
第113章 Entertaining Divination 星座血型(6)


Daisy: I also think that my personality is just similar to the describtion of that of the Virgo。


Mike: That is the reason why you are still single。


Daisy: Hey, don’t say that。 I am just waiting。


Dating Style



Realize Libra and Scorpio



Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Libra。 In astrology, Libra is considered a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign。 It is also considered an air sign and is one of four cardinal signs。 Libra is ruled by the planet Venus (which also rules Taurus)。 Being the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra has been associated with the astrological seventh house。

Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Libra individuals。 Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Libra on the moment of autumnal equinox by definition on September 23, leaving it on October 22。 Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly around October 19 and November 16。 In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes。

Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Scorpius。 Scorpio is considered a feminine, negative (introverted) sign by most modern astrologists。 It is also considered a water sign and one of the four fixed signs。 The planet Mars is the ruler of Scorpio。 As the eighth sign in the zodiac, Scorpio is associated with the astrological eighth house。 The lower arrow pointing up in the Scorpio symbol represents the venomous tail of the Scorpion or claw of wolf。

Individuals born when the Sun is in this sign are considered Scorpio individuals and are extremely powerful。 Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23 and exits on November 22。 Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from November 16 through December 15。 However, since Vedic Astrology employs the Sidereal Zodiac, rather than the Tropical Zodiac, their “Scorpio” actually corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius in the West; consequently, Scorpios born in the West would be considered “Libras” in the Vedic system。


Aries: black, orange, red白羊座:黑色、橙色、红色Taurus: beige金牛座:米色

Gemini: blue, green 双子座:蓝色、绿色Cancer: green, orange, white, yellow


Leo: beige, orange, purple, red, yellow狮子座:米色、橙色、紫色、红色、黄色

Virgo: beige处女座:米色

Libra: blue天秤座:蓝色

Scorpio: black, red天蝎座:黑色、红色

Sagittarius: orange, red射手座:橙色、红色Capricorn: beige, green摩羯座:米色、绿色Aquarius: blue, green, orange, purple, yellow水瓶座:蓝色、绿色、橙色、紫色、黄色

Pisces: purple, white双鱼座:紫色、白色狮子座的成员类似火一样,是一种充满热情的精英,狮子座的成员拥有一颗永不输给任何生活体的火热的心。这样的狮子座的成员是一种对事情很轻易产生感情的精英,但重要的是找准一种目标,也就是找狮子座的成员最感兴趣的事去做。另一方面,狮子座的成员是一种在艺术方面很有才华的精英,不论是绘画还是写作,狮子座的成员皆能展现独特的才华。

Key words & Sentences


Aries: Remember that the world doesn’t revolve around you。 Aries can often think about themselves first, after all, they rule the first house of “self”。 Be sure to find out what your sweetie wants, too。


Taurus: Need to know where your partner is all the time or what they’re doing can easily put you on damage control。 When you get into a new relationship or begin dating someone, love without being possessive。


Gemini: You love to do the talking, but let your sweetie share some words, too。 Be an active listener on your next date。 Keep eye contact with them at all times, be sure to be empathetic and keep your focus on THEIR story。


Cancer: Watch your mood swings around your sweetie, Cancer, especially on dates。 Be careful you don’t flip a switch at that restaurant or even worse do it to your server。 Sometimes it can be more embarrassing to see your date be rude to your server than to you even。 Watch your emotional energy and keep it in check especially in public!


Leo: You have a great sense of selfesteem, but don’t let your confidence turn to cockiness。 Too many comments that are self-serving could make you seem like you’re implying you’re better than average。 Keep it real, home slice! Your sweetie will prefer a more humble nature。


Virgo: You like everything to be perfect, but when you’re on a date, try not to nit-pick over every single thing to your waiter or sweetie。 A dirty spoon or a fly in your soup are good reasons to call over your server。 But to fuss over every little thing will most definitely be a turn off to your date。


Libra: Avoid name-dropping! Scales love expensive and beautiful things。 Even people who are associated with beauty and wealth can be a conversation of delight for glamorous Libra。 Just try not to name-drop those jeans or that celebrity you know in every conversation。


Scorpio: You love passion in a relationship, and that’s why sometimes you can move too fast。 When you first meet a guy or girl, don’t rush into intimacy。 Rein that sexual energy in, folks! And get to know the person。


Sagittarius: Don’t be flighty! You’re truly a social butterfly and love to scatter your energy everywhere。 Don’t flake out on plans with your sweetie or a new date。 This will most definitely be a turn-off because it will show you aren’t reliable。
