
第85章 Marriage and Family 家庭两性(17)


The results showed that the twin who had gone through a divorce appeared two years older than the one who was married, single or had been widowed。


India’s minority Muslim population is governed by Islamic personal laws on issues such as marriage, divorce and property inheritance。


In a British study of married men and women, the majority of wives—59 per cent—said they would divorce immediately if their future economic security was assured。


It’s so easy for married couples to get stuck in a rut once the realities of paying the bills and getting the children’s breakfast sets in。


Relationships inevitably change over time。 Divorce impacts on every single area of a person’s life。 Dividing up the family home, pets and everything they own is just part of the process。


Let’s Talk!


Cathy: How about your son after your divorce?


Daisy: Last month, when he knew that we were going to divorce, he said that it was the best decision。


Cathy: Oh, your son is really different。


Daisy: I think so。 He is old enough to accept the change of our family。


Cathy: Isn’t that cute? Where did you buy that cake?


Daisy: Trust me! You will if you dumped a terrible man。 It’s a divorce cake for God’s sake。


Cathy: Really? I only heard about wedding cakes。

凯西:真的? 我只听说过结婚蛋糕。

Daisy: So there should be divorce cakes。 People tend to celebrate weddings。 I think it’s time for giving best wishes for divorcing。


Cathy: You just stole my words。 People can mark it in a big and tasty way。


Daisy: Why not? Being single again means I am available for another better relationship。

黛西:为什么不呢? 恢复单身意味着我又可以来一段更好的恋情了。

Cathy: Are you still disturbing yourself about Jake?


Daisy: No。 I am over him。 He doesn’t even deserve a divorce cake。 I would make a dumping husband cake by myself。 I can’t kill him in life。 But I can make him the ugliest on the cake。

黛西:不。我们已经结束了。他根本不配离婚蛋糕。我会自己做一个 “甩夫” 蛋糕。我不能在现实生活中杀了他,但是我可以把蛋糕上的他做得很丑。

Cathy: You are evil! You know what? You do have a talent。 We should start a special bakery for heartbroken people。

凯西:你真的很坏! 知道吗?你真的很有天赋啊。我们应该为那些心碎的人开一个特别的烘焙店。

Daisy: Good idea。 I prefer greenback to men now。


The Only Child



Realize The Only Child in the Family



“Most studies look at the negative consequences of having siblings in terms of educational outcome。” said Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, the lead author of the study。 “But we decided to look at social skills to see if there was any other possible benefit to having brothers or sisters。” She and her co-author, Douglas Downey are sociologists at Ohio State’s Marion campus, and neither is an only child。 They presented their findings at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in August。

But an only child isn’t necessarily a loner, misfit and brat。 First, the social advantages found in children with siblings in the kindergarten study were quite modest。 Second, the study relied on teacher evaluations, and teachers may not be reliable judges of friendships among their charges。

And now it seems that any benefits documented in kindergarten disappear altogether by middle school。 Using a metric called “peer nomination,” in which youths are asked to identify their friends by name, Dr。 Downey and Dr。 Bobbitt-Zeher drew on data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, with a sample size of 13,466 students in 7th through 12th grades。 They then counted how many people named each individual as a friend。 This was used to proximate social skills since the socially inept would be unlikely to have lots of friends。 The result: children without siblings had just as many friends as children with siblings。

“I see the two studies as a natural progression, showing what happens to the only children who didn’t have much interaction before kindergarten,” Dr。 Downey said。 Another study he is working on shows that the same only children evaluated in kindergarten had caught up by fifth grade。

While the studies don’t examine the cause for the disappearing social boost to kindergartners with siblings, Dr。 Downey speculates that continuing school, youth clubs and other group activities — especially in an era of overscheduled children — provide ample opportunity for onlys to sharpen their skills。


Strawberry Generation“草莓族”

The “Strawberry Generation” was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules。 Now, it refers to the new generation of office workers, who grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented—just like strawberries—by life’s lightest knocks。 This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and refers to young workers, of only child families, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two。 They are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts。

one-child policy计划生育政策

The one-child policy literally “policy of birth planning” refers to the one-child limitation applying to a minority of families in the population control policy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)。 The Chinese government refers to it under the official translation of family planning policy。


Key words & Sentences
