
第3章 你有多努力,就有多幸运(3)

You see, even though back then Barackwas Senator and a presidential candidate…tome, he was still the guy whod picked me upfor our dates in a car that was so rusted out…he was the guy whose proudest possessionwas a coffee table hed found in a dumpster,and whose only pair of decent shoes was halfa size too small.

But when Barack started telling meabout his family thats when I knew I hadfound a kindred spirit, someone whosevalues and upbringing were so much likemine.

My father was a pump operator at thecity water plant, and he was diagnosed withMultiple Sclerosis when my brother andI were young. And even as a kid, I knewthere were plenty of mornings when it was astruggle for him to simply get out of bed.

But every morning, I watched my fatherwake up with a smile. And when he returnedhome after a long days work, my brotherand I would stand at the top of the stairs toour little apartment, patiently waiting to greethim….But despite these challenges, my dadhardly ever missed a day of work…he andmy mom were determined to give me andmy brother the kind of education they couldonly dream of.

You see, for my dad, thats what itmeant to be a man.






Like so many of us, that was themeasure of his success in life being ableto earn a decent living that allowed him tosupport his family.

And as I got to know Barack, I realizedthat even though hed grown up all the wayacross the country, hed been brought upjust like me.

Barack was raised by a single motherwho struggled to pay the bills, and bygrandparents who stepped in when sheneeded help. Baracks grandmother startedout as a secretary at a community bank…and she moved quickly up the ranks…but like so many women, she hit a glassceiling. Baracks family continued to scrapeby. But day after day, she kept on wakingup at dawn to catch the bus…arriving atwork before anyone else…giving her bestwithout complaint or regret. And she wouldoften tell Barack, “So long as you kids dowell, Bar, thats all that really matters.”




Like so many American families, ourfamilies werent asking for much. They didntbegrudge anyone elses success or care thatothers had much more than they did…in fact,they admired it. They simply believed in thatfundamental American promise that, even if youdont start out with much, if you work hard anddo what youre supposed to do, then you shouldbe able to build a decent life for yourself and aneven better life for your kids and grandkids.

Thats how they raised us…thats what welearned from their example.

We learned about dignity and decencythat how hard you work matters more thanhow much you make…that helping othersmeans more than just getting ahead yourself.

We learned about honesty and integritythat the truth matters…that you dont takeshortcuts or play by your own set of rules…and success doesnt count unless you earn itfair and square.

We learned about gratitude and humilitythat so many people had a hand in oursuccess, from the teachers who inspired usto the janitors who kept our school clean…and we were taught to value everyonescontribution and treat everyone with respect.

Those are the values Barack and I and somany of you are trying to pass on to our ownchildren.

Thats who we are.








So many of us stand here tonightbecause of their sacrifice, and longing, andsteadfast love…because time and again, theyswallowed their fears and doubts and didwhat was hard.

And if our parents and grandparentscould toil and struggle for us…if they couldraise beams of steel to the sky, send a manto the moon, and connect the world with thetouch of a button…then surely we can keepon sacrificing and building for our own kidsand grandkids.

That is what has made my story, andBaracks story, and so many other Americanstories possible.

If I truly want to leave a better world formy daughters, and all our sons and daughters…if we want to give all our children a foundationfor their dreams and opportunities worthy oftheir promise…if we want to give them thatsense of limitless possibility that belief that,there is always something better out there ifyoure willing to work for it.

Thank you, God bless you, and Godbless America.




