女士吗?Are you Ms.Tanaka?

对,是我。Yes,I am.

1567:你喜欢看电影吗?Do you like movies?


1568:约翰今天休息?Is John off today?

我想是吧。I think so.

1569:你是中国人,对吧?You’re from Chinese,right?


1570:是那么回事吗?Is that right?


1571:是真的吗?Is it true?

一个字,是。In a word,yes.

1572:你觉得呢?What do you think?

我觉得你说的很对。You’re perfectly correct.

1573:你的意思是这个?Do you mean this one?

正是!You got it.

1574:那是份很辛苦的工作。It’s a hard job.

确实是这样。No doubt.

1575:晚饭以后我再帮你,行吗?I’ll help you after dinner,okay?

当然行!Fair enough.

1576:你的钱包丢了?Did you lose your wallet?

好像是。I’m afraid so.

1577:我还得重新干吗?Do I have to do it again?

恐怕就是这样了。I’m afraid so.

1578:你已经做完作业了吧?Have you finished your homework yet?

我这就做。I ’m going to.

1579:走这条路。Go this way.

不,那么走不对。No,that’s not right.

1580:你骗人了吧?Did you cheat?

哪儿有的事儿。Certainly not.



1581:赞成。I’m with you.

1582:我反对。I don’t agree.

1583:没有异议。No objection!

1584:我不反对。I don’t have any objection to it.

1585:我也有同样感觉。I aslo have the same feeling.

1586:你不是这么说的。That’s not what you said.

1587:我无法相信。I can’t believe that!

1588:那完全是胡说八道。That’s absolute nonsense.

1589:行不通。It won’t work.

1590:不总是这样。Not always.

1591:不是那样。Not really.

1592:别那么不讲道理。Don’t be so unreasonable.

1593:那根本不可能。That’s out of the question.


1594:对于他的主意,你是反对还是赞成?Are you for or against his idea?

1595:你同意吗?Don’t you agree?

1596:有意思吗?Was it fun?有问有答

1597:我认为这个问题很重要。I think it’s very important.

我同意。I agree.

1598:东京的物价太贵。Tokyo is too expensive.

我也有同感。I think so,too.

1599:我们去看电影吧。Let’s see a movie.

好哇!Anything you say!

1600:明天怎么样?How’s tomorrow?

我没问题。That’s fine with me.

1601:这个建议怎么样?How was the proposal?


1602:那样行吗?How does that sound?

那就行了。That’s fair.

1603:快考试了,你准备了吗?Did you study for the test?

当然。You bet.

1604:我们先做这部分吧!Let’s do this part first.

好主意。Good idea.

1605:所有的政治家都是骗子。All politicians are liars.

我不赞成。I can’t agree.

1606:你觉得那是真的吗?Do you think it’s true?

我怀疑。I doubt it.

1607:怎么样?How is it?

那可不好哦!No good.

1608:我们去喝酒吧!Let’s go drinking.

算了吧!Let’s not.


1609:谢谢!Thank you.


1611:非常感谢!Thank you very much.

1612:真是非常感谢。Much appreciated.Thank you.

1613:谢谢你的好意。Thanks for your kindness.

1614:非常感谢你的关怀。I appreciate your kindness.

1615:真不知如何感谢你的关心。I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness.

1616:不知说什么才能感谢你。I have no words to thank you.

1617:不知如何表达谢意。I can’t express how grateful I am.

1618:你帮了我大忙了。You’ve been very helpful.

1619:感谢你为我做的一切。Thanks for everything.

1620:不管怎么都要谢谢你。Thank you anyway.

1621:谢谢你送给我的礼物。Thanks a lot for your present.

1622:你能这样说,我非常感谢。Thanks for you saying so.

1623:非常感谢你等着我。Thanks for waiting for me.

1624:谢谢你鼓励我。Thanks for cheering me up.

1625:谢谢你对我的忠告。Thanks for warning me.

1626:谢谢你不远万里专程跑一趟。Thanks for coming allthe way over here.

1627:真的非常抱歉。I’m awfully sorry.

1628:那件事真对不起。I’m sorry about that.

1629:这是我的疏忽。It’s my fault.

1630:请您原谅我的失礼。Please forgive my rudeness.