take the oath of office ????????????High school senior Michael Sessions ???an 18-year-old senior???became the city???s youngest mayor on Monday when he took the oath of office.The crowd included city residents???photographers and dozens of video cameras-some from news agencies as far away as Russia and Japan???.AP???
temporary government [5temp[r[rI]????????????name a temporary government ??????????????????But if it???s this hard to form a temporary government???that hardly bodes well for the even more difficult compromises ahead if Iraq???s ethnic andsectarian groupings are to writea new constitution in less than three months.???NBC???
terrorist [5ter[rIst]????????????Before terrorists crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center on Sept.11???2001???the FBI missed at least five opportunities to uncover vitalintelligence about the terrorists???a Justice Department report finds???.NBC???
two-party system ?????????Now???if the Democratic administration under President Kennedy isn???t good in the next two years???he could be in trouble.And if his following administration isn???t good???the people of this country will vote a Republican administration into power???and I think that???s the way to proceed.I???m astrong believer in the two-party system???.NBC???
veto [5vI???t[U]??????President Bush on Friday said he would veto legislation that would loosen restrictions on embryonic stem cell research and expressed deepconcern about human cloning research in South Korea???.FOX NEWS???
Saddam???s lawyers have called for creation of a special international court???but that would require action by the U.N.Security Council???where theUnited States wields a veto???.CBS???
victory [5vIkt[rI]??????sweeping victory [5swI???pIN]???????????????????????????England have won the Ashes cricket series against Australia for the first time in 18years.England drew the last match played in London which gavethem them a 2-1victory over Australia in the five match Ashes series.???BBC???
Lawmakers loyal to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Monday they had won a a sweeping victory in a National Assembly election as the government defended the poll???s legitimacy despite an opposition boycottand low voter turnout???.ABC???
vote [v[Ut]???????????????an affirmative vote [[5f[???m[tIv]?????????a negative vote [5neg[tIv]?????????voter ??????voting ??????voting booth ??????????????????The US Senate defies President Bush by voting to set rules for thetreatment of military detainees held abroad???.BBC???
Mayor Mickey Clouse asked if she had a vote on the issue since the city???s charter calls for ???an affirmative vote of the majority of the full citycouncil??????.Alpine Avalanche ???
???We lost??????says fire Chief John Leahy???blaming the negative vote on thestrong opposition from officials of the four beach towns???.Times ???St.PetersburgColorado voters agreed Tuesday to give up $3.7billion in taxpayer refunds over the next five years to allow the state to bounce back from a recession???ignoring the arguments of fiscal conservatives who say thegovernment doesn???t need more money to spend???.NBC???
The EU has threatened to revoke voting rights of any nation in theEuropean Union that was host to a clandestine detention center???.ABC???
A Kazakh policeman stands guard next to voting boxes with ballots while an election commission official opens a voting booth after the closure of apolling station during presidential election in Astana???Kazakhstan Sunday???Dec.4???2005???.AP???
winner ?????????Deaf beauty contest winner Tara McAvoy was walking along the railroad tracks from her Austin???Texas???home to her mother???s workplace???text-messaging family and friends???when a train struck her???according to theAustin Police Department???.CNN???