
第23章 选举(3)

presidential election [9prezI5denFi[l]总统选举Opposition supporters demonstrated in Libreville Opposition activists in Gabon have clashed with police after President Omar Bongo was declaredwinner of Sunday’s presidential election(.BBC)

presidential year 总统选举年This presidential year has been a wild ride for me personally.From the Dean campaign and the primaries,to my new book and now covering myfirst convention for a news outlet,its been a roller coaster(.NBC)

referendum [9ref[5rend[m]全民投票The new constitution must be approved by all 25European Union members,either by parliament or by referendum,before it can take effect in2006(.CNN)

replace[ri5pleis]代替、接替President Bush said Monday he has nominated 3rd Circuit Appeals Court Judge Samuel Alito for the U.S.Supreme Court to replace retiring JusticeSandra Day O‘Connor(.CNN)

resign=step down [rI5zain]辞职resignition [9rezIg5nIF[n]辞职Libby stepped down as Cheney’s chief of staff just minutes after the indictment was handed down.A replacement could be named as early asSaturday(.FOX NEWS)

It was his second offer to step down in three months.Mesa also submitted his resignation during similar protests in March,arguing the country was becoming ungovernable.Lawmakers rejected his offer,essentially givinghim a new mandate(.ABC)

rightist [5raitIst]右翼Prime Minister Ariel Sharon needs Labor party to rebuild his coalition,avert early elections and overcome rightist rebels opposed to withdrawing from Gaza under a plan seen by Western countries as a possible step topeace with Palestinians after Yasser Arafat‘s death(.Reuters)

run for 竞选(公职等)

Peru’s disgraced former President,Alberto Fujimori,says he intends torun for the presidency in 2006(.BBC)

Michael Sessions began talking about running for mayor when he was a sophomore in high school.He realized that dream before he got his diploma.(CNN)

session [5seF[n]会议Israel called for an emergency session of the U.N.Security Council,reports CBS News correspondent Robert Berger,and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said Israel has decided on a broad diplomatic offensive.(CBS)

succession [s[k5seF[n]继位;继任successor [s[k5ses[]继任者Prince Albert II of Monaco was enthroned Saturday,completing theformal succession in a process that began in July and marks the beginningof the playboy prince‘s reign of the tiny European principality(.Reuters)

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il could soon name his successor to head the hard-line communist nation,a Russian news agency reported Tuesday.(AP)

swear[swZ[]宣誓swear in 使……宣誓就职be sworn into office 宣誓就职Condoleezza Rice was the first senior American official to visit thecountry since the new government was sworn in(.USA TODAY)

John Roberts,50,was sworn in Thursday as the 17th chief justice of the United States.The ceremony took place less than four hours after Roberts was confirmed to the post in a 78-22vote in the Senate,ending a 10-weekroller coaster ride for the former federal appeals judge(.CNN)

Chief Justice John Roberts went to work the day after he was confirmedby the Senate and sworn into office(.CNN)