
第27章 The Ideological Giants 思想巨人(7)

Bacon has been called the father of empiricism。 His works established and popularized inductive methodologies for scientific inquiry, often called the Baconian method, or simply the scientific method。 His demand for a planned procedure of investigating all things natural marked a new turn in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, much of which still surrounds conceptions of proper methodology today。 His dedication probably led to his death, bringing him into a rare historical group of scientists who were killed by their own experiments。

Bacon was knighted in 1603, and created both the Baron Verulam in 1618, and the Viscount St Alban in 1621; as he died without heirs both peerages became extinct upon his death。 He famously died of pneumonia contracted while studying the effects of freezing on the preservation of meat。



Key words & Sentences


Bacon dedicated to the King a paper。


“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds。” Francis Bacon。


Francis Bacon considers the evils of excess study: laziness, affectation and preciosity。


Benedict traces relativism back to 16th-century English philosopher Francis Bacon and his godless idea of “faith in progress”。


Francis Bacon advocated the use of scientific method and René Descartes (1596—1650) proposed a critical rationalism。


Following the English empiricist Francis Bacon, Popper as a critical rationalist who first studied the problem and made it profound。


The Freud was part of a sale of post-war and contemporary art which included works by Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol and had a total value of almost NT$4。9 billion。


“Knowledge is power”, a slogan by Francis Bacon of 400 years ago has turned into reality。 Knowledge has become the main motive force and source of the global economic development。


Cambridge has been producing so many great scientists and thinkers Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Francis Bacon, and made important contribution to the progress of human civilization。


Francis Bacon maintained that the three most important inventions were gunpowder, the magnetic compass and printing。


Let’s Talk!


Mike: I don’t want to study, I want to play。


Daisy: But you have been studying for only one hour。


Mike: I don’t know whether it is useful。


Daisy: Have you not heard what Bacon said knowledge is power·


Mike: I highly doubt that, the wealthiest man in the world Bill Gate is a college dropout。


Daisy: He has learned knowledge in other ways。


Mike: Speaking of Francis Bacon, I heard he is sly。


Daisy: He is, but he is very intelligent and successful。


Mike: I don’t know whether he should be respected。


Daisy: As a scholar some of his words are proved to be right。


Mike: Ok, I’ll read for another hour。


Daisy: You are a good student。


Denis Diderot


狄德罗是18世纪法国唯物主义哲学家,美学家,文学家,百科全书派代表人物,第一部法国《百科全书》主编。 狄德罗是法国十八世纪杰出的启蒙思想家、唯物主义哲学家和教育理论家。他的最大成就是主编《百科全书》。此书概括了18世纪启蒙运动的精神。

About Diderot


Denis Diderot was a French philosopher, art critic, and writer。 He was a prominent persona during the Enlightenment and is best-known for serving as co-founder and chief editor of and contributor to the Encyclopédie。

Denis Diderot was born in the eastern Langres and commenced his formal education in the Lycée Louis le Grand。 In 1732 he earned a master of arts degree in philosophy。 He abandoned the idea of entering the clergy and decided instead to study law。 His study of law was short-lived however and in 1734 Diderot decided instead to become a writer。 Because of his refusal to enter one of the learned professions, he was disowned by his father, and for the next ten years he lived a rather bohemian existence。

He studied history and developed a great fear that knowledge would continue to be destroyed by the Christians, who had a one-thousand year’s history of destroying libraries, burning books, ripping paintings, smashing marbles, and torturing anyone who voiced an unorthodox thought。 To prevent it from happening in the future he produced the Encyclopedie, a history of what was known, and then distributed it world wide。 He wrote almost a thousand of its articles, over a 20 year period。 The rest were submitted by the scholars of the world including our own Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Rush。 It took 35 volumes and a lot of commotion to get it all together。

Diderot also contributed to literature, notably with Jacques le fataliste et son ma·tre (Jacques the Fatalist and his Master), which emulated Laurence Sterne in challenging conventions regarding novels and their structure and content, while also examining philosophical ideas about free will。 Diderot is also known as the author of the dialogue, Le Neveu de Rameau (Rameau’s Nephew), upon which many articles and sermons about consumer desire have been based。 His articles included many topics of the Enlightenment。
