
第122章 Going on Holiday 旅游文化(1)

Flash Play


关于“闪玩”(flash play):“闪玩”一词实际上早已存在,而将其作为一种旅行方式的表述则属于对该词的创新用法。简单来讲,我们现在所说的“闪玩”主要是指一种短期的融旅行和交友于一身的休闲活动。“闪玩”通常是在短时间内通过便捷的网络形式寻找到志同道合的玩伴,利用发达的交通工具结伴前往另一城市旅游。

Realize Flash Play



The survey shows that 22。9 percent said that spending time with strangers may help appease anxious and lonely moods, but 61。9 percent said that “flash play” can only temporarily make people relax and temporarily meet people’s need to express themselves。

Yan is a hundred-percent “home guy” and he once claimed that, “Give me a network cable, and I’ll be the king of the world。” On the three-day May Day holiday last year, he stayed at home for all three days。 “‘Flash play’ is just a kind of fresh experience, but it can’t change my living habit of ‘staying at home。’ It will be very hard to change。”

“‘Flash play’ is a bit like drinking。 It’s comfortable when you are drinking, but it’s still painful when you recover from the drunkenness。” said Zhong Gulan。

61。2 percent of the people in the survey agree that “flash play” is just a fast way of social contact。 But 27。9 percent of them believe that “flash play” can satisfy all of a person’s social contact requirements。

“The relationship that forms quickly and dissolves quickly actually more fits the appetite of the modern people。‘Flash’ can just satisfy their needs。 There are also a few deep relationships established during ‘flash play,’ but not too many。” Doctor Meng points out that if people try to rely on this fast method to establish deep relationships, they will fall into a vicious circle: Not having a deep relationship will make them feel uncomfortable and anxious; then they will want a deep relationship; but the more they want it, the harder it will be to establish it。

The survey also shows that 40。9 percent of the people in the survey realized that people can try “flash play” occasionally; but if they take it as their only way of social contact, they will feel lonelier and lonelier。 45。9 percent of the people in the survey expressed that when a real crisis occurs, only your closest friends could offer real support。

Sisi said that “flash play” certainly could be a way to make contact with people。 If you get along well with somebody during a “flash play,”maybe you will ask him/her out to another “flash play。” And then, maybe you will contact each personally and become good friends。 That is quite possible。

“Maybe 10 years later ‘flash play’ will become quite common and even form a kind of subculture。 Then, probably everyone will need to have ‘flash play’ groups to go to and establish relationships that might be even closer than family ties。 In this way, even if ‘flash play’ doesn’t encompass all social contact, it could at least be the start of it。 ‘Flash play’ could help people find their partners as well as the groups that they belong to。” said Meng。


Dulge in尽情享受

Dealers in dreams销售梦幻

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Duration of trip逗留时间

Travel for travel’s sake 为了旅游而旅游Air holidays飞机旅行

Sporting activities体育活动

Water reaction水上娱乐活动

Day tripper一日游客

Collect souvenir收集纪念品

National park国家公园




Key words & Sentences


Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play。

把“快闪族”(flash mob)稍作改动后就有了“闪玩”(flash play)这个说法。

This term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet, and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together。


A flash play is usually limited to one day and does not extend overnight。


If flash players get along well during the day, they can continue to be together the next day, but that is not considered flash play any more。


Flash players generally fall into two main groups: Those who like to travel and those who want to network or party。


“Flash Play” mainly refers to a leisure activity incoporating a short-term travel and making friends。


Time is short, and generally it is just one day。 The flash players meet in the morning , travel in accordance with the advance planning tourism activities, and part to the end of the evening。


The time of the activities usuallly makes the use of the weekends, avoiding the rush hours of holidays。


The transportation is usually the plane。


The tour is a long-distance one。 Because of the short time and the discount of the plane tickets, it is stongly advised to go to and leave the destination by plane。


It is better to choose a city with airports or relatively convenient transportation。


It is better to travel in a strange city for all flash players, because that will be fresher, more exciting, and a intenser sense of challenges。


Some analysts believe that the rise of Flash play is because many urban white-collars have heavy pressure, the prevalence of anxiety, loneliness, while the strangers playing together will have some emotional comfort effect。


As the “Flash Play Family” is quickly expanding, the criminal cases because of meeting friends of the Internet are also increasing, so a lot of people are skeptical about this new trend。


With the growing family of flash players, the activities vary from the beginning of simple together-meal to sports, singing karaoke OK, art activities and more。 “随着闪玩族的不断壮大,闪玩从最开始的简单聚餐发展到体育运动、唱卡拉OK,艺术类活动等等。