
第15章 发展援助的制度化——肯尼迪—约翰逊政府的发展援助政策(4)



【2】Elizabeth A.Cobbs,"Decolonization,the Cold War,and the Foreign Policy of the Peace Corps,"Diplomatic History,Vol.20,Winter,1996,p.80.

【3】"Vice President Richard M.Nixon and Senator John F.Kennedy Fourth Joint Television—Radio Broadcast,"http://www.jfklibrary.org/60-4th.htm.

【4】John F.Kennedy,"The Economic Gap,"in The Strategy of Peace,New York:Harper &Brothers,1960,pp.45—46.

【5】John F.Kennedy,"The Economic Gap,"in The Strategy of Peace,New York:Harper &Brothers,1960,pp.45—46.

【6】John F.Kennedy,"The Reconstruction of NATO,"in The Strategy of Peace,pp.100—101.

【7】John F.Kennedy,"Africa South of the Sahara,"in The Strategy of Peace,p.128.

【8】John F.Kennedy,"Africa South of the Sahara,"in The Strategy of Peace,p.128.

【9】W.W.Rostow,Eisenhower,Kennedy,and Foreign Aid,Austin:University of Texas Press,1985,p.71.

【10】Kimber Charles Pears,Rostow,Kennedy,and the Rhetoric of Foreign Aid,Michigan:Michigan State University Press,2001,p.87.

【11】"Inaugural Address,January 20,1961,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1961,Washington:United State Government Printing Office,1962,p.2.

【12】"Editorial Note,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.Ⅸ,p.195.

【13】"Memorandum from the President's Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs(Rostow)to President Kennedy,February 28,1961,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.Ⅸ,pp.204—209.

【14】"Memorandum from Secretary of State Rusk to President,March 10,1961,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.Ⅸ,p.210.

【15】John F.Kennedy,"Foreign Aid:Message of the President to the Congress,March 22,1961,"Department of State Bulletin,April10,1961,pp.507—514.

【16】"Letter from Secretary of Agriculture Freeman to the Under Secretary of State (Bowles),May12,1961,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.Ⅸ,p.238.

【17】Sargent Shriver,Report to the President on the Peace Corps,"JFKL,Box85.

【18】"Transcript of Tape Recorded Message from Sargent Shriver to Dean Rusk,May 26,1961,"JFKL,Box3.

【19】"Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill Implementing the Message on Foreign Aid,May 26,1961,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1961,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1962,pp.407—411.

【20】美国政府官员包括肯尼迪总统向美国公众公开阐述和分析政府对外援助政策的文章主要有:Chester Bowles,"Foreign Aid:The Great Decision of the Sixties,"Department of State Bulletin,May 15,1961;Dean Rusk,"A Plan for International Development,"Department of State Bulletin,June26,1961;John F.Kennedy and Dean Rusk,"Foreign Aid:an Opportunity In a Crucial Year,"Department of State Bulletin,July 3,1961;Henry R.Labouisse,"Foreign Aid:a Constructive Element of U.S.Foreign Policy,"Department of State Bulletin,August21,1961.

【21】"Statement by the President Upon Signing the Foreign Assistance Act,September 4,1961,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1961,p.588.

【22】"The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961:Public Law 87—195,Approved September 4,1961(Excerpts),"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1961,pp.1267—1277.

【23】"Editorial Note,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.Ⅸ,p.260.


【25】"The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961:Public Law 87—195,Approved September 4,1961(Excerpts),"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1961,p.1268.


【27】"The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961:Public Law 87—195,Approved September 4,1961(Excerpts),"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1961,p.1268.

【28】2002年,小布什政府提出了"千年挑战账户"(Millennium Challenge Account,MCA)计划,在国际开发署之外另行设立了"千年挑战公司"(Millennium Challenge Corporation,MCC),同样是为发展中国家提供发展援助。但从目前来看,无论从资金总额,还是在美国对外援助中的重要性,国际开发署的地位依然是难以撼动的。

【29】John F.Kennedy,"Address on the first Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress,March 13,1962,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1962,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1963,pp.220—224.

【30】Organization Of American States(OAS),Alliance for Progress:Official Documents Emanating f rom the Special Meeting of the Inter‐American Economic and Social Council at the Ministerial Level,Held in Punta del Este,Uruguay,f rom August 5 to17,1961,OEA/Ser.H/XII.1.Rev.2(English),pp.10—11.

【31】OAS,A lliance f or Progress,pp.10—11.

【32】OAS,A lliance f or Progress,p.12.

【33】Richard Goodwin,Remembering America:a Voice f rom the Sixties,Boston:Blithedale Productions Inc,1988,pp.191—192.

【34】OAS,A lliance for Progress,p.14.

【35】Lincoln Gordon,A New Deal For Latin America:The Alliance For Progress,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1963,p.4,p.9.


【37】最初的九贤人是:Harvey S.Perloff(美国),哥伦比亚前财政部长 Hernando Agudelo Villa,阿根廷前财政部长Ernesto Malaccorto,危地马拉前财政部长兼中央银行行长Manuel Noriega Morales,古巴前中央银行行长Felipe Pazos,Gonzalo Robles(墨西哥),Paul Rosenstein—Rodan(英国),智利电力公司前董事长Raul Saez,Ary Frederico Torres (巴西)(Kennedy Library,National Security Files,Box 290A)。

【38】OAS,A lliance f or Progress,pp.15—17.

【39】OAS,A lliance f or Progress,pp.15—17.

【40】Raul Saez,"The Nine Wise Men and the Alliance for Progress,"International Organization,vol.22,Issue1,Winter1968,p.258.

【41】Harvey S.Perloff,Alliance for Progress:A Social Invention in the Making,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins Press,1969,p.32.

【42】Edwin McCammon Martin,Kennedy and Latin America,Maryland:University Press of America,1994,p.86.

【43】"Address by the President(Kennedy)at a White House Recetion for Latin American Diplomats,March13,1962,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1962,p.483.

【44】OAS,"Report on the first year of the Alliance for Progress,"OEA/Ser.H/X.3,Doc.280,Rev.2,Oct.26,1962.

【45】OAS,"Report on the Alliance for Progress,"Presented by Dr.Alberto Lleras,OEA/Ser.G/V,C‐d‐1003,p.viii.

【46】OAS,"Report on the Alliance for Progress,"Presented by Senator Jusceino Kubitschek,p.vi.

【47】OAS,"Report on the Alliance for Progress,"Presented by Dr.Alberto Lleras,p.13.

【48】OAS,"Report on the Alliance for Progress,"Presented by Senator Jusceino Kubitschek,pp.16—18.

【49】OAS,"Report on the Alliance for Progress,"Presented by Senator Jusceino Kubitschek,p.28.

【50】"Memorandum of Conversation,"December 13,1962,FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.XII,p.125.

【51】"Memorandum for the President from Bell,Subject:Creation of a Committee for Inter‐American Development,"JFKL,Papers of Teodoro Moscoso,Box 3.

【52】"Memorandum for the President from Bell,Subject:Creation of a Committee for Inter‐American Development,"JFKL,Papers of Teodoro Moscoso,Box 3.

【53】OAS,Final Report of the Second A nnual Meeting of the Inter‐American Economic and Social Council at the Ministerial Level,Held in Sao Paulo,Brazil,November11 to16,1963.OEA/Ser.H/X.4,CIES/580,December6,1963,p.10.

【54】OAS,Final Report of the Second A nnual Meeting of the Inter‐American Economic and Social Council at the Ministerial Level,pp.11—12.

【55】"Memorandum From the Chairman of Task Force on Latin American(Berle)to President Kennedy,April25,1961,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.XII,pp.23—25.

【56】"Report of the President's Task Force on Latin America,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.XII,p.39.

【57】"Memorandum From the President's Assistant Special Counsel(Goodwin)to President Kennedy,September28,1961,"FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.XII,pp.64—65.

【58】"Memorandum of Conversation:Coversation with the President on AID Matters,"March9,1962,FRUS,1961—1963,Vol.XII,pp.97—98.

【59】"The Alliance for Progress to Date and Its Prospects for the Future,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,p.420.

【60】"The Alliance for Progress to Date and Its Prospects for the Future,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,p.420.

【61】Thomas C.Mann,"The Alliance for Progress,"Department of State Bulletin,June1,1964,p.859.

【62】"A Redoubled Effort Is Required in the Fields of Economic and Social Action...in Latin America,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1965,p.1023.

【63】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1—December 31,1964,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,pp.424—425.

【64】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period January 1—June30,1965,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1965,p.1016.

【65】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1965—June30,1966,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1966,p.294.

【66】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1966—June30,1967,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.700.

【67】Jerome Levinson,and Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,pp.234—235.

【68】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.236.



【71】Lincoln Gordon,A New Deal For Latin America:The Alliance For Progress,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1963,p.121.

【72】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1‐December31,1964,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,p.424.

【73】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period January 1‐June30,1965,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1965,p.1016.

【74】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1965‐June30,1966,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1966,p.295.

【75】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1966—June30,1967,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.700.

【76】Thomas C.Mann,"Population Growth and the Alliance for Progress,"Department of State Bulletin,December7,1964,p.808.

【77】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,pp.266—267.

【78】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.267.

【79】Lincoln Gordon,A New Deal For Latin America:The Alliance For Progress,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1963,p.122.

【80】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.259.

【81】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1‐December31,1964,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,p.427.

【82】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.263.

【83】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.264.

【84】Lincoln Gordon,"The Foreign Assistance Program for Latin America in 1967,"Department of State Bulletin,June20,1966,p.984.

【85】Lincoln Gordon,"The Foreign Assistance Program for Latin America in 1967,"Department of State Bulletin,June20,1966,p.984.

【86】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period January 1‐June30,1965,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1965,p.1018.

【87】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1965—June30,1966,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1966,p.294.

【88】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1966—June30,1967,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.700.

【89】William Manger,The Alliance For Progress:A Critical Appraisal,Washington,D.C.,Public Affairs Press,1963,pp.88—89.

【90】Lincoln Gordon,A New Deal For Latin America:The Alliance For Progress,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1963,p.121.

【91】"Recommendation for a $1.5 Billion Increase in United States Aid to Latin America,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.666.

【92】"If a Peaceful Revolution Is Impossible,a Violent Revolution Is Inevitable,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,p.383.

【93】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period January 1‐June30,1964,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,p.393.

【94】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1‐December31,1964,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1964,p.427.

【95】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.302.

【96】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.303.

【97】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1965—June30,1966,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1966,p.293.

【98】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1966—June30,1967,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.700.

【99】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period January 1—June30,1965,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1965,p.1018.

【100】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1965—June30,1966,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1966,pp.293—294.

【101】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1966—June30,1967,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.700.

【102】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.281.

【103】"Recommendation for a $1.5 Billion Increase in United States Aid to Latin America,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.664.

【104】Inter‐American Economic and Social Council,Latin American and the Alliance for Progress,General Secretarial,Organization of American States,Washington D.C.,1973,p.137.

【105】William S.Gaud,"Letter From the Administrator of the Agency for International Development(Gaud)to Director of the Bureau of the Budget(Schultze),"FRUS,1964—1968,Vol.Ⅸ,p.150.

【106】Gaud,"Memorandum From the Administrator of the Agency for International Development(Gaud)to President Johnson,"FRUS,1964—1968,Vol.Ⅸ,p.165.

【107】Gaud,"Memorandum From the Administrator of the Agency for International Development(Gaud)to President Johnson,"FRUS,1964—1968,Vol.Ⅸ,p.186.


【109】"Recommendation for a $1.5 Billion Increase in United States Aid to Latin America,"American Foreign Policy:Current Document,1967,p.665.

【110】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the T w enty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,pp.294—295.

【111】Maurice L.Albertson,New Frontiers For American Youth:Perspective on the Peace Corps,Washington:Public Affairs Press,1961,p.11.


【113】Gerald T.Rice,The Bold Experiment:JFK's Peace Corps,Indiana:University of Notre Dame Press,1985,p.15.

【114】Roy Hoopes,The Complete Peace Corps Guide,New York:The Dial Pressm,INC.,1968,p.30.

【115】"Remarks of Senator John F.Kennedy,University of MichiganStudent Union Building Steps,Ann Arbor,Michigan,October 14,1960,"http://www.jfklibrary.org/j101460.htm.

【116】Schwarz,Karen,What You Can Dofor Your Country:An Oral History of the Peace Corps,New York:William Morrow and Company,1991,p.28.

【117】Alan Guskin,"Passing the Torch",in Milton Viorst,Making A Dif ference:The Peace Corps at Twenty‐Five,New York:Weidenfeld & Nicolson,1986,pp.26—27.

【118】"Inaugural Address,January 20,1961,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1961,p.3.

【119】Harris Wofford,Of Kennedy and Kings:Making Sense of the Sixties,New York:Farrar·Straus·Giroux,1980,p.251.

【120】上述引文均见 Shriver,"Report to the President on the Peace Corps,"JFKL,Bo x85.

【121】"Statement by the President Kennedy,"Department of State Bulletin,March20,1961,p.400.

【122】John F.Kennedy,"Special Message to Congress on the Peace Corps,March 1,1961,"Department of State Bulletin,March20,1961 p.401.

【123】"US History—The Peace Corps,"http://www.peacecorpsonline.org/messages/

【124】Michael E.Latham,Modernization as Ideology:American Social Science and"Nation Building"in the Kennedy Era,Chapel Hill and London:University of North Carolina Press,2000,p.123.


【126】Latham,Michael E.,Modernization as Ideology:American Social Science and"Nation Building"in the Kennedy Era,Chapel Hill and London:University of North Carolina Press,2000,p.124.

【127】Brent Ashabranner,A Moment in History:The First Ten Years of the Peace Corps,New York:Doubleday &Company,1971,p.161.

【128】Latham,Michael E.,Modernization as Ideology:American Social Science and"Nation Building"in the Kennedy Era,Chapel Hill and London:University of North Carolina Press,2000.p.123.

【129】Latham,Michael E.,Modernization as Ideology:American Social Science and"Nation Building"in the Kennedy Era,Chapel Hill and London:University of North Carolina Press,2000,p.128.

【130】Fritz Fischer,Making Them Like Us:Peace Corps Volunteers in 1960s,Washington:Smithsonian Institution Press,1998,p.137.

【131】Hoopes,The Complete Peace Corps Guide,p.70.

【132】Payne Lucas,Kevin Lowther,Keeping Kennedy's Promise,The Peace Corps:Unmet Hope of the New Frontier,Westview Press,1978,p.59.

【133】Payne Lucas,Kevin Lowther,Keeping Kennedy's Promise,The Peace Corps:Unmet Hope of the New Frontier,Westview Press,1978,p.89.