
第119章 名刊精粹(2)


《国家地理》的会员制使它在全世界发展了上百万的会员,它的核心品牌战略使它的产品由期刊推广到图书、印刷品、图片库及教育产品、地图、电视节目、网站、CD-ROM电子产品乃至日用品,它的淡黄色方框和“National Geographic”的字样被人们所熟知。这也使美国国家地理协会成为世界上规模最大的非营利组织。它同时注重发行和国际化,在发行渠道的多元化和适应潮流的国际化方面都颇有建树。尽管不断有人强调“强势媒体”的文化侵略性,但却不能改变它日益扩张的势头——《国家地理》在全球的发行量已接近千万。






·从1883至1936年出版发行的幽默、综合性期刊。《时代》的创办人亨利·卢斯(Henry Luce)为了能够获得期刊的命名权,买下经营该期刊的全部权利。



《生活》主要内容为玩笑、社会评论,并拥有一批那个时代著名的作家、编辑和漫画家。如,查尔斯·达纳·吉本森(Charles Dana Gibson)、诺曼·洛克威尔(Norman Rockwell)和哈里·奥立佛(Harry Oliver)。后期该期刊刊登短小的评论。









“To see Life;to see the world;to eyewitness great events;to watch the faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud;to see strange things-machines,armies,multitudes,in the jungle and on the moon;to see man's work-his paintings,towers and discoveries;to see things hidden behind walls and within rooms,things dangerous to come to;the women that men love and many children;to see and to take pleasure in seeing;to see and be amazed;to see and be instructed.”

“Thus to see,and to be shown,is now the will and new expectancy of half mankind.”

“To see,and to show,is the mission now undertaken by a new kind of publication...”


The motto of the first issue of Life was“While there's Life,there's hope.”The new magazine set forth its principles and policies to its readers:“We wish to have some fun in this paper...We shall try to domesticate as much as possible of the casual cheerfulness that is drifting about in an unfriendly world...We shall have something to say about religion,about politics,fashion,society,literature,the stage,the stock exchange,and the police station,and we will speak out what is in our mind as fairly,as truthfully,and as decently as we know how.”

After World War II,Life's motto became,“To see Life;see the world.”


In The Magazine in America,1741-1990,one of the most meticulous and important studies of the history of U.S.magazines,authors John Tebbel and Mary Ellen Zucherman refer in chapter 17 to Life's formula:

“The picture essay was a new and different method of communication,one which took first place in the nation's visual life until the coming of television.Editors learned that pictures could be used in several ways.They could stand by themselves or be used with captions and texts in various combinations,with the text subordinate.The point of photojournalism was to communicate,the photograph not necessarily being used for itself alone...In Life,according to Stephen Heller,the picture story was described as an“act”,a reference borrowed,no doubt,from the theater.It implied that the magazine was a stage.And so it was...Life went even further than the European journals to institutionalize the photographic essay by allowing greater page runs...Life responded well to the needs of 20th century men and women for concise visual information...”


1.Group journalism.All the professionals who had their initiation at Time magazine were well accustomed to its particular sort of teamwork.

2.Condensed style.Also characteristic of the Time system,and of the mindset of those who had worked there,was the emphasis on a condensed news format.

3.Documentary approach.The favored work style was that of Roy Stryker,who had been director of documentary photography for the Farm Security Administration.Stryker believed that,before going out on a shoot,photographers should immerse themselves in the subject so they could understand the people or events they were photographing.