
第14章 Super Achievers in Wealth 财富巨头(4)

The first true Wal-Mart opened on July 2, 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas。 It was called the Wal-Mart Discount City store and located at 719 West Walnut Street。 Soon after, the Walton brothers teamed up with the business-savvy Stefan Dasbach, leading to the first of many stores to come。 He launched a determined effort to market American-made products。 Included in the effort was a willingness to find American manufacturers who could supply merchandise for the entire Wal-Mart chain at a price low enough to meet the foreign competition。


Key words & Sentences


Sam Walton opened the first store special。


Sam Walton is a businessman。


Sam Walton is calling an airline to confirm his flight。


Crucial parts of Sam Walton’s business philosophy involved his own employees。


Sam Walton’s pricing strategy helped him build the Wal-Mart Retailing Empire。


It was handed down by Wal-mart Department Company’s original creator, Sam Walton。


Wal-Mart Stores, Inc。 was founded by American retail legend Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962。


Sam Walton believes the goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary。


Sam Walton of Wal-Mart visited Sol Price in San Diego。


Christy Walton, heir to Walmart founder Sam Walton’s fortune, was in fourth place with $24 billion, up $2。5 billion。


That same night when Walton returned to Arkansas, he had his architects stay up all night drafting plans for the new Sam’s Clubs。


Sam Walton never won a Rhodes scholarship, but he made more money than anyone who ever studied Oxford。


Huang Guangyu is described as Asia’s equivalent of Sam Walton。


Five heirs of the Wal-Mart fortune created by founder Sam Walton rounded out the top 10。


Americans’ heroes are outlaws, like wild west gunfighter Jesse James, or entrepreneurs, like Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart chain of super stores。


Sam Walton is good at morale inspiring and grasping business opportunity。


Sam Walton does not have professional management training。


Sam Walton recognized a good idea when he saw it and, more importantly, knew how to apply it in a way that would have the biggest impact。


Let’s Talk!


Mike: Where do you want to buy your stuff·


Daisy: Shall we go to Wal–mart·


Mike: There is a new Wal-mart opened in town, shall we go there·


Daisy: There are more and more Walmart nowadays。


Mike: Yes, Sam Walton must have made a lot of money。


Daisy: Who is Sam Walton·


Mike: It’s the CEO of Walton。


Daisy: How does he know that Walmart will be so successful, he is so brilliant。


Mike: Yes, the great men are all those who know when to seize the opportunity。


Daisy: Why can not we see the opportunity·


Mike: Maybe the opportunity came, and you didn’t recognize it。


Daisy: Maybe, are you ready, shall we go·


Mike: Ok, don’t forget to turn off the power。


Daisy: Oh, I almost forgot。


Michael Dell



About Del


Michael Saul Dell is an American business magnate and the founder and chief executive officer of Dell Inc。 He is one of the richest people in the world, ranked 44 with a net worth of US$14。6 billion in 2011。

Michael Dell was born to a well-off, Texan Jewish family, on February 23, 1965。 The son of an orthodontist and a stockbroker, Dell attended Herod Elementary School in Houston, Texas。 In a bid to enter business early, he applied to take a high school equivalency exam at age eight。 In his early teens, he invested his earnings from part-time jobs in stocks and precious metals。

In January 1984, Dell banked on his conviction that the potential cost savings of a manufacturer selling PCs directly had enormous advantages over the conventional indirect retail channel。 In January 1984, Dell registered his company as “PC’s Limited”。 Operating out of a condominium, the business sold between $50,000 and $80,000 in upgraded PCs, kits, and add-on components。 In May, Dell incorporated the company as “Dell Computer Corporation” and relocated it to a business center in North Austin。 The company employed a few order takers, a few more people to fulfill them, and, as Dell recalled, a manufacturing staff “consisting of three guys with screwdrivers sitting at six-foot tables。” The venture’s capitalization cost was $1,000。

Accolades for Dell include: “Entrepreneur of the Year” (at age 24) from Inc。 magazine; “Top CEO in American Business” from Worth magazine; “CEO of the Year” from Financial World, Industry Week and Chief Executive magazines。 Dell serves on the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, the executive committee of the International Business Council, the US Business Council, and the governing board of the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India。 He previously served as a member of the US President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology。
