
第31章 爱情神马的 (1)

> Conversation

甜 美 爱 情

Unit 43爱情来了! Ta爱我吗? Ta想我吗? Ta在干什么……有人说,恋爱就是人们泡在蜜糖里胡思乱想。热恋中的情人们眼里只有你和我,身边无人的同志们只有羡慕嫉妒恨……

1 I’ve fallen in love. 我恋爱了。

A: I can’t believe this is happening! I’ve fallen in love. B: Oh brother. Not again. 甲:真不敢相信这样的事会发生。我恋爱了。乙:哦,兄弟。你又恋爱了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m in love. 2 You've got a crush on him. 你迷上他了。

A: I can’t stand that Ken! He drives me mad! B: Oh, please. You’ve got a crush on him, and you know it!甲:我受不了那个 Ken了!他让我发疯!乙:噢,别这样!你迷上他了,这个你知道!

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: You like him. You’re attracted to him. You’ve got the hots for him.其中最后一个句子为俚语,使用时要注意场合。 3 I met someone. 我碰到了一个我中意的人。

A: Why the big grin? B: I met someone.甲:干吗笑得这么甜?乙:我碰到了一个我中意的人。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I met someone I like. I found someone I like. ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I met someone I like. I found someone I like. 4 You’re my dream girl. 你是我梦寐以求的女孩。

A: Sometimes I wonder if you still love me, Richard. B: Don’t be silly Katrina! You’re my dream girl.甲:有时我在想你是否还爱我,理查德。乙:别傻了,卡特里娜!你是我梦寐以求的女孩。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: You’re the girl of my dreams. You’re the girl of my fantasies. You’re perfect for me. >>>爱情神马的>>>Chapter 9 5 You’re exactly my type. 你正是我喜欢的类型。

A: Do you think we’re right for each other? B: You’re exactly my type.甲:你认为我们彼此合适吗?乙:你正是我喜欢的类型。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: You’re perfect for me. You’re my type of girl/boy. You were made for me. 6 You mean the world to me. 你是我的一切。

A: After all of this, I think we should break up. B: But, you mean the world to me.甲:在所有这些之后,我想我们该分手了。乙:但是,你是我的一切。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: You mean everything to me. You are my world. You are my life. You’re everything to me.

7 I think we click. 我觉得我们很合得来。

A: So, what do you think about us? B: Well, I think we click.甲:你觉得我们俩怎么样?乙:嗯,我觉得我们很合得来。

■ Plus Plus:click表示“来电”,click with sb.指两人一拍即合,即“来电”。例如:She clicked with that guy.  她俩一拍即合。与这句意思相近的句子还有: I think we get along well. I think we have a connection. 8 John really turns me on. 约翰真让我神魂颠倒。

A: John really turns me on. B: Tell me about it. A: I have to talk from the night he sent me home...甲:约翰真让我神魂颠倒。乙:快说说。甲:我得从他送我回家的那晚说起……

■ Plus Plus:turn on有“使兴奋,使刺激”的意思,通常与 to连用。例如:My uncle turned me on to jazz. 我叔叔使我对爵士乐发生了兴趣。She turned on to surfing this summer. 这个夏季她对冲浪发生了兴趣。 9 I am totally crazy about Lina. 我完全地为丽娜疯狂了。

A: I am totally crazy about Lina. B: Since when? A: I couldn’t remember.甲:我完全地为丽娜疯狂了。乙:从什么时候开始?甲:我记不得了。

■ Plus Plus:crazy about有“热衷于,醉心于……”的意思。例如:He is crazy about cars and racing.  他醉心于赛车和赛马。crazy about还可以表示“爱上,迷恋着某人”。例如:Out teacher was crazy about boys.  我们老师溺爱男孩子们。

10 Are you seeing someone? 你在和谁交往吗? A: Hey, buddy. Are you seeing someone? B: Why? A: You are always texting. B: Well, since you asked. Yes, I’m dating Jessica.甲:嘿,哥们。你在和谁交往吗?乙:为什么这么问呢?甲:你一直在发短信。乙:好吧,既然都问了。是的,我在和杰西卡约会。

■ Plus Plus:see someone指“与……交往”。>>>爱情神马的>>>Chapter 9 11 Tell me more about you. 多给我讲讲你的故事吧。 A: So I don’t think Sam is right in that matter. B: I agree. Well, tell me more about you. A: OK, as long as you want to know.甲:所以我认为山姆在那件事上不对。乙:我同意。对了,多给我讲讲你的故事吧。甲:好啊,只要你想听。

12Look, there’s something I want you to know. 听着,我有点事想告诉你。 A: This movie is great. I love Tom Hanks. B: OK. Look, there’s something I want you to know. A: What is it? B: Well, I believe I’ve fallen in love with you.甲:这电影真棒。我爱死汤姆·汉克斯了。乙:嗯。听着,我有点事想告诉你。甲:什么事?乙:是这样的,我觉得我爱上你了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有:Can I have a word with you? 我能和你说句话不?I want to talk to you. 我想跟你谈谈。

13 It’s love at first sight. 那是一见钟情。 13 It’s love at first sight. 那是一见钟情。

A: Tell me your story, you know, you and Duncan. B: I have to say it’s love at first sight. A: Wow, how romantic!甲:跟我说说你们的故事吧,你知道的,你和邓肯。乙:我只能说那是一见钟情。甲:哇塞,好浪漫啊!

14 Do you think she’s playing hard-to-get with me? 你是说她在跟我玩欲擒故纵吗?

A: What’s wrong with you? You look terrible. B: It’s all about Mindy. She hasn’t called me for a whole week! A: Be patient. She is trying you. B: Do you think she’s playing hard-to-get with me?甲:你怎么啦?你看起来糟糕透了。乙:都是明蒂。她整整一周没有打电话给我。甲:耐心点。她在试探你。乙:你是说她在跟我玩欲擒故纵吗?

brother ['br804(r)] n. 哥们 text [tekst] v. 发短信 crush [kr85] n. 迷恋 sight [sait] n. 视力 grin [grin] n. 微笑 romantic [r4u'm1ntik] adj. 浪漫的 exactly [ig'z1ktli] adv. 确实地 terrible ['ter4bl] adj. 糟糕的 type [taip] n. 类型 patient ['pei54nt] adj. 耐心的break up分手

> Conversation

浪 漫 约 会 Unit 44终于把心仪的 MM约出来了,可约会本身也是一个不小的工程,就连约会地点都要经过十进七、七进五、五进三等数次淘汰选拔,最后还得实地考察 N次。选好了地点和节目,接下来就只能看自己的表现了。

1 Is it OK if I ask you out? 我能和你约会吗?

A: What’s on your mind, Rudy? B: Anastasia, is it OK if I ask you out?甲:你在想什么,鲁迪 ?乙:阿纳斯塔西亚,我能和你约会吗?

>>>爱情神马的>>>Chapter 9■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: May I ask you out? Can I ask you out? Do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? 2 Let’s get tea or something. 我们喝点茶什么的吧。

A: Hey, Pam. Let’s get tea or something. B: I can’t, Harold. I have too much work to catch up on tonight.甲:嘿,帕姆。我们去喝点茶什么的吧。乙:不行,哈罗德。今晚我有很多的工作要赶。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: How about a cup of tea? Let’s have tea or something. Do you want to go have a tea or something? 3 I have a date tonight. 我今晚有个约会。

A: Guess what! I have a date tonight. B: No way! With who?甲:猜猜怎么样!我今晚有个约会。乙:不会吧!和谁啊?

4 Tom asked me out! 汤姆约我了!