
第36章 Literature文学艺术(1)

01 Two Kinds of Reading 两种阅读类型

All of the reading that people do can usually be divided into two kinds of reading. People read for fun because they enjoy reading, or people read to get information. Stories, like those in library books, that are not really true are called fiction. Fiction is read for fun.

Read “The Game of Baseball”. It is a short fiction story.

The Game of Baseball

One Saturday morning Jaime couldn’t think of a thing to do. Her morning tasks were done, so she asked her mother what she could do. Her mother suggested that she could help her brother with his chores. Jaime really didn’t have that in mind, but she got to work and soon they had his work done, too.

“I’ll bet I can find some friends to play baseball,” said her brother. “Why don’t you ask your friends to come and we’ll have a game at school on the baseball diamond.”

It wasn’t too long before quite a few boys and girls were at the school ready to play baseball. The teams were chosen and Jaime’s team took the field. Three people got hits and two runs were scored. But finally, there were three outs. Playing baseball was fun. Jaime was glad her brother had thought of doing this!

The game went very well for a while, but then Kenny said that he was not out on the first base and Keith said that he was.

Jamie didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want them to quarrel. No one was having any fun now, so she…

Reading fiction books is usually reading for fun. If a person wants some information or wants to learn something, that person usually reads nonfiction. A nonfiction book is true. A nonfiction book or story is factual. It tells information.

Most newspaper stories are nonfiction. Science and social studies books are nonfiction. The dictionary and encyclopedia are nonfiction. Any story that is true is nonfiction.

Here is another story about baseball. It has the same title as the first one you read, but this story is factual. This story is nonfiction.

The Game of Baseball

Baseball is called the national game of the United States. Abner Doubleday, who later became a general in the army, is the person who is said to have started the game.

Baseball became very popular fast. It is one of the best organized games in American sports, but it also can be played by most people in a vacant lot, in a park, or even in a backyard anywhere.

Baseball requires some skills such as throwing and running. The ability to catch and to bat requires good eyesight.

The game has spread to many countries of the world. American soldiers and sailors in World War II played it in their “free” time. The people in those countries watched them and they learned the game, too.

This story, “The Game of Baseball”. could have come from an encyclopedia. You learned that an encyclopedia is one kind of reference book. Dictionaries and an atlas are reference books, too. A dictionary is a book of words and an atlas is a book of maps. Reference books are nonfiction. Reference books give facts on subjects that are in alphabetical order.

Vocabulary 词汇

fiction ["fik??n] n. 小说、虚构的或想像出的事、并非完全真实的事

chore [t??:] n. 零星工作(尤指家常杂务)

diamond ["dai?m?nd] n. 金刚钻、钻石、菱形、(纸牌)方块、(棒球)内场、球场

quarrel ["kw?r?l] n. 争吵、口角 、抱怨……的原因;

vi. 争吵、挑剔

nonfiction ["n?n"fik??n] n. 非小说类文学作品

encyclopedia [en"saikl?u"pi:dj?] n. 百科全书、(某一学科的)专科全书

vacant ["veik?nt] adj. 未被占用的、空的、(职位)空缺的、茫然的、空虚的

reference ["refr?ns] n. 提及、涉及、参考、引文、参考书目、证明书、推荐信


Write fiction or nonfiction on the line.

1.the dictionary      .

2.a map      .

3.most of the newspaper      .

4.“Cinderella”      .

5.most comic books      .

6.what people read for fun      .

7.what people read for facts      .





















1.字典     。

2.地图     。

3.大多数的报纸     。

4.“灰姑娘”     。

5.大多数的连环漫画册     。

6.供娱乐的书籍     。

7.提供事实的书籍     。

1.nonfiction           2.nonfiction

3.nonfiction           4.fiction

5.fiction             6.fiction


02 Studying the Market 研究市场

The writing of many talented young authors is often rejected because they send their work to the wrong type of magazine. For example, a beautiful poem sent to the editor of a magazine that publishes only science fiction is bound to be rejected. “Rejecting” a piece of writing means the editor does not want to print it in the magazine.

A sensible way to cut down the number of times a piece of writing is rejected is to first “study the markets”. Remember, writers’ markets are the magazines and newspapers that publish writers’ work. “Studying” a particular market simply means that you should carefully read a copy of the magazine you would like to be published in. You can find many magazines for children in public libraries. If the magazine you want is not available, ask the librarian to help you find the magazine’s address. Then write to the editor and ask for an old “back issue” of the magazine.

Knowing the type of writing a magazine publishes will help you “target” your market. “Targeting” simply means sending what you write to a magazine that publishes your type of writing. If you first study the markets, then target them, you will send your beautiful poem only to magazines that publish poetry. You will send your science fiction story only to magazines that publish science fiction.